How to Do a Fish In Cycle the SAFE way! NEW AND IMPROVED!

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How to do a Fish In Cycle!
This is an updated version of this video.

A fish in cycle can be safe if you follow my directions.
So you need to know how to do a fish in cycle!
Well, that means you most likely have other questions!
You can do a fish in cycle with prime or you can do a fish in cycle with complete.

1. What is a Fish In Cycle?
2. Why is a Fish In Cycle bad?
3. Is a fish in Cycle dangerous?
4. Is a fish in cycle safe?
5. Why do people not like doing a fish in cycle?

Things you will need:
2. A Pen and Paper
3. A way to check your water parameters )Links below 👇🏼
4. Seachem Prime or Fritz Complete
5. A healthy snack and beverage

Take a look as I try to answer all these questions.

Fritz Complete:

Seachem Prime:

Check out my website to order fish:

By MFR Apparel here:

Breeding for Profit Playlist:


**Products I use or have used in the Fish Room**
API Freshwater Master Test Kit

Tetra 6 in 1 Test Strips (I use these)

Tetra Ammonia Test Strips ( I use these)

Seachem Prime

Seachem Safe

Python Water Change System

Bacto Surge Sponge Filter

Cheap China Sponge

Lee’s Specimen Container


API General Cure

Ich X

Blue Airline Tubing

Disclaimer: This video and description may contain affiliate links. If you click on the affiliate links, I will receive a small commission, which helps support this channel and allows me to continue making content for you to enjoy.
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Your description of a person buying there 1st tank I did not know you’re with me in 1973 when I bought mine it was so spot on keep up the great work


Thanks for this! I unexpectedly was given a betta the other day. I immediately started doing research online and began the fish in cycling process (after spending way too much money lol). I came to youtube to make sure I was doing it right. Turns out I am. I'm determined not to let my little guy die. I've become way too attached to him.


You explain the safe fish-in cycle so clearly. I wish your video was the first one I saw. There’s so much time I’ve wasted that I can never get back from videos that just didn’t explain it like you did! Thank you 🙏


All good info. I've cycled tanks this way. The only thing I'd add is that high doses of Prime can reduce the amount of oxygen in the tank. So a new fishkeeper might be advised to add an airstone if they have one, or to angle the filter so it creates a lot of surface agitation.


I'm in week 1 of my cycle 125 Gallon with fluval FX6 and Tidal 110 filtration. I have 5ea 1.5" Geophagus and 1ea 1.5" Severum in the tank doing well. I added the fish and did the 3 day dose with Fluval Cycle (bio booster). I'm adding 1 dose of Prime nightly. I'm testing the water every other day. Ammonia and Nitrite are 0.5 and below. Just started seeing Nitrate yesterday at 10ppm

I really appreciate the breakdown of the what each dose of Prime treats, thank you for the info. (subbed and bell rung)


This was incredibly helpful, thanks. I also learned that I should be using Prime when I've previously dismissed that since I have well water and don't need dechlorination, now I know it does so much more!


Thanks so much for this video! I accidentally killed all my beneficial bacteria when trying to get rid of a nasty bacterial infection. Now, I’ve learned my lesson to keep an extra cycled tank around. 😬😬😬


Who else can’t stop watching taco 🤣 I heart him 🖤 I feel attacked about that pineapple, we have that one 😩🤣


Thank you so much for the info! My original cycle crashed while I was transporting my media, so I am having to do a fish in cycle with some dwarf rasbora (eek!). It's been an absolute nightmare, with loosing two fish, ammonia burns, and failed spawning (so sad!).

My two cents worth on ammolock: I did give ammonia lock a go - it really helped remove the ammonia. I went from 2ppm to less than 0.25ppm in about three weeks. So super effective product, but unfortunately not ideal for a cycle.

I love your attitude by the way! You're awesome and so knowledgeable. Also the big fella in the background had me giggling - he wants in on the fun too!


I was taught to start the tank with a few hardy fish like tetras, add the biological, wait a week and start testing little by little until it's cycled. And the fish did fine.


Hi Michael I’ve had my first fry born today


I use Fluval products and they have worked for me really well. My son just got me a 29 gal tank for my birthday and Mother's day, and when I set it up, I am going to use the Fluval products and also a few fish to help it along to finish the cycle before I move my Rasboras into it, and then keep a close eye on the parameters so I don't go through any useless ammonia spikes.


No time for a snack with all this info. You were not kidding about the own and paper! Amazing info!!
Omg poor Sarah being called out like that lmao


Great video. Most pet stores in Australia will also tell you to run the tank for a week only before putting fish in. Either Seachem Stability and API Stresscoat+ is key.


Thanks, Michael. I was unsure about the water changes, but your advice is great. My fish look fine, and the readings show the ammonia and nitrites are going down slowly.


This was really helpful, technical info presented with common sense and real world approaches. Thanks!


I know this is an old video but thank you for this! I will soon be doing a fish in cycle because of an emergency and this video explained the process perfectly. Wish me luck!


Glad I found your channel. Very helpful, thank you!


Thank you so much. I crashed my cycle recently, by adding meds to try and save our oranda (he died anyway, so i wish i hadnt bothered now).

It's scary seeing the test colours so vivid, but having a step by step guide is keeping me calm and focused.


Always love your videos- upfront, honest, and to the point. I usually cycle by using seeded filter media, but recently set up my first big tank (45g) and have not cycled it yet. My work just recently discontinued using "pure" bacteria balls, and I was able to take those home- contemplating using them in starting a cycle.
