The Problem with Eternal Punishment

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Most Christians don't ponder this problem too deeply. But if Christ punishes most of mankind for all eternity that would mean the resurrection of Jesus Christ is extremely bad news for most of mankind., not good news. The same applies if you believe in literal hell fire or eternal separation from God in outer darkness. Eternal punishment is a major problem for the Christian faith and runs contrary to the teachings of the Apostle Paul, and the rest, and even contrary to the words of Christ himself.
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Jeremiah 7:31 and Jeremiah 19:5 says a lot about God's character!! The concept of eternal punishing never crossed his mind!


the doctrine of hell was the torment of my life since i was little. it broke me so deep, i have no words to describe. around 23 i came to the faith in Yeshua..but i still kept this doctrine as the christians around me all believed it. i believed the death of Yeshua brought me salvation from..hell. it took 3 years of torments and cryings of why..why my family, friends, why God would torment people..if myself I wouldn't do it and I am a sinner..I was worshiping God for giving Christ so I can have forgivness of the same time I would rebel against him in my heart for tormenting people for ETERNITY. praised be Yehovah, the God of Israel, the God that resurrected Yeshua HaMashiah from the grave, that He released me from this torment..the truth shall set us free indeed. free from sin, from fear, from lies..haleluYah


I’m tormented over this very issue. It makes me wish I was aborted.


Pretty sure your an answered prayer my guy. I've been scared of hell and have lived in self torment/condemnation for years, I have a past filled with drugs, lust and debauchery. I have done so much research on this directly from the Hebrew and Greek. Sense I found your channel I have felt different. My stomach has settled. Corrective punishment has changed my whole view on our God. Good work sir. God bless you. I love your work and your efforts. Much love to you, Thank you. Everything just seems to click once I started to understand this.


I've thoroughly studied the topic of hell and found that the Bible is clear that those who don't believe experience the second death and are destroyed in the lake of fire. People are not tortured forever. The Bible is also clear that we are saved by grace through our faith in Christ. The Bible tells us that we are not saved by works and even clarifies in Romans that faith isn't a work. We are also told in scripture that not everyone will enter the kingdom of God and that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom. Scripture is clear that righteousness is given through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe (Romans 3:22). God bless!


I've prayed for an answer to the question of "why would a loving God punish those who don't believe in him eternally?" Thank you for providing a clear, coherent answer. My friend asked me this just yesterday, and I was only able to give her part of the truth. I told her that God loves us so much that he kept giving us opportunities to believe in him, (the prophets, judges, then through Jesus) and that he wants a relationship with us most of all. But the full picture is that everyone will be saved. Because of that, we can rejoice and spread this good news. As you've said, it's actually bad news if it was the opposite! God bless you and may this message reach MORE people


Universalism is false. Eternal torment is FALSE. Both are unbiblical. Here's what's biblical:

In hell people's souls are destroyed (matt 10:28), not tormented for eternity.

The contrast is always between life and death in the Bible, not "life suffering" and "life happy." (John 3:16)

God's enemies are executed in His presence.(Luke 19:27, Rev 14:10) Hell is awful for the sinner because God IS there, not because He isn't.

After being tormented day and night, they will be "away from His presence"(2 Thess 1:9). If God is omnipresent, being "away from His presence" could only mean you don't exist.

If they are "storing up wrath for themselves on the day of judgement, " this means the wrath against sinners is finite, not infinite. (Romans 2:5).

Sinners will be judged each according to their deeds, not receive the same exact torment for eternity. (Rev 20:13).

"Death" itself was thrown into the lake of fire. Death isn't a living creature who is able to be tormented, this could only mean that the lake of fire is symbolic for things that cease to exist. Notice how death was the last thing thrown into the lake of fire. It's because the last person died and nobody will ever die again.(Rev 20:14)

It's called the "2nd death" because people die for the 2nd time, this time their soul dies too. Why call it the 2nd death if you don't actually die?

The beast and false prophet were thrown in "alive" before the millennial kingdom. Why thrown them in for 1000 years if they are going to spend eternity there anyways? (Rev 19:20)

Satan will "cease to exist." (Ezekiel 28:19)

The wicked people of the world shall "become as if they had never been" AFTER drinking of the cup of the wrath of God "continually" which is the same as "being tormented day and night with no rest." (Obadiah 16)

The fire will consume them, and nobody will survive. (Obadiah 18)

The wicked "shall be no more." (Psalm 37:10)

The immortal/indestructible soul which suffers in eternity originates from Greek philosophers like Socrates and Plato, not the Bible. Immortality is the gift of God. We aren't inherently immortal. "Death" in the Bible means death, it's not a symbol for "life, but suffering."


I sometimes can't believe why so many christians reject the idea Jesus reconciles ALL to himself, and despise anyone who embraces it and damn them to Hell. its so sad really. :(


I sure hope this is true, because if it ain’t then The whole debate of whether eternal punishment is real or not is very depressing. Some people just shut down altogether. The concept of eternal punishment is traumatizing and has caused many to look elsewhere for the meaning of life. You see behaviors from people in places like Europe where Churches are nearly empty. Scaring people into righteous living does not make people righteous.

