Vedic Chanting

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The music in this video grew to be one of my most listened tracks, “vedic chanting”, probably because it connects the listener to the original form of mantra practice, to the original sound from Indian sacred music. Also, the verses carry the raw energy of Shiva, so just listening attentively can become a powerful uplifting practice, also purifying our vibrations those in our surroundings.

Track: Vedic Chanting
album ATMA BHAKTI by Manish Vyas

वंदे शंभुमुमापतिं सुरगुरुं वंदे जगत् कारणम्
वंदे पन्नगभूषणं शशिधरं वंदे पशूनां पतिम्
वंदे सूर्य शशांक वह्नि नयनं वंदे मुकुंद प्रियम्
वंदे भक्तजनाश्रयं च वरदं वंदे शिवंशंकरम् ।।

मृत्युंजायाय रुद्राय नीलकंठाय शंभवे l
अमृतेशाय शर्वाय महादेवाय ते नम: ll

नमस्ते अस्तु भगवन
विश्र्वेश्र्वराय महादेवाय
त्र्यम्बकाय त्रिपुरान्तकाय
कालाग्निरुद्राय नीलकण्ठाय मृत्युंजयाय
सर्वेश्र्वराय सदाशिवाय
श्रीमन् महादेवाय नमः

ओं नमः शंभवाय च , मयोभवाय च ।
नमः शंकराय च मयस्कराय च ।
नमः शिवाय च शिवतराय च ।।”

ॐ त्र्यम्बकं यजामहे सुगन्धिं पुष्टिवर्धनम्।
उर्वारुकमिव बन्धनान् मृत्योर्मुक्षीय मामृतात्॥

नागेन्द्रहाराय त्रिलोचनाय
भस्माङ्गरागाय महेश्वराय ।
नित्याय शुद्धाय दिगम्बराय
तस्मै नकाराय नमः शिवाय

नन्दीश्वरप्रमथनाथमहेश्वराय ।
तस्मै मकाराय नमः शिवाय

शिवाय गौरीवदनाब्जबृंदा
सूर्याय दक्षाध्वरनाशकाय ।
श्रीनीलकण्ठाय वृषध्वजाय
तस्मै शिकाराय नमः शिवाय

मूनीन्द्र देवार्चिता शेखराय ।
तस्मै वकाराय नमः शिवाय

यज्ञस्वरूपाय जटाधराय
पिनाकहस्ताय सनातनाय ।
दिव्याय देवाय दिगम्बराय
तस्मै यकाराय नमः शिवाय

पञ्चाक्षरमिदं पुण्यं यः पठेच्छिवसंनिधौ ।
शिवलोकमावाप्नोति शिवेन सह मोदते
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Now this video has thousands(55k) of view, but after some days this will got millions of views...this chants is so beautiful..har har mahadev🕉️🚩🙏


शिवपार्वती हर हर महादेव जय श्री कृष्ण जय श्री कृष्ण जय श्री महाकाल हर हर महादेव जय श्री भोलेनाथ ओम नमः शिवाय जय श्री बालाजी महाराज जय श्री भोले बाबा ♥️🙏🌈🏔️🤩🌿🪴🌼🕉️


वंदे शंभुमुमापतिं सुरगुरुं वंदे जगत् कारणम्
वंदे पन्नगभूषणं शशिधरं वंदे पशूनां पतिम्
वंदे सूर्य शशांक वह्नि नयनं वंदे मुकुंद प्रियम्
वंदे भक्तजनाश्रयं च वरदं वंदे शिवंशंकरम् ।।

[ I salute Shambu, Umapati, the preceptor (teacher) of devas, I salute the cause of the earth, I salute the one ornamented with the serpent, the wearer of the moon, I respect that master of all beings. I salute the one with sun, moon, and fire as eyes, I salute the lover of Mukunda, I salute the succour of the devotees, I salute Shiva, the dispenser of welfare. ]

मृत्युंजायाय रुद्राय नीलकंठाय शंभवे l
अमृतेशाय शर्वाय महादेवाय ते नम: ll

[ O Lord of Death, destroyer of the physical realm, he who pervades the whole universe, he whose is the source of Bliss
The eternal one, sum total everything there is, Lord of Lords salutations to you ]

