Wildland Kinnections Plant Walk with the Herbal Jedi

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In this video the I take you on a plant walk where we look at a variety of ways to re-claim the language of the natural world and unravel the code of characteristics in many local plants.

The undercurrent message in this video is one of exploring the natural world and getting more curious about what you can senses taste and find around you that can offer support in reclaiming a deeper level of health.

In the Modern Era we have learned much, but have also lost touch with our connection to natures base level of intuitive intelligence.

Our hardware (bodies) still remember, but our software (cognitive function) needs support in training and re-integrating the nature of who/what we really are.

I hope you enjoy this full length episode from the Herbal Jedi life path.

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I subscribed the first time I saw you give a gift to the plants, I knew you were a good person, I was raised to leave cornmeal or tobacco or herbs anywhere I take something from the forest. our homes and gardens and our waste should follow that trend as well, we should give back to nature and try not to take more than Mother Nature can support


"dialled into our pocket gods"! Haha best quote I've heard in awhile, awesome!


Amazing! I really enjoyed your videos 💖


Really love how you took the time to show us how to connect with plants. Almost no one knows this information. Keep the videos coming!


Love the forest walk. Thank you for teaching and sharing.


beautiful work, thank you for sharing your knowledge!


I am learning sort of late in life. Never too old to learn . Love your videos. Thank you for freely sharing. Blessings


I SO LOVE your videos!! You asked us to say what we like or don't or might suggest we'd like to see. I'd LOVE to see you focus closely on the plants you speak of. From the viewer perspective, except if you pick a leaf and show us, we can't SEE what you're picking. Also, please show the leaf patterns and describe their texture (besides hairy, lol) and if it gets berries later (or whatever it does) if you think it might help us identify. Some of us are BRAND NEW at foraging and some of us are truly seeking the medicine to save our lives from life "ailments" or "disease, etc." I've learned SO MUCH from you and LOVE your style! Thank You for the LOVE from your Heart in sharing these amazing BEINGS with us who have something to offer us for our EARTH LIVES and OUR SPIRITS! Mmmmwas! *Much Love, Blessings and Gratitude!*


Hi Herbal Jedi, you are so cool and this channel about to blow up!


New to this channel, favorite herbalist on YouTube so far. Thanks for all the inspiration


I LOVE you Brother, and appreciate you much! HAVE to affirm you, and THANK YOU for not only enlightening us, but also showing us to GIVE THANKS To and For the abundance this world constantly GIVES to US! YOU are AH-SUM bro. 😀


Dude! This is my favorite show! I grow herbs and make tinctures, Mother Earth is so incredibly amazing, so pumped I found the Herbal Jedi, on the same page, Earth brother! Thank you for teaching and your guidance, so grateful for you, and the Abundance all around us! With Love, your Earth 🌍 brother Eric


I just started learning more about herbs, I'm glad I came across your videos. There very helpful. It would help a new person like me to see the plants up close and personal. So I also can get to know what I'm seeking in my near by woods and places. I really enjoy your energy and up lifting spirit with amazing knowledge. Keep the videos coming.


Oh My Goddess. This is so needed. Thank you. I would love for you to do another one like this, maybe a continue with a part two how to recognize poisonous plants. Thank you Jedi.


Loved the video! Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us. Would love to see more foraging/wild crafting adventures!


Great video! Thank you for sharing such abundant knowledge of our local forests!


Blessings for sharing your teachings...I am learning as an Indigenous person. I have facilitated a couple workshops already and have used your video on Devils Club, as we made a salve. Participants love your energy.


Herbal Jedi your storehouse of knowledge is priceless. Thank you.


Thank you for sharing Yarrow, very grateful for all that you are doing in sharing Mother nature’s healing arts!💕


Beautiful video! so nice to go for a forest walk with you ! thank you for sharing your knowledge !
