WARNING Dream: AI & The Children! The Rapture & The White Horse! God WILL Have HIS Way!

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In this video I share a warning dream concerning AI and the children, which is the fulfillment of a prophecy of Daniel, chapter 2. I also share a dream concerning the Rapture and how it is connected to the arrival of white horse.  keep looking up, Church! Our redemption is very near! 

How To Know Jesus Christ as Your Lord & Savior:
There was a Pharisee, a man named Nicodemus who was a member of the Jewish ruling council. He came to Jesus at night and said, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the signs you are doing if God were not with him. Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again. . . Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit.” [John 3: 1-3 & 5]

When we are born into this world, our spirit man is dormant. In order for our spirit man to come alive, or to be “born again,” we need to come into a relationship with Father God, through His Son, Jesus Christ. Under the new Grace covenant, the Apostle Paul tells us HOW: “If you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.” [Romans 10: 9-10]. To confess in the Greek here means to agree or concede, and the word Lord in the Greek means to give someone deciding power over your life. In other words, the plan of salvation requires that a person both believe in the shed blood of Jesus Christ to cover their sins, AND he/she must come into agreement with the Lord Jesus Christ, surrendering his/her life to His Lordship, His leading and guiding from that point forward.

Jesus said, “And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.” [Luke 9:23] This means that a Believer/Follower of the Lord Jesus Christ is willing to deny his/her flesh [sin] DAILY in order to embrace the Lord’s agenda. It is not easy, but it is worth it. And the Lord has supplied us with a provision of power, His Grace, to enable us to live the life He calls us to. It is not by our own works or power that we come into salvation in Christ Jesus, but by His shed blood alone, and our willingness to surrender our lives to Jesus Christ. As the Apostle Paul explains, “For it is by grace you have been saved through faith, and this not from yourselves. It is the gift of God, not by works so that no one can boast.” [Ephesians 2: 8-9]

Do you want to know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? It is not the words you pray that will save you, but it is the attitude of your heart. Do you admit that you are a sinner in need of God’s forgiveness? Do you believe that Jesus Christ died for your sins, and that He was raised from the dead in order to make a blood atonement for your sins? Will you surrender you life to Jesus Christ, laying down your own will and agenda to embrace the will of the Lord Jesus Christ? Are you ready to participate in a DAILY relationship with Father God and Jesus Christ in accordance with John 17:3? If you have answered YES to all of these questions, then I encourage you to pray a prayer now, something like this. . .

SALVATION PRAYER: Father God, I recognize that I am sinner in need of forgiveness. I ask that you would cover my sins now with the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. I ask that Jesus would come into my life now. I surrender my life to Jesus and acknowledge that He is now Lord of my life. I ask that you would guide me into your perfect will and plan for my life from this day forward. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen Salvation is free, but it was not cheap. And choosing to follow Jesus is simple, but it is not easy. And anyone who claims otherwise is a liar.

Рекомендации по теме

I’ve had 4 Rapture dreams this past year. The last one was about 3 weeks ago, and it was very exciting! In the dream, I was in heaven, and I saw the robe of Jesus. It was white, with a one inch long ribbon of colors of red, blue and yellow decorating his robe. He was excited and his robe was festive. He doesn’t normally wear this! All of heaven was very excited! They we’re getting ready for us to be with them in heaven!! It was SO real!


Please pray for my son Joshua to be delivered and his salvation please. In Jesus name I pray I need your help please and thank you all ❤😢


Sister Melissa, I just wanted to tell you that we love you and truly appreciate all the warnings, messages of encouragement and everything that you are sharing with all of us. So exciting to know that as long as we have our love and faith in our Lord and Savior, that despite the soon coming disasters and catastrophes that are coming to the world, we’ll be safe in the hands of our Lord Jesus! Thank you and God bless!


