What Is Love? | 0-100

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Produced, Directed, & Edited by Nick P Ross & Tom Murphy

Produced by Scott Miller, Gaslamp Entertainment
Director of Photography - Kyle Fallon
DIT - Trevor Taylor
Production Assistant - Elizabeth Tsubota
Gaffer - Justin Shertick

Shot at XIX Studios in Eagle Rock, CA

Music - dead way enlightenment - jeg elsker deg by ien sveir

Special Thanks to:
Linda Frances Broder, Davis School of Gerontology
Helena Gaar, XIX Studios

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Love is looking at someone and realizing life isn't as bad as you think it is.


I watched this and nearly cried. I'm a 24 year old man and the reason I cried is because I never really understood love, at all. I was cheated on, extorted and used, abused and lied to in 2 out of 3 of my previous relationships. I kind of decided there is no way that love existed.

However, 1 year ago I started dating a girl that made me I couldn't explain it. I was happy, excited and energetic. I became so, so much more active in life and tried so many different things. After a couple of months I realized I was very deeply in love with this person.

I told her I loved her and she told me she loved me too. She's sweet, she's funny, she's caring and so empathetic. She's smart and beautiful and everything I could have ever wished for. I consider myself the luckiest man on earth and would do anything to make sure I can see her smile.

To me, love is being able to make someone smile, by simply hearing their name. Love is sharing your life with someone you can tell everything to and not be judged about a single thing. Love is where you'd rather be with your partner and hug, than at your favorite bands concert. Love is when she comes with you to that same concert because she knows how much you love it, even though she doesn't. Love is where you do the same for her when it is the other way around. Love is where you don't need to get jealous about anything, because you KNOW you can completely trust someone.

Love, to me, is total acceptance of someone. Their flaws, their problems, their past and their current selves. Their future plans and how they change as you get closer and more committed to each other.

Love to me, is the most beautiful thing I have ever experienced.


To me Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
It rejoices with the truth.
And when all else fails three things remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.


Love is handing someone a map to your weak spots and trusting that they won't abuse it.


I'm gonna quote John Mayer here but I truly believe in the lyrics.
"Love is a verb, It ain't a thing. It's not something you own, It's not something you scream."
Love is an action, a state, an occurrence. It's something you work not, not something you just say.
It's not a noun that you can buy, create, name. It's a verb, it's something that becomes.


"It's where the happiness of another is essential to one's own" that's perfect


i wonder if the 105 years old man is still alive ? he is so nice and humble


Baby don't hurt me
Don't hurt me
No more


Why am I sooo bothered that it's not in order omg


I asked my 2 year old what love is and her response was "I love cookies"


"You can be single and that's kinda what I wanna do" YES GIRL INDEPENDENT AF!


"I always say I'd rather love someone than be in love with someone. Because Being in Love with someone implies you can fall out of it" Nicely said ❤. Wise words for someone young! :)
What a lovely video!


This was heartwarming. It was almost like my soul ate a pancake!


Can I just say that the man who is 105 years old still looks good.🙌


I think love is when you put the needs of that person, before your own needs without hesitating or even pondering over it. You just do it because you want them to be happy. Love is my daddy working in construction, no matter how much his back bothers him. Love is my mum, who held me in her womb for 9 months and almost died giving birth to me. Love is my Grandma living 1 and a half years after the doctor said she'd die, so that she would be able to see me be born and celebrate my 1st birthday. Love is when i look at my boyfriend and see a complete looser, with weird hair and odd hobbies, but i still date him and love him.


02:32 Hey it's the lady from Elders React! :D


Love is being vulnerable and unselfish.When someone else's happiness and well being means more to you than your own. Love is what life is all about. Life's greatest treasure.


To me love is when you look at someone or something and the only thing you can do is smile. Love is strong, stronger than any force in the universe. Love is love.


Do a 0-100 " What's the meaning of life? "


the girl at 3:05, what she said about love, really clarified something for me <3
