Ask and You Shall Receive Meaning (Why do we ask and not receive?)

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Ask and you shall receive. what is the meaning of this? Why do Christians ask and not receive? What does Jesus' teaching really mean and how can we receive answers to our prayers?

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Me and my hubby watched a documentary on mega churches. They need to WACTH this. This was excellent. And I have changed my mind. In the nicest and most Christian way possible- I will no longer tolerate Protestant churches. They are the author of confusion and do more harm than good. Too many people are leaving the faith due to misinformation by Protestants. It’s heartbreaking 💔


1. If we remain in Jesus, our prayers will be answered ( Jn 15:7)
2. If we keep His commandments, we can remain in Jesus ( Jn 15:10)
3. Jesus’ commandment is : Love Each other( Jn 15:12)
4. Bottom line: We need to LOVE EACH OTHER for our prayers to be answered. ( any one who believes in Protestant doctrine “Faith Alone” can’t understand Jesus’ words)


Bryan, I just got through going greater conversion for the Catholic Church. I am still dealing with my addiction but I am trying. I am working on trying to go home to Heaven. I am fighting my demons. Thank you for helping me so far. And thank you. For this. I will seek out the Father with all my heart, Small that it is.


Thank you Bryan. I have been thinking about this for awhile. I can't wait to watch the video and learn.


Thanks Bryan for a greater explanation of the Verse. Your videos always helps us to get to know God more and move a step closer to Him. May His Peace and Blessings be upon you and all who are a part of the Catholic Truth, the most fantastic Teachers of the Catholic Faith 👍🏻


God seems to answer tons of my prayers sometimes in an instant and that always feels incredible!, but one of my prayers that is very dear to my heart and that is really effecting my life and making me distressed he has not answered in years and the other in in like 2 years. I know they say "In God's time not ours" and I know his days aren't a 24 hour clock like we have .I have faith, I try to do my best but always fall short of the will of God. Sometimes when I ask for the one specific prayer to be answered the situation only gets worse even after praying a rosary on it and begging and pleading in tears for God to help. Yet he has given me so much and I do not pray selfishly like I used to years ago, so It's very hard to understand why this is so prolonged and it is effecting others in my life in a bad way. I know God knows best for me but this suffering is killing me big time! I am grateful and thankful for what God has answered for me in my life, but I feel maybe that my main prayer isn't answered because I must suffer for my sins. Any thoughts?


You've given so much value to your content, thanks for the information.


Great Job Bryan!!!! May God bless you and your family as always!


Excellent subject! I've always struggled with this especially since my eight year old son passed away even...


It’s always about the context. The Lord will only give us what is good and pleasing to His will. And we should align ourselves to His will whenever we ask Him for anything.


I believe if we direct our lives in accordance to the will of the Lord there's probably a better chance you will feel the Spirit of God in our lives. I can relate to that although I struggle in many aspects of my life. I honestly haven't lived a Christian life although maybe occasionally I do. It certainly isn't the easiest job. You make an interesting point. When I was younger I thought I understood the will of the Lord. Quite frankly I understood little. I'm older but I still only know some of the doctrine. I think it's easier to fall under the grace of God if we're actively engaged in a good cause.


I have a video request. Can you do a video debunking the prosperity gospel and how is just predatory in nature?


My daughter is living in mortal sin. Going on two years now. I say a rosary every day for her deliverance and I go to adoration every other day for an hour. So far, God has not come through. I fast on bread and water every Friday and yet, my daughter is still in grave mortal sin. I have not stopped going to church and I teach ninth grade confirmation class. The pain is beyond anything. I think she might be possessed. She’s only 19 years old I hope God delivers her soon because I don’t know how much more I can take.


The things which we ask for, the way in which we ask (are we asking in the spirit, in truth and in humility, are we asking hypocritically, and are we in a state of grace) can have an effect on whether or not God will answer our prayers. I strongly recommend reading the Catechism of the Council of Trent, specifically the section on prayer (found immediately after the clarifications of the Decalogue) on how to pray, who to pray for, what to pray for and who to pray to.


As a cradle Catholic I STRUGGLE to believe that God is GOOD in the Old Testament. I mean what's with the Genocides in the Bible.


I just watched the video and I love the point you made about Jesus in the garden asking that the Father "Take this cup from me" and he added "but let your will be done, not mine". And that helps a lot but raises another question. Was Jesus's will not perfectly conformed to the Father's? Also I have tried and hope I do have a relationship with the Father but since I asked for my eight year old son to live and he didn't does that mean my prayer was not answered because my relationship with God is not strong enough?


I am so wounded and I wonder why it no more work for me to believe, ask or receive anything! I am extremely tired of the amount of work I've been putting since too long and nothing seems to be getting any fruitful outcome! I have a heavy responsibility towards myself, my life and my family and I am not given help or money to fulfill these responsibilities or my families needs! It's so saddening and heavy on me to pray and work and expected to always give without anything in return even from God himself! It feels I was abandoned! I am depressed and really unable to fight or put more effort. I am so empty of energy!


Im in Love with this content. This video cuts to the chase and tell it how it is. class


Well just because a prayer doesn't get answered in 24hrs, that doesn't mean God won't answer it. We just have to remember God makes the schedule. We're just fortunate to be on God's schedule. This is coming from a guy who actually sucks at patience and trust but God is our Father in heaven He knows us and sees us.


This reminds me when I was a kid watching Ren and Stimpy and they were praying- Ren: Please give me a million dollars, and a fridge with a pad lock. Oh, and huge pectoral muscles! Stimpy: Please take care of my pal, Ren. He's not strong.