Thank you. Asking for prayers please. Many health problems and daily pain. Pills don't help. Doctors are not helping. Thank you. God bless you. Amen 💖🙏


As in the days of Noah get on the boat JESUS CHRIST is the boat get on the boat. Put your faith in and hold on to GODS SON JESUS CHRIST The Way The Truth and The Life He's the only one who can save you loluv Be Blessed


Yesterday I came across a picture of Elon musk and an AI female robot there looking at each other as if they were married. I knew. Casual Christians will be casualties. So sad 😢. Thank you for reading the scriptures. GOD bless you and yours 🙏 Much love in Jesus name. .


I had several dreams of empty malls and it happened. I also had a dream of being underground in a catacomb under a coliseum wearing a trench coat. I’m a street preacher in fort Kansas City Zoo. 15 years street preaching and I was a millionaire. Lol. Maranatha. The rest of the dream I would see little shiny things in the dirt and I’d put the little crowns in the pocket of my trench coat 🧥 thinking I’d give them to Jesus when I got back home.


Thank you dear Melissa, for your kind words of encouragement. God bless you🌟✝️🌟


We must keep our eyes peeled more than ever, for the soon Return of the Lord!👀Normal is not coming back! Jesus is! (Luke 21:36)✝


SALVATION Dear God I am a sinner and in need of a savior, I acknowledge your son Jesus Christ who died on the cross and was raised from the dead on the third day, I repent, will you please forgive me of my sins, and Lord Jesus I ask you to come into my heart, live your life in me, and from This moment on I am yours, thank you for giving me forgiveness, thank you for giving me eternal life, in Jesus name Amen


A beautiful and timely message. Thank you sweet sister. Looking forward to our being taken out. That first dream is most disturbing indeed. My heart breaks at the headlines as they come after children. It is so heinous. May the LORD Jesus Christ's mercy be upon them and all His children.


Peace and Blessings Sister Melissa! All Glory to GOD Almighty! Praised Be YOU LORD JESUS CHRIST... Hallelujah!


May I please ask for prayers for healing if anyone feels led? Tysm! God bless!🙏❤


Hi Family, I had a very bad nightmare in the early morning hours. 2 men broke into my house, rushed in and threw me to the floor. In my worst hour of trouble I called upon The Name of Jesus. He was there IMMEDIATELY and PULLED me away from the men, with a huge force. He is MIGHTY. He saved me and I was in a safe place instantly. It felt like a 'rapture' the way He pulled me out of danger. I do not watch Television and live a life close to Christ daily. And still I had this vision/ experience. But Jesus saved me. May this be a reminder that in all these doctrine quarrels on You Tube, that Jesus WILL help us!!! We belong to Him. Eyes on Him. No time wasted on scoffers/ religious quarrels. Peace to all 🕊


Abba Father, in Jesus's mighty name, I pray that Jesus comes and takes the children and babies! Father, I pray for these little ones' protection from the enemy, and for your peace to be upon every child!! I THANK-YOU ABBA FATHER, your name and glory be praised forever, AMEN.💕


Shutting down is perfect description. There is so much pride in the world and in the church sadly. Pride leads people to believe they have it ALL figured out and don't need to hear anything others may have to say. They SHUT YOU DOWN. Only the Lord God has it all figured out. When your relationship with God is paramount, your 1st concern above EVERYTHING you can't help but be constantly watching and waiting. You want to be ready! You are EAGER TO BE WITH YOUR SAVIOR.


Praises to YHVH who is sitting on his throne clothed with honor and majesty.
Thank you for sharing your dreams. We are in the last days of our journey here; just as in the days of Noah; therefore, let’s continue strong through prayer and scripture reading and not forgetting to share the gospel with the lost.


Love you too!!🙏❣️🕊️
And this band of brothers and sisters in community also!!

This message was so powerful and encouraging, , , the dream too with all its significance!!!


🙋MARATHA 📢 HALLELUJAH GOD BLESS YOU SISTER MELISSA AND Thank you for sharing this powerful message from the lord almighty GOD WE Serv..🙋 AMEN


Yes, you have encouraged me and I thank you for thinking of us as we grow closer to this fantastic event...
