Knowledge is Power: Religion, Science & Magic Mushrooms

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Knowledge is Power: Religion, Science, and Magic Mushrooms

The planet is currently in the throes of evolving a more sustainable version of civilization, one that will be profoundly shaped by Knowledge. It will not be “new” knowledge, it’s a version of knowledge known since the dawn of human civilization. In fact, it is the knowledge that was responsible for the origin of civilization. It’s not worldly knowledge, in fact it’s “other worldly” knowledge. It is the knowledge of “who we really are.”

This knowledge reveals that we live in two realms: A physical reality and a spiritual reality. In prehistoric times, the recognition of spirituality was introduced through the ingestion of psychedelic plant medicines. In ancient Greece, these medicinal experiences were instrumental in giving rise to philosophy, science, art and democracy, foundational in shaping modern civilization. The knowledge of our personal connection with divinity provided individuals with a source of “self-empowerment.”

Long before Greece existed, women were the source of knowledge and held the secrets of creating psychedelic potions. When Monotheism evolved, the Church eliminated the knowledge of personal spiritual empowerment by eliminating the role of women and psychedelics. The Genesis story specifically blames women and the apple (psychedelics???) of “knowledge” for the downfall of humanity.

In recent history, governments have consistently disempowered the public by outlawing psychedelics, while simultaneously pushing pharmaceutical “drugs.” University and Medical School research has revealed that psychedelics offered the most powerful influence in treating alcoholism, drug addiction, and depression, among other neurological disorders. Interestingly, the government outlawed these drugs claiming they had no medicinal value. The recent news that some states have legalized psychedelics is a sign of evolutionary advancement that will profoundly influence the future of civilization.

This month’s video, a conversation with my nephew Alex (our video maven and spiritual researcher), is an informative and enlightening discussion that reveals the role of knowledge of personal spirituality, and the subsequent suppression of this knowledge, in shaping today’s world. It is a longer presentation than our regular videos, but I believe it is worth it because the message offers personally empowering knowledge that can help us thrive into the future.

[Spoiler Alert: If you hold orthodox, rigid, beliefs about your religion, it is not recommended that you view this challenging conversation]

With Peace, Love, and wishes for your Personal Empowerment,
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Religion and spirituality is not separate. This is where we have to be careful of our ego that separates us from ONE who is ONE with all of us. In the beginning, there was the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil. We are currently at a crossroads because we see our duality. But duality is just an illusion to reveal our oneness. So, humanity is actually feminine here to learn what is good. What is good is to know who we are. We are good. We are here to understand Him who is God who is selflessness. We are actually here to be lovers. We are in love with the other. Whatever is in opposition is giving resistance to teach. When we understand we are here to be a light to the other, brain and heart become ONE and all knowledge speaks to all things that are one. We actually are creating Him in our image. We are here to empower not to take the power. That is life. She chooses to love the other. She is not in love with herself (tree of knowledge of good and evil). The man and woman are one. Brain and heart are ONE. Religion and spirituality are ONE. One knows.


This is incredible information and insight! Thank you so much for the enlightenment!


As a grandmother who makes healing potions from garden ingredients, I approve this message!


Good Stuff! Lucky for us we are Humans 7.0 now and there will be no more backpedaling. Pluto in Aquarius, no one alive has ever experienced it. Last time was the French Revolution. Pluto = Death & Transformation. Gonna be a Great Year!


Wow! I am so amazed! Thanks for this information! Almost to incredible to be true! Thank you so much!


Hos 4:6  My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.


Well elaborated, thank you. The interest for knowledge and wisdom seem to run in the family! ;o)


If you eternal awareness experience...
a light experience
a NDE near death experience
a psychic plant experience
Being ibrought into an awareness of an all encompassing mind body soul God~Creator experience.
Where day today reality marries into the aetheric spiritually concsiousnes... which exists atthe same time, as life on earth, as the heaven on earth simultaneously.
One Love~One Life.
We are Oneness with and within the living Being of creation's Oneness.


Free your minds = 172 = 1, English, In Chaldean = 53 = 8.
Active imagination = 172 = 1, English, In Chaldean = 53 = 8.
Searching Secrets = 173 = (11) English, In Chaldean = 53 = 8.
Magic Mushrooms = 174 = 3, English, In Chaldean = 53 = 8.
Trans-time fields = 174 = 3, English, In Chaldean = 53 = 8. The Aurora time continuum is accessed within multiple time vectors located in the Trans-time fields.
Authentic living = 174 = 3, English, In Chaldean = 53 = 8.
Key Information = 175 = 4, English, In Chaldean = 53 = 8.
ceremonial ritual = 176 = 5, English, In Chaldean = 53 = 8.

Universal human = 178 = 7, English, In Chaldean = 53 = 8.
Find your soul = 179 = 8, English, In Chaldean = 53 = 8.

Inherent truth = 180 = 9, English, In Chaldean = 53 = 8. Inherent existing as a natural or basic part of something.

Parapsychology = 181 = 1, English, In Chaldean = 53 = 8. The study of the evidence for psychological phenomena, such as telepathy, clairvoyance, and psychokinesis, that are inexplicable by science. The field of study concerned with psychological phenomena not explainable by the laws of physics, especially extrasensory perception, telepathy, psychokinesis, precognition, and clairvoyance.

Subliminal Message = 181 = 1, English, In Chaldean = 53 = 8. A signal or message embedded in another object, designed to pass below the normal limits of perception. Subliminal stimuli are any sensory stimuli below an individual's threshold for conscious perception, in contrast to supraliminal stimuli. A 2012 review of functional magnetic resonance imaging studies showed that subliminal stimuli activate specific regions of the brain despite participants' unawareness.

living metabolism = 182 = 11, English, In Chaldean = 53 = 8.


i am Thoth of Atlantis the second stable manifestation the one some call the Jesus Christ the Lion of Judah
5:30 you saying 1000 years before Christ however what you describe/what you are talking about is a Christ, just a different name and development for a different time




These guys still haven't discovered the power of eating meat. Why they have such huge bellies? Bruce I love you but get on the meat my boy! Will give at least 30 more years to teach us..maybe even more. Meat and fruit my teacher. Or just meat. Please. We love you. Want to see you thrive physically too.


Thanks Dr. Bruce and Grasshopper Alex. So enlightening. It all makes total sense how you explain it through history. Looking forward to more discussions.


Don't be afriad to make your videos more long form Bruce, they're welcome. We're all now used to listening for longer periods and love the journey.


I, who walked away from the Religious Cult; have posted this video everywhere & sent to 'content creators' asking for them to do a show on it. . . . Thank you Dr. Bruce & Grasshopper Alex; for enlightening us & to encourage us to THINK OUTSIDE the box on ANY subject. I'll be watching for more knowledge from you on ALL this presented in this video.


Brilliant. Thank you both for this. Please do it more often. Like they say, "The truth will set you free" I have followed you for years Dr Bruce, knew you were batting for the right team. Please go further with your talks, humanity needs this.


Love this information- everything makes savvy to me - having a curious thinking mind myself- I experienced Psilicibin when I was 71 - never having had it before! Wow- it was so amazing!


Very Valuable Information !! Thank You Dr. Lipton And Grasshopper Alex. Happy Holidays To Both. 🙏


Very interesting to realise, to what extent we are being manipulated by religion.


Love all your information that is so well articulated without being patronising or inaccessible. Thanks so much. x
