How to Grow Mint in Containers (And Get a Huge Harvest)

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Mint practically grows itself... and that's part of the problem! Learn to grow, reset, divide, propagate, and use mint with Kevin and Ana.




00:00 - Intro
00:19 - Varieties
01:00 - Growing In Containers
02:03 - Shaping Mint
02:39 - Pruning Down
04:25 - Resetting Mint
06:19 - Mint Extract


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How to grow mint:
1) accidentally find mint in your garden
2) do nothing
3) it grows out of control
4) help


Protip: Chocolate mint makes an amazing base for mint chip ice cream.


In an old apartment complex we had a whole yard area that no one ever used. So I asked my landlord if I could put some potted plants in that area. She said no. So i planted mint directly into the lawn as revenge. She never said anything about it, but every time they mowed, we had the best smelling lawn.


😂 anybody that believes mint is a pest deterrent has not grown mint that has been covered in bugs. 🍃🐛


There are 600 varieties of mint! 😊

I had a mint plant in a container that was doing quite well. I didnt pay attention and one of the branches laid down on the ground and TOOK OFF! I laughed so hard when I found mint on the opposite side of my asphalt driveway. Those roots worked harder than a groundhog 😅😅😅😅


I reduced an old mint by 80% last year, and it's never been happier. You really can't be too aggressive with reducing and reshaping it.


4:37 I used to buy bread knives at thrift stores to cut root balls like that, mainly for oregano.


Now I need a video on what to do with mint extract.


I’m totally into collecting mint.. love the various scents! I just added strawberry mint to my “collection” of 6-7 varieties now. I have a mountain mint seed to start as soon as it get here ❤ I grow mine in containers. Editing to add.. I’ve got mine in 5-10 gallon pots. I tried using fabric .. mint will grows thru it!


All of the “haircut” mint can be replanted in another container and gifted.
We use it ALL OF THE TIME! Can’t grow enough. It’s never a problem in my yard. I literally use 3 bunches of mint every week.
I dry them and crush them between my palms and then jar it up. I add to yogurt, soup, etc.


About 10 years ago I started having issues with my stomach, I was always nauseous . someone told me to use mint. Since then, I make tea every day, I just cut a couple stems & put them in hot water. the taste & after taste was a bit weird at 1st. but I'm used to it now and like it, now if I miss a day or 2, my stomach goes into an uproar. It's amazing how much it helps my stomach!


I am growing spearmint in a terracotta pot submerged to the bottom of the rim in a raised bed also containing Korean melons, sweet peppers and rosemary (also in a submerged terracotta pot.) So far, no detectable escapees. I keep the mint well trimmed. It is currently looking like a well manicured lavender mound. I recently discovered that spearmint is a great addition to a fresh leaf lettuce salad with a balsamic vinegar/EVOO dressing. The spearmint gets visually hidden by the lettuce for a surprising and refreshing burst of flavor as you chew. Thanks for this video!!


Photo bombed by one of your chickens, sooo cute... mint, smells amazing.


I have grown mint from seeds and I noticed that, over the years, all the mint has turned into apple mint (light green and slightly fuzzy). Every once in a while I'll get a shoot of peppermint, but that's it. So if you're trying to grow lots of mint flavors, you may want to keep them separated so they don't cross pollinate and morph into each other. Or just don't plant apple mint 🙂


I currently have a grocery store mint growing in a pint glass... I just occasionally fill the bottom with water and it's been pushing new growth like crazy. Nothing like the grocery store basils that care about being too tightly packed and inconsistent watering (too much, too little). The mint just keeps pushing. Ironically I've tried to sow mint for multiple times without success.


I just recently bought myself some mojito mint and thought about how to handle it. Thanks a bunch for uploading, already went and trimmed it down a notch 👍


I would love to exchange different types of mint with people, how awesome to have so many varieties ❤


I'm honestly puzzled by people claiming that mint & all mint relatives are invasive. In my experience, that's been untrue.

We moved around a lot when I was a kid. One of my earliest memories is my mom digging up a part of our in ground mint plant, potting it & taking it with us to the next place we settled. My mom always planted the mint by a leaky outdoor faucet because we lived in a hot, dry climate.

The mint NEVER "took over" or crowded out other plants. We always had fresh mint for tea & whatever else my mom wanted it for.

I've wondered if planting mint near a leaky faucet made it dependent upon that water supply. I just know that the mint that my mom planted everywhere we lived never became invasive & never spread much more than a meter from the faucet it was planted near.


I recently started gardening. Mint was one of the very first things I got and it is definitely flourishing more than any other plant I have! It’s definitely one of my favorites.


Anybody that wants mint can come pick some from my yard. I've lived here for 6 years and still cannot get rid of it. Listen to Kevin, NEVER NEVER plant this in the ground unless you want the entire field to be mint. There is no way to only grow 1 mint plant. It will take over whatever container it is in. If that container happens to be your yard then you just gave up the whole yard to mint. Containers and vigilance is what it takes to grow mint. You have been forewarned.
