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Want to wake up at 5am but not sure what you should be doing? Here are 10 early morning routine ideas to optimize your day!

// A P P S M E N T I O N E D


// W H A T I M W E A R I N G

// M Y M A K E U P


W A T C H M O R E:








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Amy Landino
Vlog Boss Studios LLC
2000 PGA Blvd.
Suite 4440
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33408
Рекомендации по теме

1. Water 2. Write 3. Move 4. Meditate 5. Brainstorm new idea 6. Read 7. Mindful Hot beverage 8. Make time for something simple 9. Meal plan 10. Connection list.


The fact that I’m watching this at 2am in order to procrastinate going to


I love spending time with God in the morning. I also love doing yoga and mediation. I also started to journal. I write how u feel, a list of what I would like to do today, 5 things im grateful for, a small part and 5 things like I am beautiful I am smart ect. I always ended it with love me. I also like giving myself the first hug. It sounds silly but before I give love out I love myself first. Trust me it makes me feel good and happy just to be me. Xxx


I wake up at 4:30 so I can do morning pages and then get to the gym before I work. I've been a lot happier since starting this routine. Thanks for the nudge!


I've started waking up at 7 am so I can take a morning walk and listen to a motivating audio book while I enjoy nature and fresh air 😄


Video starts at 2:45 for those who wanna get straight to the point instead of sitting through the long intro ☺️
Reading the book “Miracle Morning” is what got me into the habit of waking up at 5AM daily. It’s still a struggle especially on colder days, but the reward of getting something done before everybody else wakes up is so rewarding!


I get up at 4 am every day and I am at the gym at 5am Monday through Friday. So good job for you getting up and going.


@ 5am do nothing enjoy and embrace the sceneric beauty of the morning . It's something you should do . Take a chair get some lemonade or a cup of coffee sit on the chair have a sip. And relax your mind best thing you can ever do for your self .


I've started my "early morning life" thanks to you Amy and I'm already few months in. And I wouldn't change that ME time for anything else anymore! For me yoga in the morning has been a great way to combine moving and meditating. I love it so much that I give myself yoga time on the weekends as well 😄


This is an amazing video, thanks Amy.

First thing in the morning I like to work right away a little bit for my *A* task. So I dive right into the life that I want. This could be research, learning a new skill, making notes or read about a certain topic. Doing this it almost does not matter anymore how the day turns out to be retrospectively because I moved forward, even a tiny bit, and didn't let a bad day, procrastination or excuses to be in my way.

Not so long ago I found myself in a place where I felt that my life was too exhausting and demanding to be something that anyone could enjoy. One of the many gears that changed my perspective was and is to be thankful to the (also) little things in my life, and write three of them down.

+ morning coffee
+ fast internet connection
+ cuddles with my cats
+ the sea breeze at my home town
+ the nice service I received yesterday
+ ...

Of course I add here and there a 'big' thing in my life, just dont forget the small ones that I almost seem to be natural. _ Coffee is a perfect example for me. It is always around us, but it is a handpicked fruit._

Have a great day guys! 👍


I enjoy waking up early, i NEVER thought i would be that kind of person, because as a teenager, i would wake up at 11 or at noon. i don't always wake up at 5, sometimes it's at 6, but i do try to do it as often as i can. i just arrive at work an hour earlier, which means i have a quieter morning, more productive, and can get out of work by 4 :)


As a daily writer, I chuckled. Yes, I do wish I was a more regular vlogger, lol. But writing every day is great for charging the creative cells. I love morning pages though I actually have to put those off until later because that initial burst in the morning is some of my most creative time and is best spent on my novel of the day.

I also love the meditation aspect. One of the things that I have done is two different types. One is the traditional sitting up and releasing everything, but the second is the one I actually use to wake up on the days when I don't feel like I want to start my day. For this, I get my eye stones out of the fridge (you can use a reusable eye mask too) and stretch out with a guided meditation track with the cold stones on my eyes. The cold stones wake me up and reduce some of the puffiness while also giving me a few minutes beneath the covers. The cold of the stones and the natural end of the track prevent me from falling asleep, at least so far.

I love the idea of making a list of who I want to reach out to. I want to get better about staying in touch with friends and letting them know I care as well as getting over my aversion of networking.

Mornings are my best times for getting anything done. Afternoons, especially between 1 and 4 and most especially 3 o clock, are my worst. And I need to be careful about not getting too ramped up as it gets close to bedtime.

Anyway great video. Your dress is stunning, and I appreciated your thoughts.


I love the idea of waking up early but I dont know... I just can't seem to get to bed until late. I am pretty productive in the evening though (when everyone else goes to sleep). I just need to figure out when I am MOST productive and then stick with it. :)


Reading this as I wake up at 5am (Aussie time) and it was good as I was literally sitting in bed debating whether or not I should actually get up. Thanks Amy! I love your videos 😊


Amy you lool so idk how to say it.. clean? I mean your whole apperance, lifestyle is sooo clean, pure perfection. Kissing from Poland girl


Amy, can you make a video about how to get out of bed? You know, when I hear the alarm in the morning, i just sit up and turn it down and go back to sleep again. I cant force myslef out of bed. Those water, writing, workout can only be done after standing up...so please i really need to get up at the moment👍👍


The first two things I've been doing in the mornings, after I open my shades, are hopping in the shower and drinking a tall glass of lemon water, ( or lime water or orange water if I don't have lemon) and after that I feel really awake. Today I started journaling things I'm grateful for while I drink my water. If the weather is nice, I like to have my water, and later my breakfast, which I saver along with my coffee outside on my family's balcony.


Lemon water after waking up is like battery boost to the body.


Can you please do a video on morning pages?!


Oh I like the idea of doing Duolingo first thing in the morning! It's something I've tried off and on and am always falling out doing, but starting the morning off with it might just work.

I think I'm on a three month streak of five a.m. mornings. One kid or another was always waking up at five and now my mind thinks it's the time that I need to wake up even when no one else is awake. And so, while it used to be annoying (being woken up that early when I really didn't want to be) it's working out now (I've been getting up and using the time to edit).

As always thanks for the great tips for being productive first thing in the a.m.
