11 Things You Can’t Do When You Own A Beagle

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Owning a beagle, like my mischievous Groot, can be a wild ride. If you've ever found yourself chasing your dog down the street or cleaning up chewed-up shoes, you’ll definitely relate. In this video, we're diving into 11 things you can’t do when you have a beagle, from dealing with their endless energy to their love for mischief.


My Recommendations:
Puppy Dog Food for Beagles

Adult Dog Food for Beagles

Dog Treats


Dog Toys

Dog Bed

0:00 Intro
0:11 You cant Leave Food Out
0:36 You cant Keep Trash Uncovered
0:54 You can't sleep late in the mornings, not even on Sundays
1:11 You can't Have a Quiet House
1:30 You can't Leave Small Items Around
1:48 You can't have a Pristine Garden
2:04 You can't keep your Door and windows Open
2:22 You can't stick to Tight Schedule
2:38 You just can't have an uninterrupted Movie Nights
2:53 You can't Skip the Vacuum
3:06 You can't have Unchewed Furniture

I am a beagle owner myself and raising him was the toughest thing as there was hardly any beagle specific information on the internet. So I took it on me and decided to share all the knowledge that I learned the hard way. In my videos, I cover all kinds of topics related specifically to beagles. So make sure to subscribe to our channel as I upload 2 videos every week.
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I used to have a beagle that went with me everywhere. When I'd leave her in the car to run in a store, she would start honking the horn until I came back. It was so funny.


I was raised on Beagles. I love every aspect of these darling little pups with all my heart! I miss you Bullet, Bandit, Rufus, and Smokie!! 😭😭😭


Many of the typical beagle traits 👍
However, our beagle is not an early morning dog at all; except when he was a puppy he never chews furniture ; we can leave things lying around and he won’t chew them, other than of course FOOD!!!! Beagles are really wonderful, fun, playful loving and a bit noisy… dogs 🐶


Beagle are sweet and beautiful. ❤❤❤❤❤❤


Mine used to wake me at 5am when she was a puppy. She’d be in her crate and hear my mom up and about, so she’d start whining to be up and out too. One day I couldn’t take it being up that early, so I took her from her crate, brought her into my bed, and put her under the blanket. She sniffed around a moment, dug into the sheets a little, curled up next to me and fell asleep again.

Now, years later, if she’s awake early in the morning and I am not, she simply leaves her bed and curls up in mine and goes back to sleep. Although sometimes she’ll wake me just enough that I subconsciously lift the blanket so she can crawl in and get cozy lol


My beagle never barks, but he sure does love to howl when he sees other dogs walk by with their owners!


You cannot leave ANYTHING out!
Mine loves my wife’s sandals! Define what you mean, by “out of their reach.”

That short little guy can get up on things and I cannot figure out how he does it.
I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Probably the most sweetest dog, I’ve ever rescued. He’s been a huge blessing! 😊❤️


My beagle does some of these but not all. She is late sleeper, loves to smell and steal food, but has never been a dog that likes to play. She snuggles me on the recliner and if I don’t get up she doesn’t either, except to bark at something outside.


Same things with my cute and naughty beagle❤


Wow, this has perfectly described my beloved Walt, and I LOVE his quirks. What an adventure


Beagles are not pets. They're soulmates. One of the things these Beagle videos rarely tell you is Beagles time on this planet are way more finite than ours. This is something that has to be understood when You take responsibility for this precious Pup. Sometimes I think Beagles understand this better than we do. Oh by the way. This reality is Is not just Beagles. My best bud Duke, a black Lab, Was with me for twelve years. He left 40 years ago I still miss him..


We feel very lucky because our Beagle is very well behaved. She gets her Beagle time on our walks or outings, but otherwise that list most definitely does not apply to her. Well… Hair aside -she is a beagle after all.


Where was this list when I got my guy?! This was so accurate 😑🙄🥰


My beagle is quite different than this. He sleeps late, does not care much about his food, never gets in the garbage, has never chewed my furniture, and only howls when someone walks past the balcony ❤❤❤❤❤


I feel like most points on this list are only an issue if you do not know how to teach your dog what they are allowed to do and what they are not.
For example when my girl was around 8 months old I started to place my loaded dinner plate on the floor for a few minutes and if she would approach the plate I would tell her to knock it off. Since then I can happily leave my food around anywhere, if she knows it's my food she will never touch it, even if I leave the room.
Same goes for stuff like chewing, after the puppy phase is over no dog should be chewing anything they are not allowed to and if they are it's most likely a communication issue between you and your dog.


12th thing: you can't yell at your beagle - they're the master of the puppy dog eyes, extremely emotionally sensitive, and you'll end up feeling worse than they do that you yelled at them 😂


😀😀😀 absolutely agreed with all the eleven things!


If you want to see a couple of hysterical beagles look for Kiki &
Koko. Their pawrents do cooking videos with them. Oh my gosh!!!


While I agree with this list, beagles can be taught to behave. Mine never gets into trash, he never chews on anything but his designated toys. He even puts them away in his toy box when done playing with them. He was easy to house break, and has never made a mess on the floor. He does bark at the mailman, run the fence playing with the neighbors younger beagle pup, and spits out his dog kibble when he gets a piece he doesn't like. The only real problem I've ever had with him is severe aggression with other dogs when we take our morning walks. I cannot break him of lunging, snapping, and barking at other dogs. He's done this as a pup, and I have tried everything.


We've invested a lot of money in Plastic containers. Our pantry looks like a Christmas event at Tupperware. My Vegie garden and fruit trees are all behind steel mesh. But funny as.
