If You Get Panic Attacks While Driving, WATCH THIS!

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Anxiety can be so crippling that it feels like you're having a panic attack while driving.
But what if there was a way to make anxiety disappear in minutes? Watch this video and find out how to get rid of anxiety FOREVER.




Let me know in the comments below if you have any questions/concerns and I'll do my best to answer your questions.

This video is intended to be for educational purposes, not diagnosing. You should work with a physician to seek a medical diagnosis.
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Nothing beats exposure therapy. You have to go through it to get over it. I had agoraphobia bad until I got tired of it and faced it. I still have some anxiety but it doesn't affect my life the way it did before I started facing it. It's scary but if I can do, you can do it. Let's get it!


My panic attack just striked while I'm driving a while ago. So, just told my self to bring it on and I just tried to calm my vagus nerve by humming and singing 😁 and guess what, my palpitations went away in just 2 mins. To all those who can't drive bec of fear, anxiety and panic attack you can get thru it! I suffered for more than 3 yrs and now i can drive alone again and can go to anywhere i want.


People close to me don’t understand anxiety and disregard my feelings. It’s hurtful


I used to love driving but now it's torture with anxiety.


Wow, I'm really shocked from the comments about how common this is, I thought I am one of a few who has do deal with shit.


Anxiety and panic disorder steals so much from us. I am working on exposure, but still find myself with panic months after regular exposure and CBT. I think what helps mist is hearing from people like yourself that have lived it. Thank you for giving me some of my motivation back.


This made me cry. Everything you said was so accurate. My life has degraded the past three years due to my fear. Praying it goes away. Thank you ❤


What's crazy for me is that my driving anxiety occurs when I'm sitting at red lights and stuck in traffic, just surrounded by cars. I want to escape, but I can't! So in my situation, highway driving isn't that terrible. I've decided I have a desire to always be moving and sitting still/feeling "trapped" is my issue.


I've been driving for years however I've avoided highways and bridges over 10 years due to severe panic attacks. I avoid it all together! Ido drive but only in back roads and even busy areas i avoid.

My therapist recommended that i hire a driver instructor to get me back on freeways. I understand exposure is a big key factor but just thinking about it gives me major anxiety.

I finally booked an appointment and i have my freeway lessons tomorrow morning. It may sound silly but lets hope it helps.🙏🏼


Faced my symptoms and now my anxiety isnt as bad as before. Still get mild running thoughts, mild headache and vision change but not as bad as before. It took some time though but baby steps is the key. I noticed if you let the symptoms get to you, you will not overcome them. We all can do it. You’re not alone. We are stronger than we think!😊


For me, it's the feeling I have with elevation
and open space over the highway, freeway, and long road trips where the terrain is constantly changing. I hate it because I used to not be afraid or never thought about driving. It just happened naturally. Inner-city driving doesn't seem to pose a problem as long as I am on flat land.


I've been dealing with this driving alone anxiety / panic attacks for the last 12 years!! I can drive in my small town but get severe anxiety / panic attacks if I drive like 5 miles out of my small town. It sucks and I hate


I'm 53 and been driving all my life, from VA to Boston to DC and back and one day 4 years ago I started having panic attacks while driving down the highway. I looked online and there was nothing to help me and my Doctor gave me Valium 5mg and it took the edge off but wasn't strong enough, so over time I took 5mg a day to 10 mg to 15 to 20 to 25mg a day and still struggled to drive.

I avoided the highway and roads that were 45 plus and one day the Doc cut me off and wow all heck broke lose. 3 years on Valium and now nothing. Yet I always kept trying to drive, some days I could go 35 and others 45 but I've not been 55 plus in years...

I will says this video is helpful but I'm not sure if facing the attack while driving will help but I do agree I feel like I could pass out and I shake and just freak.. I do believe God has given me the strength to keep trying but again this video has me thinking facing the fear and pushing through it might help.

I've faced it this far...

Keep me in your prayers for I will try driving the high the week and see if I can do as Shaan says..


My attacks are so bad, that my face, arms and legs go numb.
It's hard to keep driving when you can't even feel the wheel.
I don't drive very far from home anymore.
I hate it.


I wish facing my panic worked. I've had severe panic disorder since 2018. Lost my job, car got repo'd, went in debt. Took a couple years to rebuild. The only thing that changed was that instead of avoiding and pulling over during my panic attacks, now I just drive in complete fear, sobbing, crying, just hoping I make it, facing it as my therapist says. But in 5 years it has not gotten better.


Just continuing on and allowing it is dangerous. The "thinking" part of your brain shuts down in panick causing your judgment and focus to be off.


I too feel like this. I used to go for a drive to relieve stress before I knew what a panic attack was. Now it seems to set it off. If the panic is too much I just pullover and get grounded. When I calm down I get right back on the road. You have to go through it.


I’m a CDL driver and I hate getting these panic attacks on freeways, when stopped in traffic jams, a lot of traffic, and red lights. Even when there’s people in my car. I feel like passing out everything you described


Wow this is literally my life. Used to love driving and always been into cars. Now I have all these boundaries set and don’t want to go places out of my comfort zone. It has times where it controls my life


I started having panic attacks 5 years ago, had no issue driving... last month i had 1 bad attack while driving, and now i cant drive out of my neighborhood without full on adrenaline dump heart racing body shaking... its awful... i know im fine, but body just hits the death switch
