Mike Bickle public Repentance IHOPKC Update

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Woman Says IHOPKC Founder Mike Bickle Used Prophecy to Sexually Abuse Her

Eric Metazas Everything I have read and heard over the weeks has me believing that the initial accusations against Mike Bickel are deeply vile lies. I hope
@IHOPKC leadership has the guts to fully exonerate Mike, and to bring the false accusers to repentance. But not holding my breath. #metoo

Sean Feucht
@seanfeucht There are biblical ways to navigate church controversy and hidden sin discovered in church leadership. Those do not include running to leftist journalists with low integrity, bad character who hate the spirit-filled church. We MUST do better than this. 🙏🏽

IHOPKC Whistleblowers motivated by Money? Donations? Property? Steven Strang from Charisma magazine is reporting he really believes it was a spiritual attack on Mike Bickle. Steven Strang, "IHOPKC people are saying that unless more comes to light there's not even a reason to spend the money to hire lawyers to come in and do a thorough investigation" Streamed live on Nov 16, 2023

This is Huge! This is HUGE. If you’ve been following the story— and we have a new episode coming out in the next 24 hours about the new attorney that #IHOPKC has hired— this release this morning is very exciting news on behalf of the victims.

#LarryTomczak #EricMetaxas #seanfeucht #ihopkc #stevenstrang #drmichaelbrown #inthelineoffire #nancyfrench #JoelRichardson
#mikebickle #rickjoyner #morningstar #IHOP #sexualmisconduct #falseprophet #jamesgoll
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Thank you Brother John for helping us understand all this, God bless you!!!


Ihopkc has these three times NOT hired an impartial third party!


He should be disqualified for life from all leadership positions in the Church. Especially if it’s SA


Stephen Strang ought be ashamed of himself, no concern for the truth or the victims.


Don’t buy it. I am sorry. It should not be a delay. But no longer in ministry at all. No sorrow about the hurt to the woman!!!


I commentec on IHOPKC’s YT PAGE responding to Eric’s Response to Bickle’s Statement. They deleted my comments 😂😂😂 there is no transparency with these guys. Theyvare in damage control mode.


I go from angry to sad to confused to stunned, shocked and all over again after watching these videos. No mention of prayers for those who’ve been hurt. It isn’t a repentance statement when you say sorry, but……. But people are doing wrong against me. Why has it taken him so long to ask his friends, etc., to back off? He has absolutely minimized what he’s done, more victim shaming and blaming.. and, of course, using God as his weapon.


No repentance defending, deflecting, and denying!


What a shame Volz, Bickle, and the ELT all deserve each other.


That last public message by Mike Bickle should not be forgotten anytime soon. In it he referenced a personal visitation from the archangel Michael… and he was attempting to essentially project a vibe of “I’m anointed and unaccountable to mere mortals…”


What is Bickle confessing? If he didn't commit 'more intense sexual activities, ' then what does he mean by 'I sinned by engaging in inappropriate behavior'? Bickle does not confess a specific sin. He deflects and insists he did not commit sexual abuse. Bickle must think these sins don't matter because they happened 20 years ago. They matter to God who has a long memory. Bickle needs to read Psalm 51. That is what repentance looks like. I was reserving judgment on Mike Bickle. I am now convinced he is guilty. This letter is all about Bickle and damage control.
His spin doctors must have spent weeks on this. I pray that Mike Bickle will truly repent and that the victims will receive healing, strength and justice.


Hiring unbelievers to settle by investigating is counter to what the Apostle Paul stated that the church should have the discernment to settle in house. But maybe what they are so up about is their own people suing the church. It's a disgrace to see this behavior it all stems from allowing the world to dictate our beliefs instead of following what Jesus taught about church discipline how far we have gotten away from preaching the Word with Holy Spirit conviction.


Don’t be expecting Steve Sprang or Larry Tomczak to admit they were wrong about Bickle.


testimony IS evidence. When multiple people corroborate testimony, it is very strong evidence. When the first hand witness accounts spanning decades are corroborating in testifying of Bickle's prophetic manipulation; this is then more than strong evidence; it constitutes proof of that certain ploy to manipulate, and character of the man.


No that’s not what a public repentance is 😂 That’s someone speaking for Mike and being super vague about everything yet again. Mike needs to speak up and they all need to resign. IHOP is making the church look terrible


Love you Brother John!



So the admission is for one count, but there are other Jane Does with almost identical "prophesies" and manipulation on which basis seem credible. Then it is called a letter of repentance, but repentance can only be something we can see the effect of over time. I have heard so many times people use the word repentance but actually mean "I was caught and confess", but do not repent. In other words, we often don't see real repentance but it is more like and admission or apology. I have listened to Mike in the past and his teaching is manipulative, so I have not hesitation believing we are seeing the tip of the iceberg. Admit to one long time ago and refute the others as copycats maybe?


So is he going to repent for being a cult leader, and a false prophet while he is at it?


This entire situation is heartbreaking and sickening. These “ministers” are nothing but conmen. They prostitute the Gospel and cause nothing but confusion and pain. They should repent, sit down and be quiet. Thank you Brother John. Blessings 🙏🏼💜


2 Timothy 3 But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.
6 They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over gullible women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires, 7 always learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth. 8 Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so also these teachers oppose the truth. They are men of depraved minds, who, as far as the faith is concerned, are rejected. 9 But they will not get very far because, as in the case of those men, their folly will be clear to everyone
