You're Not CRAZY - Your Mother is a Narcissist (10 Signs)

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In this video we dive into the 10 signs that your mother may be a narcissist.

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Am I a People Pleaser Quiz? Discover Your Type.

Toxic Mother Survival Course - The Christians Guide to Dealing with a Toxic Mother Biblically

How to Heal from a Toxic Mother- Restoring Your Life Through Faith Online Course


1. Sees you as an extension of her.
2. She's critical
3. She has toxic reactions
4. She lacks empathy
5. She doesn't respect your boundaries
6. She wears a mask
7. She believes others are jealous of her
8. She's entitled and self important
9. She distorts reality
10. She has weird facial expressions


My mother was the most toxic negative influence in my life which destroyed my mindset and life in the end. Now that she has died my siblings want to do the same to me and trying to destroy me. I have walked away completely from my family gone NO CONTACT and my life is going great now.


My mother was very toxic. But she wasn't a true narcissist. Her inner true self was damaged but still intact. She made great strides in her last yeas of life. At 92 with health failing she woke up. She had something important to say to me one day. She looked at me and said "I never knew you". I didn't know who you are. Your so different than I thought. At her funeral it became very clear that her family had no idea who she was !


I finally disconnected from my narcissistic mother in 2021 after nearly six decades of emotional abuse and manipulation. I have never felt such freedom. She literally exhibits all ten of these narcissistic traits. Unfortunately, she has already groomed the “golden child” to one day replace her in the family matrix. I’m grateful to Jesus for setting me free indeed. Blessings to you and this community.


The worst part is is when you're a Christian and you think that you're honoring your parents when they're just abusing you and you have been so programmed to be a doormat


Over the years, if I shared with my mother my hurts and disappointments, she would always say, “There are so many other people worse off than you.” What kind of mother responds to their hurting child that way?


My mother is all of these. And the facial expressions…thank you! I was so used to seeing them but still always thought they were over the top and not normal. Thank you for posting this. Going on month 6 of no contact. Having a covert narcissistic mother is so difficult to explain that you sometimes doubt your choice to go no contact. Then you see a video like this and remember the hell you once lived because of them. The reminder I needed to stay far away.


Oh my goodness. Every single one, including number 10. She didn't try to live through me, she tried to destroy me. You might also add to the list the sickly voice, smarmy voice, contemptuous voice, sneering voice etc. When she died, all I felt was relief. Oh, and yes, she was a Super-Christian, on a level with God. Ironically, it was only my own faith in the real God that enabled me to survive and recover. I'm now 62 and still healing.


When my mother died, i felt a great sense of morbid relief. Knowing that i'd never be subjected to her sick twisted mind games & psychological torment anymore, was unfathomable to comprehend.


9 out of 10. Just realizing this past year that my mom is a narcissist. And I am 49 years old. It all makes sense now. Never understood her over reactions to things, guilt trips galore. Everything about her, even how I celebrate MY birthday. No empathy even when my family had a house fire, she was mad because it inconvenienced her to have us live with her (although she lives alone in a big house). Whew. Finally it all makes sense.


You completely described my "Mommy Dearest, " however you left out triangulation, falsely slandering you behind your back, silent treatment, never apologizing, and money- stealing from and holding it over her children. Oh, and threatening no one will know when she dies. Always ready to die, but she outlives everyone!


My mom is 9 out of 10. I didn't break free until she passed and was finally able to live my own life.


My mother fits all the descriptions. Instead of dancing in front of everyone she’s making fun of people. 10 blew my mind because she has these faces that no one else sees but I see them and know what they mean. She is indeed a narcissist without question.


6/10 for my mom. But what is scary is that I see a few of these traits in myself - God has shown me some areas I need to work on!


I wasn't raised by my mother but I had a maternal figure who raised me. She had huge narcissistic tendencies that made our house unlivable for me. I'm thankful to God that I'm no longer in that environment. I don't think I'd be alive otherwise. 🙌🏾


Both my parents were narcissists. My mum still plays puppet master and i have learned a great deal about narcissism by being around her. These people drain your energy constantly.


All 10. 😅I can really laugh about it now but it took 20 years to heal from this toxic behavior. My inner child was severely damaged. God helped me all the way. I received step by step all the help I needed. Greetings from Holland.❤


Thank God finally someone who acknowledges narc mothers. When I was younger I was totally confused by my mother's reactions in private and in public. In her head I was forever 15 years old, she'd always treat me like I was a kid. Ppl would praise me to her, telling her what a fantastic daughter she had, and bam she'd put me down in public, telling ppl what a mean, awful daughter I was. Ppl would get silent, look at me, and I felt so ashamed, thinking 'she just ruined my reputation to this or that person' (the smearing). But in retrospect I think ppl saw right through her, and were feeling sorry for me, probably thinking what an awful mom...poor young woman. And in those days, no one would accept the idea that your own mom was sabotaging your life. I don't know why but ppl always said 'oh, but she's your mom, you can't complain, you have to do what she says or wants'. In the bible there's a scripture that tell parents not to push their children over the edge, but I don't remember where and what exactly. Why isn't that scripture being put forward by pastors, preachers, priests, etc ?


I see ALL of these signs. It took me 40 years to figure out that I’m so explosive because I’m still being abused by her. No more!
