Dress Your Age! Why You Should Be Intentional About Clothing Choices

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I'm 74 and take dressing in an, age appropriate, classic style seriously. Last week while crossing the street I was flagged down by a lovely 30 something blonde. She had taken the time to roll down the window and call out how "handsome" I looked in my jacket, hat and vest. I thanked her for making my day and we both went on our way feeling better for the encounter. I always enjoy you thoughts keep up the campaign for men's style.


Being in shape is also key so the clothes fit the way they should.


I live in North Dakota. I learned that if you wear an overcoat here you become the best dressed man in the state.


Incorrect, the most important factor is environment.
- If i were in a business environement, i would dress accordingly (basic button up dress shirt, and dress pants).
-If i were in a more manual/ blue collar work like many men do, I'd wear "workwear" clothing (just google it), both flattering and timeless.

Personally i'm a medical resident (doctor in training) and 95% of the time we are in casual clothes (T shirts + or sometimes casual dress shirts + casual shoes/sneakers) for 2 reasons:
- Patients need to be at ease to open up and become vulnerable and it's way easier for them if my clothes are casual because the bright white medical coat is itself intimidating for LOT of patients. When patients allow themselves to open up and feel at EASE, it benefits both them and me (I do my job better and easier, thus less chances to miss something especially somethinig that could be an emergency and yeah go to jail).
-second point not specific to medical field: it's so comfortable to be able to wear casual clothes and shoes AND actually do a better job for patients and ourselves. We also do a lot of walking, bedsides clinical exams etc, and the various movements we do are way easier in comfortable clothes.
-anecdotally, for pediatrics, it was not only optional but almost necessary to wear casual clothing. Graphic tees were common practice even for older male doctors. I don't wear them daily because I don't like them but it's personal taste.
-anecdotally also, it comes to a point where you don't really care about trying to make an impression random people in the street, when you're a doctor you get enough "pride" and "attention" from women from the status alone. But I agree that doctor is quite specific, but for manual blue collar jobs it applies, your wardrobe will be mainly composed of workwear clothing.

In conclusion, the most important factor is environment, not age. Dress shirt and dress pants are nice, but it needs to fit the environement.


I feel like it all comes together once we reach certain stability in our lives . Dressing, personal image, maturity and responsibility.


You should not mow your lawn while wearing flip flops!


Dress the way you can afford to dress. Never let someone dictate what you should or shouldn’t wear as long as the clothing is washed


My wife and I got married in our early and mid 20s. When we went out on dates in the early years of our marriage, she would spend considerable time getting ready (hair, make-up, jewelry, outfit, etc.). I was ready in 20 minutes (including the shower). It took me years to realize she looked far better than I did and, most importantly, she was doing it for me. This is why women appreciate when a man takes the time to look nice. They can tell when you're making a real effort and when you're not. Sure, you do it for yourself, but you also do it for HER.

I'm a blue-collar guy so I admit I don't follow many of the recommendations in your videos. However, I'm 60 years old now and my wife appreciates when I wear a nice button-down Pendleton shirt or a Polo shirt instead of a t-shirt.


Great video! I have a ton of black concert t-shirts because I’m a musician but I balance them with age appropriate outfits. I loved the Threads website for helping coordinate clothes but since they went out of business have been looking for quality but affordable options. Most people think I’m in my late forties so I can get away with some younger looks but I’m actually late fifties and the looks vs actual age gap is closing.


I made a decision at age 40 to drop the high tops, no more neon, graphic Tees are for teens and only criminals wear hoodies. I dress like a dad and I love it. Ironed shirts, dress pants and polished shoes every day. I started a new job last week and literally 4 people have said to me “you don’t have to dress like that you know “. My coworkers wear pajamas to work and drape blankets on them when they are cold . It’s beyond poor taste. I hate this world.


"Shoes can make or break your outfit". Truer words could not be spoken. Dead on accuracy. I find myself spending more time trying to find shoes that work with an outfit than I do finding the actual outfit.


I bought the Slick Collar by Luxe about six months ago. I wear one everyday. Women love a put together man. Slick Collar ties everything together for a well dressed man. The price makes this an absolute no brainer for sure.
Your videos are always on point. Thank you for all you do!


According to this video, pretty much every T shirt I own has to be thrown out, cos I’m nearly 50 🤷🏻 but yet, I’m young at heart, I’m of a stocky build, have tattoos, including very visible 1s, predominantly wear black, don’t wear baggy jeans, and wear only Nike trainers, mostly black in colour, 1 purple denim jacket and a few leather jackets, 1 that’s of denim style and the others smart biker style, and I’m comfortable with my image/style, the only thing I wanna change is losing weight around the typical mid section, oh and own maybe 2 smart shirts which rarely see the light of day, cos it just don’t feel normal for me to wear a shirt, and I’m fine with that


"age appropriateness" is simply another form of cultural conditioning and it's meaningless without the intention. Dress intentionally to position yourself for what you want!! If you're 55, you likely won't get a classy woman or finance job by dressing like a slob. But if, at that same age, you want a biker chick then the tailored sport jacket won't get you that either. All depends on what you want, not your age.


On weekends, I have taken the liberty to wear a blazer, button-down collar shirt, and dark wash jeans with some penny loafers. I received some attention, for I was dressed, and thanked for the compliments. By the way, I am 64.


I will keep wearing my comfy pants and shirts. Im happy with myself and my career and business. I dont need to worry about what others think.


This is a great video from a different perspective. Thanks for reinforcing that I don't dress my age.

Now if I can only get past IDGAF.


Can confirm but i'm not ditching my CBGB'S t-shirt! I have become so much more cognizant of how I appear and present myself in public because of your advice, John. These things do matter.


I switched to button-ups in my twenties and have not changed my style since then. Now, in my forties, I still maintain the same style.


Another great video!

I have been using the Slick Collar for years, after you promoted it a while back.
