Conan Exiles: 5 More Building Tips YOU Can Use - Part 2

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Robert Russell:

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As a former Ark player, I can confirm I mix materials up and I even get feed back on my builds. I finished my first base in Conan a week ago. Nothing very grand, but definitely not a wooden box. I combined Norse architecture(If you have played Skyrim and seen Jorvaskkr(Companions HQ) then you know what that is)with Persian materials in the jungle, and I got to say as a noob I done well. There was one of those natural stone towers nearby, so I just slapped some Persian Foundations and two gate ways to make a sort of Reconstruction of a watch tower in the forgotten city. I might plan to make more structures and maybe a city in the server I’m in. And these build guides will help. Not in this video, but one tip I might find helpful later on is taking inspiration on real buildings. I feel like that tip was helpful. Anyway, keep build tips up as they are infinitely more useful then just telling us how to build a build.


Hey there! Just in case no one mentioned it already, your build videos are (by a large margin) the best I've found for Conan Exiles. Extremely well presented, edited, and detailed. It is very easy to follow your builds in order to either replicate or be inspired. Many thanks from us unimaginative folks:) please keep it up!!


I may be late to the party but I mix Aquilonian and Argossean building pieces quite often, sometimes even 2 wall designs on the same floor. Works pretty well.


This series is a year old and still one of the best guides for building in Conan.


I know I’m years late to this, but I’ve always loved building in games. ARK and Conan, however, are two games I’ve really struggled in. Especially with a lot of the roof pieces. Seeing how you’ve used these pieces so far has helped a lot.


Just spent about 60 hours making a castle sorta thing, and now I want to start over!


I would LOVE to see another building tips video. I watched the first one and now this one and I'm ready for more!


Nice too see one of the coolest builders on Conan giveing me some great tips


Awnings are one of my favorite type of building items because it can really make the difference between a boring meh build and something that is pretty decent looking


Pictish floors are the best, you can hide the foundations with foundation fences around them too


Lol XD I can't imagine the grind for these houses 🤣🏘️


Excelent point about mixing styles - I personaly love mixing Aquilonian buildings with Turanian roofs, making an impression of byzantine style ("bridge" between east and west). I only have a problem with Khitan and Yamatai, and so far, when I used one, I could only mix it with the other, maybe due to the fact that these styles are both from alternative far-eastern cultures, China and Japan, and I wasnt sure how they would look mixed with other pieces. But seeing your Yamatai and Black Ice, I must say it doesnt look bad at all


Super helpful and very informative, will definitely be using some of these ideas in my next build, great video!!!


Very nice work i think this video will help me allot doing my buildings, thanks for another great video


What is the location of this area? It's so flat...


I keep trying to find info but I cant. How much foundation should you place for multi level, large, square buildings? Like I'm honestly at a lost with what to do...


In addition to the below comment, I would like to submit a request (I see you sometimes take into account build suggestions). I've been trying to come up with a "village build", as opposed to a single large structure with rooms dedicated to either crafting, sleeping, etc. A village build would have a "hut" or "shack" for the smelter, one for the blacksmith, one for the soldier guards (barracks) etc. That village would then be probably surrounded by a fortification wall of sorts... I would love to see what you come up with!! thank you for your builds:)


Fantastic city. You're going to fill the server with cities and other buildings? How about building a small ghost town or a ruined castle like building.


I am still very new to Conan Exiles. Building is a sometimes very infuriating process, when you accidentally destroy a foundation tile that then suddenly doesn't want to go back there anymore because the game claims it is overlapping with something else. So I am very grateful for all the guides and tips you make. Thank you!


wow, so glad i found you. finally builds that aren't just blocks for a safe pvp experience. inspirational
