Why So Many College Students Are Homeless

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“DETROIT (AP) — Jennifer Carr knows she's not the profile of a typical college student. The Detroit-area woman is 37 and has battled alcohol and heroin addiction. She's also been homeless in the past and even now is categorized as someone who is precariously housed.

Carr's story is not unusual. Studies suggest thousands of students at community colleges nationwide could be considered homeless or precariously housed, either because they have been thrown out of home, evicted, or sleep in a shelter, car or abandoned building.

"I didn't have anywhere to go. I lived in my car. I didn't have my job anymore and I got evicted from my apartment," said Carr, who is in her first semester at Wayne County Community College District in Detroit. "I was ashamed I was living in my car."

The few researchers who study the issue say there is scant data, but that they believe a surprisingly large number of college students are homeless. While some colleges have started to offer programs to help with housing or food needs, more needs to be done.”

Hosts: Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian

Cast: Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian


Young Turk (n), 1. Young progressive or insurgent member of an institution, movement, or political party. 2. A young person who rebels against authority or societal expectations.(American Heritage Dictionary)
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Baby boomers go to college: weed, acid, sex parties, rock n roll, don't go to Vietnam.

Millennials go to college: meal cards, scheduling conflicts, not affordable, outdated curriculum that no longer applies to careers.

Baby boomers finish college: right this way, sir, you'll start at 50K/yr plus health insurance.

Millennials finish college: well we don't have any positions available in our office, but we are hiring part time janitors starting at $7.50/hr. Sorry, times are hard. Have you tried joining the military?


I lived at the school, showered in the chemical stations at night when nobody was around. this shit is real.


America. Profit for corporations over the well being of its citizens.


College students are homeless because the USA corporation/ Prussian Ed system is a business and not a place to learn anymore.
Just look at the comments on this page. Ignorance is a understatement.


Housing should be a human right, period -- end of conversation. If you are not on board, something is wrong with you.


I keep forgetting that American college isn't free; America is supposedly the greatest country in the world, yes? So why is this an issue?


Dont know why but this broke my heart. Praying for our future generation


This is who dorms should really be available for. Not forcing freshmen to stay in them and not charging some crazy price like $10000 a semester for a bed in a shared room with 5 people.


Maybe if this country spent more on education and less on military. With all the money these college's make homeless students should be provided wit free shelter.


Tip of the iceberg of problems to come.
Automation and American arrogance will destroy any hope for future generations that are not inherently wealthy.
Troll this comment if you want but when your "job" is gone in 5-10 years no one will be laughing.


I was homeless for a month, back in 2016. I was lucky though. My best friend took me in. I slept in my car only one night, a cheap hotel the next, then he took me in: after he was released from the hospital. It was a crazy month.


I'm going to a free community college, I want to be a nurse. Do I want to be a nurse in 100k or more debt... Hell NO! Remember guys it doesn't matter where you go to college, I see people who went to the best college and still can't find a job.


This is what happens when you live in a system where you're told to pay 25, 000$ a year for an education you don't need.


I'm going to community college as a homeless student. housing and college are expensively out of reach and I live in the "affordable" Midwest


No, Ana, precariously housed doesn't mean "like, living in a car or something." It can mean living in motels or even with friends/relatives... which only took me a Google search to find.


Trump & De Vos will make homelessness a lot worse for our country


precariously housed = couch surfing been there.


College isn't for everyone, and just because you don't go to college, that doesn't mean you cannot be happy and successful


If living in an abandoned building is not homeless than what is? Next people will say the guy under the bridge has a home!


Stay calm and become a security guard.
