How To Solve The Falling Birth Rate Crisis With Economics

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For me the main factor is TIME. Nowdays both parents work too many hours and grandparents are still working (high reirement age). I don't want to have children and then only be with them at the weekends, while the rest of the time they're being educated by who knows who.


The rise of incelibate men and women's increasing standards is massively underrated as a cause of the declining birth rate. All the factors you discussed "it's too expensive" etc. only come into play when you have the OPTION to have kids. More and more men are locked out of the dating market and therefore denied the ability to reproduce.
Meanwhile, women are casually hooking up with the same men in relationships that are not serious enough to consider having kids, and most would rather die alone than start a family with a man they see as below them.


I am very surprised that in my opinion the most obvious answers didn't appear?!

For men: I didn't find a descent partner!

And for women: I didn't find a partner who met my standarts!


Your tax break proposal is what used to be called a "bachelor tax" (which didn't just apply to men). History shows it will not work. The food stamp and extra curricular ideas would more likely become a social credit system which uses Central Bank Digital Currencies which would force people to do what they are told or face financial and social consequences. Like what has been introduced in China. Such as logging and grading food purchases, whether someone frequently goes to the gym or partakes in social and active community activities. The thing is, this is very illiberal and authoritarian.


Is "having bad genetics" you'd rather not pass on considered a viable excuse?


The cost of raising a kid is 250K. Unless politicians are willing to start handing out checks, they better not talk about declining birth rates.
I don't want to hear it.


Supply and demand is at the center of economics and the demand for Chads is clearly outweighing their supply


Meanwhile South Korea asking:What the Hell is a Birthrate?(they basicly don't have anything like this anymore)


I am "divorced dad". You really nailed it! The plague of single mum is really everywhere. I do not know the system in UK. But in Germany you have an entire industry and public organizations (state money!) working for the single mums. The family court system is perverted.


I'm actually ok with people not having children if they don't want to. I'm lucky that my parents really wanted me, but some kids aren't so lucky. Leave parenthood to the people who are willing to sacrifice for it, rather than pushing people to a lifestyle they ultimately don't want.


The problem is spare time. People cant (dont want to) raise children if they are always at work.


why would i care about chads kids future


Reasons why I haven't started a family (yet), I'm 36.
Cost- rather than the selfish reasons stated in this video my motivations are selfless. Meaning I want a better life for my kids than I had, not that I had a bad childhood. Both my parents worked full time and we were middle to lower middle class. I'd often hear my parents argue and stress about money, my parents divorced in my early teens.
Upbringing- again I want better for my children than I had it. Though I am very grateful growing up in the US, it is not what it once was. America as a country has peaked and is in a clear decline by all metrics. Everything here is designed to produce slaves. My parents were slaves and I am a slave. I refuse to perpetuate this cycle to service the owners.
Mate selection- as mentioned already in other comments the economics of the current dating market are absurd and unsustainable. The "sexual market value" of women here today is hyper inflated. You are paying many multiples, sometimes exponentially more for a mate of significant less quality. Despite what the mainstream says we men are not stupid. Quite the opposite. We see that markets have changed and are adapting.


It is almost impossible not to fall into the selfish category in individualistic modern societies. Sadly, East Asia that are stereotypically perceived to be more community driven isn’t spared from the selfish mindset and is even doing worse than many western countries. Many Asians are just sick and tired of parental and social pressures, hence are going full hermit. I have to admit that I’m also part of the problem but it is mostly because I lack the confidence and have trust issues when it comes to dealing with other people.


One reason I have with having children that isn't mentioned is that I don't believe I'll find a trusting partner to have said child with. For women to be motherly, they need empathy, which they are lacking here in the west.


The money for having children thing does not work. Polish government has introduced a welfare program called 500+ in 2015, where each family would receive 500 PLN (roughly 100 bucks) per months per every underage child they have. It did not raise the fertility rate at all. Instead, it made people demand more and more welfare, plus it put a bad stigma on having children, as many low class people would pop multiple kids and live off welfare.


A few decades ago, a man could afford a family with a large house and 2 cars. The mum could stay at home as well. Nowadays you are lucky if you could pay rent with two working adults in a relationship. It objectively is much more costly today.


People just look at peoples lives with kids and see how unappealing it looks, realising they actually have a choice now rather than go with status quo. Why should people have to have kids?


The problem is that most women only start to look for long term partners when their look start to "hit the wall" at around 30 which subsequently means that the chads are not interested anymore as they are still going for 21 year olds in the prime of their looks. Since females become less fertile in their 30s they are less likely to have kids. This combined with a decline in moral standards makes for a serious demographic problem. 

if you are a normie then best try to make some money (to become more attractive) and bag a 7/10 and have kids with her before she ages too much.


Rise of social media and hookup culture is also one of the leading reasons for this situation. As before, people genuinely used to interact and have real relations that weren't just for benefits .
And the idea that I want to live my life to the fullest is also a reason to not having kids I think....
