A History Teacher Reacts | 'What if the United States Didn't Exist?' by Alternate History Hub

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Mr Terry: The United States has been influential since it's inception.
[2 minutes later]
Cody: The United States has been influential since it's inception.

I'm beginning to wonder just how influential the United States has been since its inception.


My idea of online class is watching Mr. Terry for 8 hours a day


I think the main gist of Cody's points are that many revolutions around the world get postponed. Yeah the french revolution would've probably occured but not until later. As for the Latin American countries rebeling against spain yeah its the same thing. They all did around the same time because Napoleonic france had occupied spain thus giving its colonies the opportunity to revolt but with no Napoleon then their rebellions are more spaced out further down the line


One thing you misunderstood is that Cody didn’t say that the French Revolution would never happen, he said that it would be pushed back and Napoleon would never get his chance to rise to power


If it wasn't for the French in the revolutionary war, Americans would be speaking ENGLISH today.


When he says 'fall of the first empire' he is referencing a more aged way of talking about the British Empire. Historians used to refer to the 'first' empire when speaking about American colonialism, and the 'second' once places such as India come into the sphere of influence. It was more for the ease of reference, a time splitter, more so than the belief that they truly were separate empires :) All in all, another brilliant video! Very fun channel to watch too, gets you thinking


Ok here’s the explanation for the Canada part. After the siege of Quebec, New-France that was stretching from the current Quebec territory all the way down to new Orléans, fell to the English rules. But most of New France territory was basically empty. Everything or so below the Great Lakes were essentially trade outposts and natives. Most of the French people were in current Quebec. They had to submit to English rules, they they didn’t assimilated. In 1774 partially to assure French Canadian support, they gave back to the province of Quebec a part of it’s old territory, that’s the map you saw with Québec getting all the Great Lake area . They also give back the right to use French civil laws, and assured catholic rights, getting rid of the test that was require to act as a public servant.
Now, after the American revolution, America get the territory that was east of Mississippi, that England was keeping as Indian territory. And they get the part of Quebec that was below the Great Lake. The loyalist flew to Canada in was is now Ontario. They were in so much great number that England created lower and higher Canada to keep French and English in their own territory. Now without an American victory, Quebec keep the territory gain in 1774. No loyalist never fled to canada and what is Ontario now never receive a massive influx of English speakers. Better yet, the French Canadian has a chance to fight with the Americans but didn’t. America is a rebel colony and Quebec is view as loyal. Any expansion of the territory after the failed American revolution would have be in favour of Quebec.
So yes if the American revolution failed, Canada would have been massively French speaking catholic, even if they are loyal to the British


he's talking about the end of the "First Empire", not the end of the entire British Empire. The first empire being just a time division of the whole of colonial Britain to differentiate different eras with; the Americas focused "First" Empire (1583–1783), then Asian/African focused "Second" Empire (1783–1814), then the Pax Britannica Century (1814–1914)


Apparently one of my family members were one of the loyalist families that came to Canada


The Spanish Empire probably would stay relatively strong for far longer in this timeline, if we take the video's idea that the French revolution wouldn't happen, or at least it wouldn't had been so hardcore, we also have to assume that the Napoleonic Wars wouldn't had happened, so there would be no Penninsular War, thus no vacuum of power in the empire which wouldn't had allowed any revolts to grow into actual revolutions, even more considering there wouldn't be an independent republic in the continent to set presedents.


It the United States of America didn't exist then it would be the United States of Japan.

50 points to whoever gets this Anime reference.


Just finished watching so I'm late to commenting. Alternatehistoryhub has a video specifically on "what if Napolean never came to power" that I think would be very interesting to react to.


Meanwhile in an alternate universe: What if the Thirteen Colonies won the First American Revolution


Something to take into consideration about 'English' genes.. remember that England was occupied by the Roman empire (and that is why a lot of English people almost always have some Italian genes in them) and ravaged by Vikings and Norsemen to a point that there actually was a Danish kingdom on mainland Britain (hence Scandinavian genes).

It's quite probable that the original Franklin family hailed from Yorkshire or Derbyshire.

Just because England has always been on an island doesn't mean no foreigners have been there nor dominated it at some point in time.

Also to take into consideration: Without Napoleon, the future of the Netherlands would look a lot different (and Belgium as wel. Belgium kickstarted it's industrial revolution because a British industrial spy had to flee France and seek refuge in Belgium).

The VOC for instance ended in 1800, during Napoleon's reign over the Republic of the 7 provinces. What if that didn't end there and then?

So much left untouched.


We're watching a history channel, while going through a historic event🤔🤔🤔


He was saying that the French Revolution still happens but further into the future where Napoleon can’t be a part of it.


I love alternate history, really gets your noggin joggin


Although i dont really like this "alternate history" thing in general, i do like how much it teaches people about how much events in history are actually connected to each other.


I’ve heard stories of families doing the ancestry thing and finding out mom was not exactly the faithful wife


Most of my family came here to Canada after The Great War, my ancestors are Welsh, Scottish, English, Irish (who came in the 1880s), French, Polish and German. Anyway, this is a great video I enjoy thinking about alternative versions of history and how the world would be different.

I think that *many* things that were not addressed in this video would be changed if the United States never existed!
