How to Realise the Truth of No Self #meditation #nonduality #buddhism

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You may have heard about the truth of no self, or even meditated on it. If there is an inherent "I" then the question to ask is does this abide in the body, or the mind, or is it something beyond both of these.

In this video I discuss the different methods used to come to understand the truth of no self and eventually realise that.

#awakening #meditation #noself #brahman #rupertspira
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Addendum: I have a question about the realization of not-self, maybe you have the time and inclination to answer it? Is it possible to realize not-self and then fall back into habitual thinking and identification? I believe I have experienced such cycles several times and this contrast seems particularly painful to me, although of course I am aware that not wanting to have myself is absurd and that this pain does not belong to me either, but it is precisely not wanting to cling to it, i.e. “not clinging”, that is a paradox that I cannot resolve either through action or non-action. My approach is that I invite my demons (attachment, aversion) to tea and ask them to stay longer if they want to, this seems to me to gradually lead to “open vastness” (so-ness), in a story Milarepa did something similar, leave everything as it is, without turning away?! I hope my post / question makes some sense ?


I am quite young and still have a great deal to learn. I appreciate your teachings, and even though they are significantly above my level of comprehension, there are bits and pieces I can incorporate into my daily living. I enjoy these dharma talks if that is the correct term, and I will continue listening to your videos! I only hope to join the path to enlightenment officially one day!


Another wonderful explanation! Have a great day!


Always fascinating to hear people discuss their beliefs as if they were facts, or knowledge at least.


Wow! that's a lot of knowledge just pouring out. I'll have to re-watch this many times.
Thank you 🤯


Do you think that before realisation- the experience of no self could cause Or is that itself experiencing the experience of no self?


This is so much. Very difficult. Thank you.


I’ve experienced no self, or perhaps the opposite of no self: that I was everyone. And I know that people talk about everyone being “one” a lot but I felt it as factual reality. When I looked into people’s faces I thought “wow there’s my face” and if they would cry then I would think “oh no I’m crying” it’s not a theoretical understanding but an actual perception shift. This happened for about a week or two and then stopped. I don’t know how I got there or why it didn’t last.


Thanks! I am back in my college single, studying for formal logic. The girl enters into my room to ask my about my favorite sexual position. Instead of feeling ashamed and telling her I am trying to study, I am lonely.

So I ask her to play a card game with me. It is not a combinatorial game. Instead, we pick cards from a deck. The other tries to guess what’s on the card. We tally points.

There is a winner, but it’s random. It’s only a game. She doesn’t consider it creepy. She really plays.


Excellent talk! Thank you. Will employ the suggested investigation technique.
"All composed things are like a dream,
a phantom, a drop of dew, a flash of lightning."


Thank you very much ! A very good Speech, especially because it is very practical in my opinion! I have extensively “explored” many pitfalls along the way even if it was not necessarily voluntary, this had the advantage that I learned a lot about failure, which I find quite important, but it also made me wander around for a long time, not because I was looking for the way, but because I thought I had found it. 🙏


Master I need understand deeper meaning emptiness thanks for information 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


"This is exactly what it feels like when there is no independent and permanent self, with or without ego delusion." Is this a true statement? 🙏🙏


Buddhist No Self is The Self in Hinduism. It's two sides of the same coin, they are expressing the same truth. The true Self is the no Self. If everything is yourSelf as Hindus say, that means you have no self. The same way if something is everywhere it really is no where. You could say both it's everywhere or nowhere, being exactly the same experience, but due to practice the flavour and wiring of the same realization is different. Finally both need to be realized and emptied out for freedom from all grounds, as the final step towards the natural state.


Thank you so much for this explanation.


A neat little trick, you probably allready know this. If you ask a person to point to where their self is located, and they point at their heart, try giving them the bloodvein chakras first. However, if they point to their face, give them the flower chakra first. If they seek hidden knowledge or allready know lotus chakras from hinduism, show the geometric spoke chakras. If they are not open to chakras, show the body with the glyphs going up and down from domes and bowls.


Here is a correction for you. You said Dalaï Lama is on the third stage of the path of accumulation and that is why he can experience emptiness. It is on the third path (of the 5 paths) called the path of Seeing that one finally experiences direct non- conceptual emptiness. The path of accumulation is the first of the 5 paths. Yes, you are correct in saying the first path (path of accumulation) is divided into theee levels, : lower, middle, and Higher level.
Thank you I appreciate your style and approach.


I've only been taught to follow the breath in meditation and tonglen. I've never experienced anything during this meditation other than just a shutdown of thoughts and when I come out of it, I feel blank and robotic. Like, the self is still there, just repressed and it comes back slower and slower. I've never known any other form such as contemplation. If contemplation is a form of meditation, then I do that a lot when I'm just doing a task.


"That which is not dependently-originated (or that which does not depend on causes and conditions), such a thing does not exist. Therefore, that which is not empty (of inherent existence), such a thing does not exist."

-- Nagarjuna


Hi, sir. I believe it's important to note that the overwhelming majority of the non-dual instructions set forth by peoples like Nisargadatta and Ramana and the barrrage of unofficial offshoots merely start with this "I am" (definitely in quotes) and then going on to the Self which is no-self. The selfless Self. Starting with the sense of "I am" is basically a preliminary purification or mindfulness practice, and in doing so one may realize that this sense is not who-one-is at all, and that the "I am" and the subsequent "I am"s are just another concept or arising. Being the "I am" is talked about a lot because this sense of "I am" is seen as the original delusion—the root of all delusions—and as you can imagine it takes time for people to get beyond this attachment to self, so it is hammered as to put eyes on this little scamp. This sense of separation gets lifted. This is where the non-dual comes in... this selfless Self. Can't name, label, without opinion, nothing added etc. etc. and yet seen or experienced or sensed in a senseless way, often referred to as pure awareness even beyond any witness; a pure shikantaza or rigpa. This would be, to my best estimate, the fair take on these practices and vocabularies. It is what self inquiry is. We're obsessed with this moving target of the sense of "I am" so we should inquire about it to get that first little ah-ha kick that it is no self at all. And that first ah-ha is really the first step, but many see it as the last step.