नमस्ते अस्तु भगवन
विश्र्वेश्र्वराय महादेवाय
त्र्यम्बकाय त्रिपुरान्तकाय
कालाग्निरुद्राय नीलकण्ठाय मृत्युंजयाय
सर्वेश्र्वराय सदाशिवाय
श्रीमन् महादेवाय नमः

[ Oh Lord, salutations to you
Oh Lord of the Universe, Greatest of them all
He who has three eyes (eye of omniscience), he who gives enlightenment which is beyond three (Astral, Physical & Causal) worlds
He who like fire, devours all three times (Past, Present, Future) within himself
Like Time, he who ends everything, like time he who disciplines the world into order, He whose body is vast ( blue like sky, oceans), He who has conquered Yama the Lord of Death/ Time.
Lord of all Beings, Conscousness which is untouched by the world yet everything in the world is because of him.
Oh great Lord, salutations to you ]

ओं नमः शंभवाय च, मयोभवाय च ।
नमः शंकराय च मयस्कराय च ।
नमः शिवाय च शिवतराय च ।।”

[ We bow to Thee, who art All-Joy, All happiness, the dispenser of ease and Fulfiller righteous desires, All Calm and All-peace.]

ॐ त्र्यम्बकं यजामहे सुगन्धिं पुष्टिवर्धनम्।
उर्वारुकमिव बन्धनान् मृत्योर्मुक्षीय मामृतात्॥

[ Hey three-eyed Lord Shiva, Our Nurturer, please relieve us from the worldly desires, bondages and the cycle of birth & death just like a ripe melon detaches from its branch effortlessly. ]

नागेन्द्रहाराय त्रिलोचनाय
भस्माङ्गरागाय महेश्वराय ।
नित्याय शुद्धाय दिगम्बराय
तस्मै नकाराय नमः शिवाय

[ He who has the king of snakes as his garland and who has three eyes,
He whose body is smeared with sacred ashes and who is the great Lord,
He who is eternal, who is ever pure with the four directions as his clothes,
Salutations to that Shiva, who is represented by the syllable “na” ]

नन्दीश्वरप्रमथनाथमहेश्वराय ।
तस्मै मकाराय नमः शिवाय

[ He who is worshipped with water from the Mandakini river and smeared with sandal paste,
He who is the lord of Nandi and of the ghosts and goblins, the great Lord,
He who is worshipped with Mandara and many other flowers,
Salutations to that Shiva, who is represented by the syllable “ma” ]

शिवाय गौरीवदनाब्जबृंदा
सूर्याय दक्षाध्वरनाशकाय ।
श्रीनीलकण्ठाय वृषध्वजाय
तस्मै शिकाराय नमः शिवाय

[ He who is auspicious and who is like the newly risen sun causing the lotus-face of Gauri to blossom,
He who is the destroyer of the sacrifice of Daksha,
He who has a blue throat and has a bull as his emblem,
Salutations to that Shiva, who is represented by the syllable “shi” ]

देवार्चिता शेखराय ।
तस्मै वकाराय नमः शिवाय

[ He who is worshipped by the best and most respected sages – Vasishtha, Agastya and Gautama, and also by the gods, and who is the crown of the universe,
He who has the moon, sun and fire as his three eyes,
Salutations to that Shiva, who is represented by the syllable “va” ]

यज्ञस्वरूपाय जटाधराय
पिनाकहस्ताय सनातनाय ।
दिव्याय देवाय दिगम्बराय
तस्मै यकाराय नमः शिवाय

पञ्चाक्षरमिदं पुण्यं यः पठेच्छिवसंनिधौ ।
शिवलोकमावाप्नोति शिवेन सह मोदते

He who is the embodiment of yagna (sacrifice) and who has matted locks,
He who has the trident in his hand and who is eternal,
He who is divine, who is the shining one and who has the four directions as his clothes,
Salutations to that Shiva, who is represented by the syllable “ya”
He who recites this Panchakshara near Shiva,
Will attain the abode of Shiva and enjoy bliss. ]


अगर हम गौर से जानेंगे की सनातन क्या है या सनातनी होना क्या है, तो हमें बढ़ा आश्चर्य होगा ये जानकर की जीवन का सारा सार ही सनातन है।


Vande Deva Uma Pathim Suragurum
Vande Jagat Kaaranam
Vande Pannaga Bhooshanam Mruga Dharam
Vande Pashoonam Pathim
Vande Soorya Shashanka Vahni Nayanam
Vande Mukunda Priyam
Vande Bhakta Jana Ashrayam Cha Varadam
Vande Shiva Shankaram

