Endless Punishment is a False Doctrine

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Many Christians are shocked to hear that the Bible doesn't teach endless punishment in the original languages. The short presentation is a reminder to all Christians that we are reading translations of the Bible, most of which are still translating from doctrine, and we need to do a little more work if we want to understand what Christ and the Apostles were saying.
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I now understand why we’re told by Yeshua to love our enemies.


I have always wanted to love people the way Hashem loves people and draw them to Yeshua. I’ve never wanted to judge people and give up on them.


I don’t understand why I was blinded from this truth for so long.


I just found this channel and it's refreshing to see that I'm not completely alone. Every time my wife and basically all of my friends tell me to stop thinking heretically with my universal salvation stance and I start to doubt myself, I immediately go back to the ever so powerfully brilliant scene in the movie The Shack where the main character is asked which one of his children he would kill and that he said there's no way he could kill any of his kids. I don't get behind everything William Paul Young because he's gone woke in his acceptance of sin and that's not biblical but I do however love that scene because I feel he nailed it when it comes to Abba Daddys heart.


I'll try to keep this short...When I was at the very lowest point of my life, I prayed God that no one that ever existed would have to endure such torment (or worse) forever. Then I started finding teachers like you and including you, that promote Universalism, then I started remembering the words, that about 12 years ago, an ex-Catholic very messed-up priest that I picked up in my taxi told me about that. I just thought he was crazy and not a real christian. I absolutely pray and hope that Universalism is true but I have so many doubts and unanswered quesions. One of them is, why did Jesus say that it would have been better for Judas to not have been born if in the end, all creation is saved? I love your channel btw and pray that you are right.


I do agree the idea of an eternal punishment/hell never made sense to me. I do agree that all of mankind should be reconciled back to Hashem as well. The idea that even Satan and the Fallen Angels will be reconciled is a new concept to me. Considering they caused the fall of mankind. I will continue to watch your videos to gain understanding. I do believe that if one man caused all mankind to sin then redemption and eternal life should come to all men through one man the Messiah Yeshua. I do believe over time as man continues to suffer he will eventually believe in Yeshua and come to Hashem to be perfected.


Listen and believe the Refreshing truth and be blessed. Amen


Set aside all of your proof .. if you just look at the nature and character of the father of Jesus the way he put it, you could never picture that character torturing people forever.


God does not operate with fear. He has given us the spirit of trust, cf. 2 Tim 1:7.


Why only 8, 9K subcribers ?! Youre channel deserves milions!!!


Thank you. I very much value your videos. Very convincing.


True, and thank you, I will continue to spread what I have heard from you to others, glory to God


I have no problem with the idea that there are some people who will never choose to admit to their wrongdoing or never take responsibility for it and so their "correction" would necessarily last forever. What i take issue is with Aquinas notion that the will is "locked" in one direction upon death. If we no long have the same free will we had when we were alive, how can we be even said to be conscious anymore?


I find alot of issues started with Catholicism not Jesus.


What do you think of the concordant version?


I have been somewhat leaning towards this view for a bit myself. Although I'd be lying If I said I were 100% convinced so far. Not in any fault of people like yourself, or the text, but perhaps I am just stiffnecked and it takes me awhile to accept some things. Not that i want eternal hell to be true, but I dont want to easily lean into any kind of universalism either, especially given my salvation experience. There was very obvio8sly a time before I was saved from my sins, and I habe trouble reconciling that with any kind of universalist ideas, or universalism leaning ideas.


The Bible has so many different views, and I have studied about all of them. I don't know what is correct anymore, to be honest. I have done so much research on Abrahamic doctrines. I know what Christians believe, I know what Muslims believe, and I know what Jews believe. I have done my reasearch on the history of the world and "conspiracies." I have studied the bible, apocrypha, enoch, qur'an, talmud, nag hammadi, mormon beliefs, jehovah's witnesses, adventists, etc. I have studied eternal torment, annihilation, and universalism. I have studied the different views of eschatology and the list goes on. I want the complete 100% truth not man's opinions. The answer really is that none of us actually know. We claim to be experts, but we are fooling ourselves. God may not be the author of confusion, but we all seem to be. The more you learn, the more you want to go back to being ignorant.


Great video as always total victory !!! I hope you tackle annihilationism more since it seems to have quite a bit of folks who follow it


Revelation 14: 9 A third angel followed them and said in a loud voice: “If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives its mark on their forehead or on their hand, 10 they, too, will drink the wine of God’s fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath. They will be tormented with burning sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb. 11 And the smoke of their torment will rise for ever and ever. There will be no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and its image, or for anyone who receives the mark of its name.” Where can you find me a verse that says those in the lake of fire will be saved?


God is Eternal, so His punishment is Eternal punishment, but that doesn't mean endless. Great video❤ new sub
