Why First 24 Hours in Prison are the Most Dangerous

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Welcome to your first night in prison. Do you really know what to expect? Check out today's new video that takes you inside prison walls for the first 24 hours of a new inmate's life. What surprises are in store for a prison newbie? Find out right now!



All videos are based on publicly available information unless otherwise noted.
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Imagine going through this, and being innocent.


My first 24 hours consisted of: meet celly (he was actually pretty chill, an old-timer), wake up, get food, go to cell, get food, go to the yard, go to cell, get food, go to sleep. I got intake and bunk assignment the night before.
Didn't have any issues for 3 days. Got into a fight at morning meal, spent until dinner in solitary. Had dinner in genpop, got in a fight. Solitary for 24hours.
This was at Homestead Correctional in Miami-Dade Florida.


This is US prison though. My country doesn't do uniforms and cellmates is only for those who have proven themselves to be able to handle a cellmate and only if they volunteer for one. The food is also better and given at sane times because it has been proven time and time again in research that hungry inmates are violent inmates. The US doesn't try to rehabilitate their inmates though, they are dumped in a for profit system that benefits absolutely nobody except the people running the prison. It doesn't benefit the inmate, it doesn't benefit the guards, it doesn't benefit the outside world.


Well in fox river in the first 24 hours Michael met Brad, Sucre and his brother Lincoln. He also joined the prison work under Abruzzi and made some origami


I been to 11 prisons. Find you a corner, read, and analyze who you could and can't speak to. Those who act turbulent, you stay away from, and limit your talk.


Was 18 when I was given a short sentence in jail. I was the youngest guy. Other inmates were loud and obnoxious but I was all right. When your young you stay quiet and don't gamble. I remember another young guy came in and got into a fight with a old timer. The old timer said why can't you be more like him. He was talking about me. Stay busy and maintain your hygiene. Staying busy and working out give you something to focus on. It is very boring .


I think the last 48 hours are your worst. Especially when people know you’re getting out. The ones with no release date can be pretty jealous and act pretty wild about it. Just from what I’ve seen personally.


I don't think most people even realize the difference between prison and jail. Noone goes to prison straight off the street. You go to jail first and wait while you're on trial.


This would probably be the safest day of your life in a Norwegian prison


I feel like most people think that prison is an all out warzone.


I've been to prison. The first 24 hours are not the hardest. I was in jail for 9 months before waiting for sentencing. That's the hardest part. Getting there was a relief. The hardest parts come when you realize you're missing your family and disappearing for years. You miss loved ones dying. Young ones growing. Prison is easy. As long as you learn and respect the politics


i’m literally terrified and i haven’t done anything- lol🤣


I would literally rather die on the spot than go through those first parts.


Infographics I love the way you take every day things into an adventure, , ,


Even if you think jail may not be as something you expect it is always hard to deal with being locked up doesn't matter how much you think you can make it. Stay away from jail and your life should be okay.
Edit: Something I learned from an early age and wow, didn"t expect quite a reaction. If you have children who gets easily angry like I do, teach them important values at early age


When I worked as a Nurse for a state prison in GA, we had a gang leader who went the First 48 taking a smoke and proceeded to tell all, he didn't survive the first 6 hours in prison. They stabbed him several times and threw him over the railing 2 floors down. This guy refused PC (protective custody) and said he's been to prison before and will survive his 20 year sentence.


It is the Mental Prision that is the hardest part! You have to adapt and keep yourself busy, create routines and use the time that you have and take atvantage of it. I used it as a reset button for my entire life. I read every book I could, exercised 6 days a week...I came out of prision 5 times healthier mentally and physically than before I went. You can make the best of a bad situation, its wheather or not you will. Anyone reading this or watching this who is facing time..Stay Up..and God Bless.


I had to tour a prison I was attached to for work. It just so happened the group that I worked in was made of all females 20-25, only 1 male 25. We had to walk through with 2 guards pointing things out to us and I have never felt so violated in my life. We got to the mental health wing and the inmates weren't even hiding what they were doing, it was disgusting. My friend was so scared she kept pulling at my arm. A senior inmate came over to us and struck up a conversation, as soon as he did everyone settled down. It was very obvious he was well respected by everyone there, not just the inmates but the guards too. I had never been so thankful to someone. He didn't have to intervene, he just did cos he was a good person. I found out later he was only there because of unfortunate circumstances. I hope he is doing ok today.


You forgot they take pictures of all tattoos for gang affiliation and in case you decide to escape


During my time being locked up, breakfast was served at 4:30 AM, lunch was at 11:30 AM and then dinner was served at 4:30-5PM. So we would have to go 12 hours without any food until breakfast. Some of the correctional officers would also throw away your food if you were trying to save it for a snack overnight. Not all of them would do this but there were some officers who would toss it out for some reason. Having commissary was so freaking important to survive throughout the night and not go hungry. You were fed just enough food to make it through the day and not die of starvation. I had a lot of nights where i had no overnight snacks and 4:30 AM could not come quick enough. You learn quick how to hide food or as well learn a skill to make trades with other inmates for their commissary.