Mrityunjaya Rudraya Neelakanthaya Sambhave
Amriteshaya Sarvaya Mahadevayadhe Namaha

Namaste astu Bhagavan
Vishveshvaraya Mahadevaya
Trayambakaya Tripurantakaya
Trikagni – Kalaya
Kalagni – Rudraya Nilakantaya Mrityunjayaya
Sarvesvaraya Sadhashivaya
Sriman Mahadevaya Namah

Om Namah Sambhavaya Cha
Mayaobhavaya Cha
Namah Shankaraya Cha
Mayaskaraya Cha
Namah Shivaya Cha
Shivtaraya Cha

Om Trayambakam Yajaamahe Sugandhim Pushtivardhanam,
Urvaarukmiva Bandhanaan Mrityor Mokshiya Mamritaat

Nagendra Haaraaya Thrilochanaaya
Bhasmaanga Raagaaya Maheshvaraaya
Nityaaya Suddhaaya Digambaraaya
Tasmai Nakaaraaya Namah Shivaaya

Mandaakini Salila Chandana Chaarthitaaya
Nandeesvara Pramatha Naatha Mahesvaraaya
Mandaara Pushpa Vahu Pushpa Supoojitaaya
Tasmai Makaaraaya Namah Shivaaya

Shivaaya Gauri Vadana Aravinda
Sooryaaya Dakshaadhvara Naashakaaya
Shree Neelakantaaya Vrisha Dhvajaaya
Tasmai Shikaaraaya Namah Shivaaya

Vasishta Kumbhodbhava Gautamaaya
Muneendra Devaarchita Sekharaaya
Chandraarka Vaishvaanara Lochanaaya
Tasmai Vakaaraaya Namah Shivaaya

Yajna Swaroopaaya Jataadharaaya
Pinaaka Hasthaaya Sanaatanaaya
Divyaaya Devaaya Digambaraaya
Tasmai Yakaraaya Namah Shivaaya

Panchaaksharam Idam Punyam
Yah Pateh Shiva Sannidhau
Shivaloka Mavaapnothee
Shivena Saha Modate


शिवपार्वती हर हर महादेव जय श्री कृष्ण जय श्री महाकाल हर हर महादेव जय श्री भोलेनाथ ॐ नमः शिवाय ♥️🙏🌈🏔️🕉️🥳🤩🌼🌴🪴🌿


"Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire". Well said. And what a divine classic this is. Thank you for blessing us with this!


The power of vedic chants is immeasurable and priceless. It's a pity Indians themselves don't know as much as they should about it let alone the rest of the world. Guess every good things must come to an end. If kids at school and homes are not taught all this, it will definitely be destroyed in a generation.


हमें अपनी संस्कृति को बढ़ावा देने का प्रयास मात्र ही नहीं बल्कि कथित रूप से निरंतर पालन करते रहना चाहिए। अपनी आगामी पीढ़ी को संस्कारवान बनाना है।

ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय नमः 🙏
ॐ नमो नारायणाय नमः 🙏
ॐ नमः शिवाय 🙏


This is the diff between Vedic Chanting and other prayers. Even on mic 4 times a day it will provide spiritual energy to all humans live with nature in harmony.❤❤


शिवपार्वती हर हर महादेव जय श्री कृष्ण जय श्री महाकाल हर हर महादेव जय श्री भोलेनाथ 🙏♥️🌈🏔️🕉️🌼🪴🌴🌿


ॐ वन्दे देव उमापतिं सुरगुरुं, वन्दे जगत्कारणम्
वन्दे पन्नगभूषणं मृगधरं, वन्दे पशूनां पतिम्
वन्दे सूर्य शशांक वह्नि नयनं, वन्दे मुकुन्दप्रियम्
वन्दे भक्त जनाश्रयं च वरदं, वन्दे शिवंशंकरम्

ॐ मृत्युंजयाय रुद्धाय नीलकंठाय शंभवे
अमृतेशाय सर्वाय महादेवाय ते नमः

नमस्ते अस्तु भगवन विश्र्वेश्र्वराय महादेवाय
त्र्यम्बकाय त्रिपुरान्तकाय त्रिकालाग्निकालाय
कालाग्निरुद्राय नीलकण्ठाय मृत्युंजयाय
सर्वेश्र्वराय सदाशिवाय श्रीमन् महादेवाय नमः

