The full story of Disrupt

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Jak asked to come on the channel and provide some answers about what transpired with Disrupt and his departure. The following is a conversation between Jordan and Jak covering some of the history of events in hopes of providing more clarity to the questions that were not previously answered.

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Just as a point of clarification since I notice some confusion on one of the comments Jak made. The "Peru Experience" discussed and the idea that resulted from this was A Week in VR and not the idea to sell the channel.

These two things happened at different times.


This dude had a money printer and completely imploded it, fucking over everyone who helped him get there. Absolutely wild


There's refusing to take accountability, and then there's "Hallucination demons made me do it, but it's okay because I was doing it for Jesus."


I’m ashamed to admit when I first heard about the opportunity to own a piece of disrupt I was seriously contemplating contributing. Hearing now that this guy gets his ideas from Peruvian drug demons and now Jesus Christ I’m so so so relieved I never got my wallet out.


as a long time subscriber who is also Christian, trying to take this channel use it to promote your religion is a sure fire way to get nearly everyone turned against you. kinda glad that it didn’t work out that way


(TLDW )If you are here for answers in any form you will not find it here, if you want to listen to two former friends/business partners try and figure out where it all went wrong in a humanly awkward way go ahead.Just know no one is apologizing, the band is not coming back together(jack is doing his own thing) and Disrupt is going into a micro hibernation while things are being sorted out. No drama is expanded on just reasons on why both sides think things should/could have gone.Their is no gotcha moment, their is no moment where one "hero"stands tall, their is no real conclusion. This is just a video about 2 people picking up the pieces and trying to figure out where each persons is going in life. watch this as if you are watching 2 former friends know strangers awkwardly trying to reconcile. Forget for a moment its about Disrupt and you may actually enjoy it, view it as 2 people talking about a failed business.


"Or I could try to raise money to try and own disrupt and transition the content into what I ultimately want to create which is content that glorifies Christ and the vehicle to do that I thought was crowdfunding" 37:18
He was going to deceive the audience (“save” Disrupt), accept their money, and then stab them in the back by changing the content into something he wants to promote. Honestly paints a worse picture for me. He also claims the idea came from a demon after taking ayahuasca which doesn’t seem like he's taking much ownership over what happened 17:08


Lesson to be learnt:
if coffeezilla lines his crosshairs on you, it's over.


been tough seeing the channel declining, hope that they can eventually get at least some things back on the rails.


Such a shame because I used to really like Jak - I remember when I watched his "I spent a week in VR" video for the first time, the first Disrupt video I ever watched, and I found him to be so comforting with his relaxed voice and friendly, insightful approach. His videos were so therapeutic; a warm embrace in uncertain times; a cosy pleasure to watch at night. It's sad how people change for the worse. But hey, everyone is capable of redemption and positive change: a good start would be to own up to your mistakes, though.


I hope jordan and the rest of the disrupt team can get this channel back on it's feet. it has one of the highest production qualities on this platform, and i've enjoyed all of the content


wow Jordan is one of the most gracious people I've ever seen. what a kind and generous way to end this sort of bizarre conversation


TL:DR Jak started experiencing symptoms of schizophrenia and refused to take his meds


Honestly seems like Jak has some schizophrenic tendencies, unlocked by psychadelics... I hope hes alright, and finds peace. Seems like he needs to go do his own thing


"communication" is really underated these days. It can overcome so many misunderstandings yet people don't bother.


There's something so forced and stifling about the way these two interact, like they're both so inside their own heads they're incapable of actually having a real conversation anymore. Jak clearly just enjoys the sound of his own (digitally altered) voice, I've never heard someone speak with so much mustered cloying sentimentality in what is supposed to be a casual conversation with a friend. And Jordan, while not nearly as insufferable, has all the zeal and passion of a puppy that's afraid to make eye contact with itself in the mirror.
I'm only about ten minutes in but I think I've heard enough of these two over-educated, under-socialized professional naval gazers take turns seeing how long they can stretch out the most basic statements and thoughts.

UPDATE: I kept watching. I'm now 17 minutes deep. Jak is blaming his scam attempt on a Peruvian cactus demon. Outstanding.


Can’t wait to hear how this dude screwed everything up entirely hope he takes real accountability here


What the hell was this? Dude didn't even apologize, he just goes 'well my life is like that of one of the saints so..."


So no, no accountability.
His plan was so messed up. Manipulate the audience into giving him the channel through crowd funding, with the plan ultimately being that once that succeeded, he'd pivot to religious content.


Comment section is quite the mixed bag. We've got people saying "Woo yeaaahh, Disrupt is back" not even acknowledging the purpose of the video, a handful saying "You know shit's going down when Coffeezilla mades a vid on you", and the rest actually watched the video or are watching it.