How can you love your spouse if you fear him / her ? How can you learn from a teacher if you fear him \ her??

How can you love anyone if you are afraid of them? Fear equals resentment and hate. I don’t think changing what was written in the Bible to make people comfortable is wise, but I do strongly agree with going to the original language spoken at the time and researching the correct translation to interpret the true meaning for clarity is the key. Death is a mysterious and scary topic as it is already. Adding eternal Hellfire to the has it done for mankind for 2, 000 some years??? We all know we will never be totally free of sin because we are humans and believers who desire to be right with God. Has this belief of eternal punishment made us better servants of the Most High or has it made us fearful servants that are taking a piss and crap in our underwear every time we read the Bible or pray to God???


And the smoke of their torment will rise for ever and ever. There will be no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and its image, or for anyone who receives the mark of its name.” (Revelation 14 11)


I've been listening to you the past few years and what you say definitely makes sense. 🙌🔥🙏👐⭐


Thats a great point how it’s never mentioned throughout the old testament of “eternal torment” yet ever since the reformation period it has been the most widely believed doctrine all throughout christendom. All throughout the old testament everyone good and bad went to sheol (realm of the dead) the good going to (upper sheol) and wicked (lower levels of sheol).


All, and I mean ALL of the judgment in the OT was WHILE THEY WERE STILL ALIVE, whether by some ailment like leprosy or disfigurement, or by a generational curse, or by death itself. You're 100% right, brother.


I am surprised I haven't seen any idiots saying "Hell is real" "this guy is a liar" "this video is sending a lot of people to hell" in the comments.
I watched many videos on the false hell doctrine simply because it interests me. So I have seen a lot of thos comments like those I mentioned above.
I am really surprised that I haven't seen any of them


yes, this matter continues to trouble me very much for years, because the references in New Testament about hell and eternal punishment are many and by the lips of our Lord Himself and on the other hand the matter of the word eternal, is mysterious , having in mind the Love and Mercy of the Lord.. .the things that trouble me are the following...1. what is the meaning of eternal in an after world situation, where time as we now know it, does not exist 2. the second death in the lake of fire, means eternal punisment or total and definite anihillation of the existance of the sinners? 3. the undestructable bodies we will have after the judgment can be destroyed in the lake of fire? if not, then the torment will be eternal...there is a logical thought, that Jesus came on earth to give the opportunity to the good and believers, to continue their life even after death with Him in, He came for the good ones and as He has said, he came not to judge but to, its logical to conclude, that only the saved will live happily after death and the evil ones will perish in the lake of fire, along with satan and his angels, hades and death as the Revelation describes and the evil will vanish for ever from the new world...but this is just thought..i dont know anything, i m too small to know what exactly will happen after our death, the only i know is that we must have faith in Jesus and follow His examples.


When you feel an intense pain, at first it feels like it's going to last forever. Next time you're around something that causes that pain (ex a hot stovetop), you're going to be far more careful. This is a fruitful learning experience that actually helps you.

Some people NEED to believe in "eternal" torment, to keep themselves from being total degenerates. It may seem and feel "forever", as pain does at first. But surely God's regenerative power would see us through and actually bring us out stronger and wiser.

Anyway, great video! I actually LOL'd when you said that if eternal torment is real and most are going there, then the message of Jesus would actually be the WORST news ever! 🤣😂


God's Love and Justice are both two sides of the same coin. one cannot exist without the other. without justice to the full, there can be no mercy. and without mercy to the full there can be no justice. as a universalist myself, I believe that is the true nature of God's Judgements.


What about these verses? 👇👇👇

Luke 16:23 "And being in torments in Hades, he lifted up his eyes and saw Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom."

Matthew 13:49-50 " So it will be at the end of the age. The angels will come forth, separate the wicked from among the just, 50 and cast them into the furnace of fire. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth.”

Matthew 25:41-46 "“Then He will also say to those on the left hand, ‘Depart from Me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels: 42 for I was hungry and you gave Me no food; I was thirsty and you gave Me no drink; 43 I was a stranger and you did not take Me in, naked and you did not clothe Me, sick and in prison and you did not visit Me.’

44 “Then they also will answer Him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to You?’ 45 Then He will answer them, saying, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me.’ 46 And these will go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.”


I wish there were more ministers in the city that I live that preached like you do. I feel like I'm the only one in my church that believes the dead are asleep in the grave waiting for the resurrection.


Going to hell is like going to a person's house
You see a sign that says "NO TRESPASSING" but you trespass anyway
A little while later you see a sign that says "TRESSPASSERS WILL BE SHOT" but proceed anyway
Then you see a sign that says "FINAL WARNING" so if after all that you proceed anyway how can you blame the owner for shooting you to death? Lord Christ is that signpost, believe what it says and live, or don't believe and perish