ॐ नमः सम्भाव्य च, मयोभवाय च
नमः शंकराय च, मयस्कराय च
नमः शिवाय च, शिवतराय च

ॐ त्र्यम्बकं यजामहे सुगन्धिं पुष्टिवर्धनम्
उर्वारुकमिव बन्धनान्मृ त्योर्मुक्षीय मामृतात्

नागेन्द्रहाराय त्रिलोचनाय भस्माङ्गरागाय महेश्वराय
नित्याय शुद्धाय दिगम्बराय तस्मै नकाराय नमः शिवाय
मन्दाकिनीसलिलचन्दनचर्चिताय नन्दीश्वरप्रमथनाथमहेश्वराय
मन्दारपुष्पबहुपुष्पसुपूजिताय तस्मै मकाराय नमः शिवाय

शिवाय गौरीवदनाब्जबृंदा सूर्याय दक्षाध्वरनाशकाय
श्रीनीलकण्ठाय वृषध्वजाय तस्मै शिकाराय नमः शिवाय
देवार्चिता शेखराय
चन्द्रार्कवैश्वानरलोचनाय तस्मै वकाराय नमः शिवाय

यज्ञस्वरूपाय जटाधराय पिनाकहस्ताय सनातनाय
दिव्याय देवाय दिगम्बराय तस्मै यकाराय नमः शिवाय
पञ्चाक्षरमिदं पुण्यं यः पठेच्छिवसंनिधौ
शिवलोकमावाप्नोति शिवेन सह मोदते

🕉ॐ नमः शिवाय🕉


My day starts with listening to this mantra ❤❤❤

Today is Mahashivratri ( 8th March, 2024)


ये शुद्ध मंत्रोचार इतना प्रभावित करता है की अब मेने हररोज सुनने की आदत बना ली है


उत्कृष्ट! सनातन धर्म सदैव जोड़ता आया है। जो शांति और स्थिरता सनातन परंपरा में है वह और कहीं नहीं।

हर हर महादेव 🙏
हरे कृष्ण 🙏


“Tradition is not the worship of Ashes, but the preservation of Fire”


As a Hindu both in tradition and practice I welcome the pure holy
Chanting of Rudra. It is the only
Crux and Fulcrum of my BHARAT
where the great saints are born and
the Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati
flow with eternal rhythm.


Vande Deva Uma Pathim Suragurum
Vande Jagat Kaaranam
Vande Pannaga Bhooshanam Mruga Dharam
Vande Pashoonam Pathim
Vande Soorya Shashanka Vahni Nayanam
Vande Mukunda Priyam
Vande Bhakta Jana Ashrayam Cha Varadam
Vande Shiva Shankaram

I bow down to the Lord of Uma (Parvati), the divine Guru, the cause of the universe. I bow down to the Lord who is adorned with a snake and wears tiger skin, the Lord of all creatures. I bow down to the Lord whose three eyes are the sun, moon and fire and to whom Lord Vishnu is near. I bow down to the Lord who is the refuge of all devotees and the giver of boons, Shiva Shankara.

Mrityunjaya Rudraya Neelakanthaya Sambhave
Amriteshaya Sarvaya Mahadevayadhe Namaha

Oh Lord Shiva, you are the one who has conquered death and are responsible for destruction of the Universe to let life again prevail on earth. Oh Lord, you are Neelkantha as you have a blue throat. We pay obeisance to you, Oh Lord with hands folded in namaskar.

Shiva Prarthana : Om

Namaste astu Bhagavan
Vishveshvaraya Mahadevaya
Trayambakaya Tripurantakaya
Trikagni – Kalaya
Kalagni – Rudraya Nilakantaya Mrityunjayaya
Sarvesvaraya Sadhashivaya
Sriman Mahadevaya Namah

Om. I bow down to Lord Shiva, who is the creator and protector of the universe, who is the greatest among gods, who has three eyes, who is the annihilator of all the three worlds, one whose throat is blue, who is the conqueror of death, who is the Lord of all, who is propitious, who is possessed of all marks of greatness and who is the greatest among Gods. To him my prostrations.

