How to unlock The Lost Valley Domain Genshin Impact

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How to unlock The Lost Valley Domain Genshin Impact. How to solve The Lost Valley Domain Puzzle in Genshin Impact The Chasm. You can unlock Genshin Impact The Lost Valley Domain following this video guide. Genshin Impact Chasm is a free-to-play action role-playing game developed by miHoYo. Chasm 2.6
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Oh I get it now. The puzzle is basically making the player so angry that he goes to youtube and finds the player who actually figured out this god forsaken puzzle. I would not have guessed! What a great puzzle!


Okay so this one confused me and I see I'm not the only one. The point is to help the "shockwaves" propagate using geo constructs. Place one of the Traveler's geo thingies near the barrier where the door should be, another one on the plate, then use the nearby green-glowing stone thingy to jump really high, glide to the big rock visible at 0:43 and plunge attack it. This will start a shockwave which propagates through the 2 other big rocks and finally your geo contructs, breaking the barrier at the door.


That is one of the worst puzzles I’ve ever seen, thanks for the solution.


Wow, a year old and still helpful till this day. Thanks, wouldn't have been able to do this without ya


For anyone wondering instead of using this method which confused me, use geo traveller on the plate use ninnguang e on the last rock near the cliff and glide through the rings


you're the one and only guide i view


If anyone is havinng a hard time I discovered a cannon above, line it up in the right place before hand, use the anemo lift to get up to it and easy


Thanks. And they even add a trap hole after that for you to fall to your death right before the domain. Just perfect.


This is my method if anyone is still struggling

Use geo traveler and place a rock burst near the entrance of the domain, just as much as the shockwave hits the rock pillar and run quickly to the geo rock thingy and use Ningguang (optional) or geo traveler again to create shockwaves and once it hits the rock pillar, it create a shockwave causing the domain to be open. Try to replace the traveler's elemental burst near the entrance and make sure the shockwave hits it. Good luck!!


Not wanting to be a killjoy but when i look up a guide is because i don't know or understand something about the game especially as i'm quite new to the game but already lvl 40. So i like a few words about whats the purpose of what i'm supposed to do and how.

So after seeing this video that didn't make much sense to me i read a few other guides and tinkered a bit in the game.

So the purpose is to build a geo construct on the round little platform to keep it activated enough time to run or fly towards the big golden rock and once there make it resonate towards your geoconstruct that will forward the resonation against the wall with the symbol and break it.

If like me and you're still a noob. A geo construct is an ability some geo characters can make with geo energy with a maximum of 3 constructs at the same time. Characters with such an ability are Albedo, Zhongli, Ningguang, Arataki Itto, Traveler geo
But not all if them can have 3 constructs at the same time so i advise you to test it.

As i only had Ningguang in my possession i tested the method in the video but making the big rock resonate putting a geo construct on it didn't work cause she can only have 1 jade screen at any given time meaning that the one i put on the platform dissapeared so it didn't work. So what did work with her for me was simply place a jade screen in the middle of the little round platform to keep it activated, then run to the blue swirly thing and use it to fly true the rings to the big golden rock and arriving there just use her normal main attack Sparkling scatter on the rock. You then will see the rings resonate towards your Jade screen that will then resonate it and break the entrance of the cave.

I hope this helps someone ; )


tysm!! i spent 20 minutes trying to do this puzzle (which reminded me of my math exam😍😍) AND NOW I CAN GET VERMILLION HEREAFTER FOR XIAO SO TYYY❤❤❤


All you actually have to do here is use a single geo construct to carry the wave to the stone blocking the door. You can use any Geo power to activate the giant resonance stone.


Ah, nvm I need my Lumine to be Geo, I'm too lazy to do that💀


If you have Albedo or Ninnguang both their elemental skills can be used to extend the shock waves


0:28 I uh.. Already opened the chest- What to do?..


For the people whose rock didn't break, I'm pretty sure you have to use geo traveler because it didn't work when I used zhongli and other geo characters


All i did was place a zhongli pillar on the circle by the entrace, then use the jump pad to jump to the furthest large rock, it worked


how is this so simple.. what??
this is probably the easiest puzzle I haven’t been able to solve. there’s a small handful of ones I found too hard or was just too lazy. I’ve solved so many harder ones on my own and THIS is the one I had to google?

I unlocked this domain on my main account over a year ago, but it was in co-op and the others did the puzzle for me, I had no idea what happened (in fact I had people in coop help me with all the chasm puzzles, funny enough. I think I’ve done maybe two or three on my own.. and chasm is 100%)
but I needed this for xiao on my alt that I don’t use as much, and literally gave up unlocking it months ago bc it was so unnecessarily hard 😭😭

anyway. ty for this video 😭😭


Finally I found one that actually makes more sense then others and it’s easier to do 😭


Thank you.... This video is quick and simple.
