The Science Behind Yoga

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This was made for the Yoga Day Summit, produced in tandem with The Shift Network, at Parmarth Niketan Ashram, Rishikesh, India during the International Yoga Festival.

I am not a producer, director or anything other than someone interviewed and given this clip and this clip only for your viewing pleasure.

Thank you,
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I came to yoga with horrible back pain over 3 years ago(caused by insane level of stress) and now i am certified instructor myself :) Yoga has changed my life! Namaste!


For me yoga is like a factory reset button. Whenever some thing goes wrong with my body I simply turn to yoga.


Yoga saved my life— pure & simple. I’ve been practicing for 50 years. It’s the best thing ever!


I suffered migraines and head aches for years.Twenty years ago I embarked on the yoga journey I have not a headache since 2001.Now at 80 am still practicing yoga almost daily.


A good documentary.. I am an alcoholic (65 years old) I am now letting go of my thanks to yoga & vipassana meditation. I have now committed to journey by bicycle to Rikishi India via, Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmawr, Vietnam, Laos, China, Malaysia and to India....
A big undertaking for a 65 yearold who's healthy, never mind a drunk...
Yoga & vipassana meditation have/are making it possible....👍👣🚲 Oh, a raw food vegetarian diet...
Lastly, I am down to one small beer a day...
Yoga and meditation is a great path to 🚲&👣
Peace to all who read this..


Whenever I feel really sad, and I'm crying, with thoughts of hurting myself I immediately start doing yoga.


I have undergone a total hip replacement surgery at 18. I started doing yoga after that, I gained back my mobility, adduction, rotation, many other limitations that doctors thought I will never overcome! Hari OM


One thing I've noticed about almost all yoga enthusiasts is they speak very calmly and deliberately. They're never in a rush. I'll be doing my first session this week.


Just done my first yoga session since having emergency spinal surgery and being diagnosed with a rare spinal Condition. I AM SO PROUD I GOT TO A POINT WHERE I COULD PHYSICALLY COMPLETE A 20 MINUTE SESSION!! I am so glad I did will never go a day without doing yoga!


I've been on Yoga with Adriene's daily schedule for a couple months now, and just recently started doing it outside. Feeling the warmth of the sunshine and breathing in the fresh air adds a lot to the experience too!


Being Indian, I'm really happy to see foreigners adopting yoga as lifestyle. This is the spirituality that our ancestors kept as secret and now it's out open for all. Please come to Ganga once in your lifetime and experience her divinity . Thank you so so so much for posting this video . Namaste 🙏💗


Ever since a lockdown is declared in India I've been practicing yoga for about 45min every single day without a break. It's started impacting me in a very positive way which I experienced not only physically but also mentally .Though I'm working from home due to the corona pandemic but I feel more focused and productive at work, I feel more energetic and lively, I speak to my parents more often and I spend time with myself. I'm into a bit stressful profession and yoga really helps me to stay calm. Besides yoga I also try to meditate for about 15min but unable to be regular at it. I feel my perspective towards life and nature is slowly changing. Yoga is a way of life indeed. 🙏🇮🇳


I'm a relative beginner at Yoga having come to practice daily for the last 5 weeks. I came to practice because of terrible pain in my hips and hamstrings, to the extent where walking up stairs or hills was extremely painful, and the pain was waking me up at night. Pain medication and conventional physiotherapy had little effect and I was worried about long term pain medication use. I couldn't even put my socks on without pain.

Eventually I hired a yoga teacher to come to my house and she recommended Yoga with Adriene for practicing between our sessions. After just 2 weeks I began to notice some serious benefits. I am doing an average of a 15-20 minute practice every morning. After 5 weeks, I have noticed the following changes:

Every muscle in my body, from head to toe, has gained strength and flexibility. I have significant reduction in pain to the extent where I haven't used medication for 3 weeks. I can look over my shoulder without pain and can put my socks on standing up (so my balance is improving too, I've NEVER been able to do that!). Yesterday was a great day because I skipped up the stairs without thinking, then burst out crying with happiness because I can't remember the last time I was able to do that! My hamstrings are still tight and I know it's going to take time for them to feel completely normal, but every day I notice little things that would have caused me pain before, no longer do. My posture and silhouette are both improved (being 50, my figure was getting a little saggy and my posture was ALWAYS poor).

But the effects are mental as well as physical... I seem to be organically making better choices when it comes to food, and I'm drinking more water too. I use the breathing to calm and ground me when I'm feeling stressed, I am just happier all over because of the reduction in pain and I feel proud of my achievement of actually showing up at my mat every morning. I feel a huge shift in my psyche from being worried and stressed about a future filled with pain, to feeling younger and actually excited about my life. I never would have believed these changes would be possible after such a short amount of time so if you're reading this, what do you have to lose by giving it a go?

I'm now on a mission to tell anyone who will listen.... give Yoga a try. My yoga teacher says if you do Yoga once a week, it will change your mind. Do it twice a week, it will change your body. Do it every day, and it will change your life.

Love and light to all


William ... 44yrs sober with 12Step and this Yoga and MBSR is giving me a whole new life at 83.


Came across a translation of Ancient Hindu Yoga!! It was amazing...I am amazed by how amazing and scientific Hinduism and its ancient practices are.


I started yoga in the spring 2018 after my 50 birthday. I was stressed and ill 🤧 all the time. My job was on the line.. Now after months still doing my wonderful yoga every day, my body and health is improving. I’m not ill anymore, my life learning leader is gone and I’m just a better person in body, mental and in spirit. Do yoga and change your life to the better 🧘‍♂️🙏
Love from Denmark ❤️


I'm a 26 year old Hispanic male. I use to believe things such as yoga and biking where a typical White/hipster activity wh couldnt handle stress. Boy was I wrong. I finally came to a tipping point at 24 years old when I was working long hours and trying to manage a new family. Being so young the stress finally hit me hard and I began having anxiety and starting to go into depression. I saw many doctors but none really help me completely and my distrust in medications for depression lead me to find the joy of being out doors as a cyclist and the stress reliever of yoga. I couldnt believe what a change this has done for me and has opened my mind to understand others and their differences.


I am glad that the ancient wisdom of INDIA is being adapted all over the world now..


I am truck driver sitting most of the time i love lifting weight but with my job I can’t continually go to gym so yoga is better then nothing I feel my joints and it help me mentally/sleeping better waking up with good positive energy


Having practiced yoga since October of 2019, I fell off during the beginning of quarantine. For the last six weeks however, I have practiced every day with few exceptions. Needless to say life is much better when I am practicing yoga. I look and feel great, my anxiety is under control, and I look forward to practicing each day. Take care of yourself and take care of each other.
