The Story of Super Mario Bros. 2 - VG Mindblows

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You ever wondered why Super Mario Bros. 2 was so different?
You'll find out today!


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"When you think Mario what do you think?"

Me: a dude in a red hat


4 years later, completely grown up, and I'm still laughing my ass off at the Battletoads names.


2:43 Actually the Japanese wanted the Americans to have it, they made a guy Called Howard Philips, not only it was hard for him but he also realized that It would be hard for the customers too, they were still recovering from the Video Game Crash at the time so they re-skinned Doki Doki Panic and the rest is history.


Actually, no, Super Mario Bros 2 started off as what it is known as today, only in theory and in concept. Shigeru Miyamoto and the development team of the 1st Super Mario Bros thought that since horizontal platforming was popular, they wanted to try vertical platforming. I'm not explaining the full story, just look it up, but Super Mario Bros 2 started off as Doki Doki Panic.


SMB2 (and it's GBA port, SMA1) had changes from Doki Doki Panic. Here are the big changes:

1. In DDP, you fight Mouser for the third time at the end of World 5. In SMB2, he is replaced with Clawgrip, an oversized sidestepper (as revealed in SMA1) who throws boulders at Mario & Co. And he's the only boss that's original to SMB2, as all the others are straight from DDP.
2. In DDP, The main villain was called Mamu, an evil frog who took over Muu (the dream land), which could be entered through a book, and kidnapped people in the real world. In SMB2, Mamu was renamed Wart and Muu was renamed Subcon, and instead of being inside a book, Mario and his friends entered Subcon through a cave they discovered while they were going out for a picnic. Also, the people of Subcon contacted Mario and his friends through their dreams about Wart's takeover.
3. In DDP, Mouser was fought thrice (3 times; at the end of Worlds 1, 3, & 5). Tryclyde was fought twice (at the end of Worlds 2 & 6). In SMB2, Mouser was fought twice (at the end of Worlds 1 & 3), because as I mentioned, in World 5 he was replaced with Clawgrip. But in SMA1, at the end of World 3, Mouser was replaced with Robirdo (another original Mario boss), a robot Birdo who spits eggs and tries to ram Mario and his friends into the wall. As a result, Mosuer replaces Tryclyde at the end of World 6, so Tryclyde is only fought once in SMA1.


I actually downloaded the Lost Levels ROM and I tested it on Nestopia. World 2 in this game is like World 7 in SMB3.


Kind of not a mind blow, but still a pretty good video. Want a real mind blow about SMB2? Doki Doki Panic was originally intended to be a true sequel to Mario 2. (Thank you Did You Know Gaming Mario Part 4)


You also know Mario bros 2 is a dream like Mario brows 3 is a play


UGH, the American Mario 2 was actually the real one, if you do some research, you'll see that the Mario 2 that would go on to be the American Mario 2 was originally a tech demo for a sequel to the original Super Mario Bros. When Nintendo needed to keep a promise to a company to create a game for this festival thing, they rebranded the real Mario 2 into Doki Doki Panic because of time constraints. Later, they changed the game back to a Mario game, and released it in America. The reason they didn't release it in Japan as Mario 2 was because people there were more likely to recognize that it was pretty much the same game as Doki Doki Panic.


Actually... Theres a lot more to the story.

Miyamoto actually was developing a new Mario brothers game, but he released Doki Doki Panic to see how people would like the new concepts, in the mean time, he also made Super Mario Brothers 2 for japan only, He later remade Doki Doki Panic as Super Mario Brothers 2 for the us, and at the time, it was a huge hit, and when All-stars came out, everyone was happy. The end.


Doki panic was originally a Mario game! It's my favorite one! Lost levels was a nightmare! I'm glad I got the super Mario bros two that I did when I was a kid screw lost levels


Not the entire story, the concept for Doki Doki Panic started out as a prototype developed by Kensuke Tanabe. Which would put a character (possibly Mario) in a vertical scrolling level. At the same time Fuji TV needed a game starring the mascots of the Yume Kojo Festival, so Nintendo took the incomplete version of SMB2 and reprogrammed it to feature the mascots of Yume Kojo. If you really look you can tell how much more polished Super Mario Bros. 2 is. Extra little textures and sound effects, music feels more complete, copy or not, you can't deny that SMB2 is the more complete/polished version of the two.


I hate when ppl talk about that they want a big change in games and we can se how they react when they get em!


I would think that that's just Mario in that game, but when you mentioned that other game, MY MIND WAS BLOWN!!!


I have waited so and this mindblow i get? I already knew it. But many still dont.


... Mario 2 is a nightmare. (The lost levels one, not the other one).
I somehow managed to play it all the way through to world 8.4 once, but accidentally skipped most of world 7 (because one of the levels is a confusing maze, and I found a warp pipe instead of the exit)

Turns out there's a world 9, which requires playing the whole thing without continues, or shortcuts...

Mmm... No. I don't think i'll bother, thanks... XD


I heard an alternate version of the story where NOA thought the graphics of the real SMB2 were too dated by the time it was supposed to be released in the USA, so that's why they re-purposed Doki Doki Panic. 


They didn't steal it... Nintendo teamed up with them to make Super Mario Bros. 2 like that


I wonder who would replace Ninji in Super Mario Maker 2's Ninji speedruns if this never happened


I know how most people say this is an obvious fact but in all seriousness this is actually how I learned about this story YEARS ago
