Atheist Debates - Debate Review: Do we have good reason...?

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I talk about the events leading up to this debate, how I planned to address the topics in a public high school...and a few of the more ridiculous arguments from my opponent.

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Thank you Matt for devoting so much of your life to really diving into the framework of religion and showing me alot of relevant questions that NEED to be posed in terms of attempting to understand the topic. I don't know how you keep it together on TAE sometimes. I've watched hours of it on YouTube and I generally feel myself losing brain cells sometimes. But nonetheless, thank you for having the patience I'm still lacking and tackling the issue head on day in and day out.


"you cant get life from non life"

"bang sticks and rocks together and get lifr"

hate to be that guy, but sticks IS life


What I was most annoyed by (in regard to the evolution part of the debate) was that he began by stating that he doesn't know where he stands on that argument. He went on to make it quite clear he doesn't believe in Evolution, so why start with stating he's not sure? That was pretty jarring for me.


After having listened to that preacher, my IQ decreased. But after hearing Matt, it’s net rise makes it better.


Hello Matt.. I have just watched the debate, after having listened to your "Debate Review". I think you were too hard on yourself. I think you debated well. Your responses were appropriate and reasonable. I agree that the debater was preaching, at times, which was irritating to me. I say, well done. Regards from South Africa.


I was so disappointed when you got cut short by your opponent and moderator after saying 'did god create the universe' where you start the logical line of reasoning that demonstrates god sends people to hell.

I was interested to see what backwards argument he had against it.

Also I honestly hate the formal debate setup. Informal, back-and-forth discussion is much more productive and interesting in my opinion.


These reviews are gold. This really helps me in my debates to avoid bullshit and stay on topic.


I honestly thought that Reid was just a troll trying to use the worst arguments. It was... very difficult to listen to him.


Sticks and stones may break my bones but they will never make me. I laughed out loud so hard when that guy said that banging sticks and stones together don't get you an animal. No shit.


You killed it. Reid was floundering. Dude said many nonsensical things.


How have I not been subscribed to this channel?


I am actually really interested, though I doubt I will ever see. The students responses to the debate. Not necessarily who won. but their ideas, on the idea.


Always good to see a fellow nuke using sound logic and reasoning. That guy definitely had some GCEs (even though I'm not an atheist you definitely had the better points.)


I would also want to hear you talk about the ridiculous idea that atheists send themselves to hell, that we choose hell.


What Matt adresses at 10:31 is a rhetoric technique known since ancient times. I remember Socrates beginning the speech, which is attributed to him as the speech he delivered to defend himself in court before his death sentence was passed, with the same disclaimer about his own rhetoric abilities.
And sure enough, Reid turned out to be in fact much better versed in rhetoric than he wanted his audience to believe; i. e. in this case, just as weasly an apologetic as other, more prominent ones.


I wonder how many of those kids have watched or are going to watch this video? Are they watching now?


Throughout Reid's brain-failure extravaganza of a presentation was woven an inability to understand that a multitude of coincidences doesn't stop being a multitude of coincidences. Especially near the end, where he sounded _desperate_ to have people agree with him that "No no but really if all the coincidences start happening at once that _MEANS_ something... right? Right? Please?"
It sounded like that was done in a classroom with a teacher who wanted to improve critical thinking skills and analysis. I seriously hope after Reid left the room he said a suitably paraphrased "Holy fuck that was goddamn awful tell me you kids got how bad that was right?"
Matt even explained that just because you have a bunch of coincidences doesn't mean there's something underlying those coincidences, and Reid's response was, predictably, to ignore sense and double down on stupid.

I seriously hope that adult in the room took the students aside after Reid was gone to explain all the steps he failed at. I suspect that wouldn't have taken more than five minutes because Reid really only had two arguments: an inability to comprehend probability and coincidence, and the idiotic belief that since people allegedly tell him stories of alleged magical things allegedly happening to him, then _grandma must be right!_ even though she can't even recognize half her family and had to be put in a home because she kept putting the cat in the microwave.

That's really all Reid had going for his case: anecdotes and desperation.

Someone in the actual "debate"'s comments jokingly said that Reid won because he presented reasons to believe in God. Exceptionally terrible ones, but reasons nonetheless. No-one should walk away from that debate thinking that's true. Reid didn't even have *bad* reasons, he was pleading for his case to be accepted on faith, _quite literally, _ and even trying to attract those students individually so he could brainwash them away from anyone smart enough to see through his bullshit. "I call these five things coincidences and I call five coincidences happening coincidentally together... *_ish..._* a reason to believe in God" is wrong. That's not a reason to believe in God. Reid didn't present anything. He talked a bunch, pleaded, cajoled, tried to impress with stories from strangers and unverifiable personal experiences, and that was it. Not a reason in sight.

I hope Reid reads this, because there's one message he desperately needs to get through his thick, empty skull: you think a bunch of coincidental things happening at the same time are evidence for you God, even though you yourself admitted those coincidental things have been happening for literally thousands of years anyway? Great, you're right. It's evidence Loki is trying to trick you into believing in Yahweh. You disagree? Explain why. When you successfully explain why you don't believe that claim, you'll understand why you did a miserable goddamn pathetic job in front of those kids and why you should be ashamed of yourself.


"GCE" (about 18:00) = Wolfgang Pauli's "Not even wrong"
Love your video's BtW


I think it's odd that the teacher of a debating class would bring in one "heavy hitter" very experienced debater, and one guy that hardly knows what a debate actually is.


Please clone Matt Dillahunty for future generations. Someone start a kickstarter project.
