Charlie Kirk LOSES His Mind Over Teen Athletes

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Charlie Kirk calls on his followers to act violently towards teenage trans athletes to stop them from competing. John Iadarola and Sabrina Rios break it down on The Damage Report.

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"So, William Thomas has destroyed female sports as we know it. OK? I'm sure William Thomas is a nice person. I guarantee you William Thomas needs counseling and therapy. I want that for that person. I want the best for them. I want every human being to be able to flourish. But I also don't like cheaters and you shouldn't either.

So, William Thomas is a cheater. William Thomas is a man who is suffering from gender dysphoria. It's a legitimate psychological condition. A gender dysphoria is where you think you're in a different body than you actually are. We're not the first civilization to deal with this. For thousands of years, this has been a phenomenon and for the last sixty years, we've had non-medical ways of having – counseling and therapy – to be able to deal with this in a rather understated and private way. Just in the last couple years, we've decided to elevate and platform gender dysphoria as some sort of identity crisis."

#TheDamageReport #JohnIadarola #TheYoungTurks
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So YET ANOTHER open call to violence which is a federal crime and HE BELONGS IN PRISON FOR LIFE.


An 'X' as an option for a gender marker? I'd pick x just for solidarity but that's not good enough. Anyone can figure out that not checking male or female for a gender means something is likely different (trans) about this person. So, this doesn't solve the issue even on protecting privacy. I think race & gender & even marital status should be removed from ALL forms, legal, medical etc. That would be a step in the right direction towards social improvement to me. But thanks for trying to find any good John its appreciated 😔😌


Sounds like someone's "manhood" is on the line?


I would love to catch Charlie in the street and see how tough he is


Instead of calling men that act like Karen's ken or Darren... We should start calling them Tucker's Or Shapiro's 😂


First transgender thst gets attacked needs to add him to a lawsuit.


Unlike you Mr Kirk we actually have a life


I scream, you scream, we all scream *to take away someone else's ice cream* 😒
This is Sparta. This is the fascist way.


I want Charlie to meet me at the playground..


Charlie Kirk is a coward of course he would fight a teenager but a actual man who is his size and age I bet he would crap himself


I have a trans kid whom I love very much. They have no interest in sports. They, in middle school, likes drama club. In some ways, I think they are following their sister. Or maybe their mother and I who were, in the 1980's-90's called, "Band Fags, " We took no offense because we were not athletes (and it was a different era)--and marching band paid my way through undergrad. Or maybe they will find their own person as they grow into their body. I hope so for my kiddo.


That sounds all well and good until the father of that trans kid decides to intervene on his intervention


If you see this happen, you have permission to beat up the bigot.


My three year old is always mentioning the things he's afraid of too, it's okay Charlie. The big bad humans don't give a fuck about you.


This is an issue looking for a problem. How many trans athletes are there?


He is SO weak, he is instigating bullying :\


I'm concerned that Kirk's head is actually going to pop due to the rapid gain in mass. No, concerned isn't the word I'm looking for. Hopeful. That's the word 👏


Instigating violence used to be a crime.


Honestly, if you ask me, the government should have NO say who can/can't participate in a sport. That decision should be up to the entity running the sport themselves. If, for an example, the WNBA wants to allow a trans-woman to compete in the sport, then that's their call. If people don't like it because they believe trans-women have an unfair advantage, then let them petition the WNBA for a rules change. It's the WNBA's decision to make (and their responsibility to bear the weight of that call, whatever it may be). However, the government should have no say in the matter. What's next, enough "conservatives" get together to say that African Americans have an unfair advantage in sports over some other race, therefore African Americans should be banned from that sport? This is not a governmental issue, so they should stay out of it.


Kirk needs to be investigated by the 1/6 committee keep up the pressure make it happen he brags about his involvement