The mantra is a prayer to Lord Shiva who is addressed as Sankara and Trayambaka. Sankara is sana (blessings) and Kara (the Giver). Trayambaka is the three-eyed one (where the third eye signifies the giver of knowledge, which destroys ignorance and releases us from the cycle of death and rebirth). This is a great mantra to use as an invocation or for thanksgiving.

Om Namah Sambhavaya Cha
Mayaobhavaya Cha
Namah Shankaraya Cha
Mayaskaraya Cha
Namah Shivaya Cha
Shivtaraya Cha

Om. O Almighty God. Thou art the supreme source of all worldly and divine pleasures. Thou art the impeller of our physical and spiritual advancement. O supreme Father ! We pay our humble obeisance to Thee.

Maha Mrutyunjaya sthotra

Om Trayambakam Yajaamahe Sugandhim Pushtivardhanam,
Urvaarukmiva Bandhanaan Mrityor Mokshiya Mamritaat

We meditate on Shiva, the three-eyed one, of sweet fragrance, who expands spiritual growth. Like the fully-ripened cucumber (easily snapped) from its stem, may I be free from the bondage of death. May I not be without the nectar of immortality.

Shiva Panchaakshara Stotra (1-6)

Nagendra Haaraaya Thrilochanaaya
Bhasmaanga Raagaaya Maheshvaraaya
Nityaaya Suddhaaya Digambaraaya
Tasmai Nakaaraaya Namah Shivaaya

I offer my humble salutations to Lord Mahesvara – who has a garland of serpents around the neck; who has three eyes; whose body is covered with ash (vibhuti); who is eternal; who is pure; who has the entire sky as his dress and who is embodies as the first letter Na.

Mandaakini Salila Chandana Chaarthitaaya
Nandeesvara Pramatha Naatha Mahesvaraaya
Mandaara Pushpa Vahu Pushpa Supoojitaaya
Tasmai Makaaraaya Namah Shivaaya

I bow to Lord Mahesvara, who is embodied as Makaara (letter Ma), whose body is anointed with holy waters from the river Ganges and sandal paste, who is the sovereign king of the Pramatha Ganas and who is adorned with innumerable divine flowers such as Mandaara.

Shivaaya Gauri Vadana Aravinda
Sooryaaya Dakshaadhvara Naashakaaya
Shree Neelakantaaya Vrisha Dhvajaaya
Tasmai Shikaaraaya Namah Shivaaya

I offer my salutations to Lord Shiva, who is the resplendent sun for mother Gauri’s lotus face (the sun causes the lotus flower to open up and bloom; Lord Shiva makes mother Gauri’s face bloom), who is the destroyer of Daksha’s sacrificial ritual, who is the blue-necked Lord (due to the Haalahala poison which he agreed to consume), whose banner bears the emblem of a bull and who is embodied as the letter Shi.

Vasishta Kumbhodbhava Gautamaaya
Muneendra Devaarchita Sekharaaya
Chandraarka Vaishvaanara Lochanaaya
Tasmai Vakaaraaya Namah Shivaaya

I prostrate before the God of Gods, who is worshipped and prayed to by great sages such as Vashishta, Agastya and Gautama, whose eyes are sun, moon and fire and who is embodied as Vakaara (letter Va).

Yajna Swaroopaaya Jataadharaaya
Pinaaka Hasthaaya Sanaatanaaya
Divyaaya Devaaya Digambaraaya
Tasmai Yakaraaya Namah Shivaaya

Prostrations to the sacred Lord who is the Yaksa incarnate, whose hairs are long and matted, who holds Pinaaka (trident) in his hand, who has the entire sky as his attire and who is embodied as the letter Ya.

Panchaaksharam Idam Punyam
Yah Pateh Shiva Sannidhau
Shivaloka Mavaapnothee
Shivena Saha Modate

Whoever repeats this prayer composed with the five holy letters before Lord Shiva, attains that supreme abode of his and enjoys eternal bliss.


I was raised and born catholic i love hindhuism and hindu and it brings me such peace that i lack words to it


वन्दे देव उमापतिं सुरगुरुं,
वन्दे जगत्कारणम् ।
वन्दे पन्नगभूषणं मृगधरं,
वन्दे पशूनां पतिम् ॥
वन्दे सूर्य शशांक वह्नि नयनं,
वन्दे मुकुन्दप्रियम् ।
वन्दे भक्त जनाश्रयं च वरदं,
वन्दे शिवंशंकरम् ॥
