If Your Life is Falling Apart Do These 15 Things (Powerful)

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15 Things To Do Immediately If Your Life Starts Falling Apart

What to do if my life is falling off?
How to tell my life is falling off?
What to do if your life is falling apart?
What do I do if I feel like my life is falling apart?
What to do when nothing is working in your life?
How to deal with a breakup?
How to handle getting laid off?
What are some effective ways to bounce back in life?
Playbook for Turning Your Life Around

00:00 - Intro
00:35 - Health, fitness, rest - reset
02:58 - Get out of the house sun
on your face and put yourself in nature
05:23 - Stop digging
07:06 - Don’t start anything new - focus on the essentials for the time being
08:35 - Start a daily routine that jogs your mind and keeps your life predictable
11:00 - Reach out to your friends
12:16 - Have an honest conversation with yourself about what got you here
14:24 - Let go of the dead weight
16:02 - Revisit an old source of creative happiness
17:48 - Get professional help
20:03 - Change the difficulty settings on your life
22:20 - Grieve, feel your feelings, allow them to exit the body
23:55 - Don’t drown your sorrows into anything that would make it worse
25:36 - Zoom out
26:55 - Use this as the origin story for who you are becoming


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Hello Aluxers, some of you are going through a shift, and we're here to help!


Alux I’ve lost almost everything, my businesses, I had 2 businesses that I’ve lost, I lost my cars a sprinter & my bmw where I always listened to you in my bmx I miss my car 😔 I got my license suspended, I lost my mother the list goes on but some how I’m still excited about trying again on which I’m extremely grateful to God for bcuz it’s a huge blessing, might not b wat I was thinking but it can get me to where I wanna go, I can’t give up I have 2 daughters depending on me & have been having a hard time giving them wat they need, and that is eating alive, I beg that this is wat gets me to where I need to be, I am fearless I will give this my all so help me God 🙏🏽 I needed to get this off my chest, thank you Alux


In 2022 I had lost my job, one month after, my girlfriend at the time gave me the "Im not happy" speech. Broke up with me and left.
No job
No girlfriend
Left with an apartment with me now paying all the bills.
It was tough but I got through this by going to the gym. I always had an gym membership which I renewal yearly. At the gym everyday helped my mind greatly.
Loosing my job and my ex leaving me happened over 2 months. After those 2 months, I landed myself an new job earning 10K a year more than the job I was fired from :)
It all turned out well in the end and still kept my health and fitness in check



Victory is the point where defeat is overcomed with consistency, acceptance, and rebirth of self.


A friend of mine is trying to put his life back together after recovering from meth addiction. At one point he ran a couple successful small businesses, worked in high skilled jobs when the opportunities for his companies were regulated away, and then threw it all away to have adventures in the criminal underworld for several years. His brain is still kinda scrambled from all the meth, so his mood is baseline depressed. He talks to me and I try to remind him about the basics, give him some inspiration to set his own goals. Today when we were talking I basically went over most of the stuff in this video. Then I saw this upload tonight. I'm sharing it with him, but I could have really used it this morning 😂

Thanks for making great videos. I share a lot of them with people. 👍


So true about #13, alcohol does put the mind in peace, but when you overindulge, you end up wasting an entire day recovering from a hangover.


The voice in my head has been the “keep on going” voice 😊 I’ve had a few failures and one of them took 5 years of my life. I was upset but not unhappy. The thing is: I’ve learned to block all external factors/influence from affecting my happiness level.


Alux, I've subscribed to your channel for close to 4years and i must say, this video is for me. Not long ago, i felt like i need to start all over again after difficulty in business. This video is just right on time. Thank you!


I'm here for the cussing. Why? I haven't heard it on this platform before and it's refreshing.


Unfortunately, this video came 1 week to late for my friend who committed suicide. In the last 3 years, his life was just falling apart. Lost his girlfriend, job, dui, family issue, financial issue, depression and etc.


Solid advice on not starting anything new and focusing on essentials. In times of stress, it's crucial to analyze your existing commitments and cut back on non-essential tasks that don't contribute to your immediate well-being or financial stability. This helps to clear mental clutter and prioritize actions that stabilize your situation.


Another thing- in Oct/Nov 2020 you removed your video on the US Election because you said it was a little biased towards one of the candidates. Is that video still available somewhere? Your true ALUX fans should be able to see it.


Best advice I’ve had this year, thanks Alux


Alux somehow tells you like it is but also gives so much encouragement and uplifting motivation 😊 basically stop procrastinating and get to it 😅


This was right on time! Thanks Alux



VICTORY! Thank you Alux for what you do


I usually watch alux and it does make sense. When I watch these videos when I'm really down, it hits differently.
I am grateful to you alux❤


I'm completely lost. I'm 38. No job. Feel like I failed everything I tried. Almost no social life. Only 2 or 3 friends and even with them I feel alone. Single. No children. Got my license suspended. I've been to several psychiatric hospitals which didn't really help. I live in a empty apartment in a city that I hate in a country that I hate. All I'm doing is taking medications and stay in bed all day. Lost interest in almost everything. Want to sleep all the time.
I read a little bit to try to help finding a solution of what to do with my life. Feeling like it's too late.
I know I need to make a massive change but I don't where to start. Any advices?


I'm starting a new life chapter, and this one involves exercise and weight loss. Rather than figuring I'll somehow find time for it, I just ripped apart my daily time budget to schedule the meditation and gym time. It's a great chance at securing VICTORY!


