If You Get Panic Attacks While Driving...WATCH THIS!

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I Pray That everyone under this Thread, Conquer, And Control this, and be healed in Jesus name!


I used to drive miles and miles and now wth can't even drive more than 5miles without getting a panic attack.


For me, it's the red lights. Or being stopped behind a car. I feel like I have nowhere to run and my claustrophobia kicks in BIG TIME. If the car is not moving, I tend to have a panic attack. If the car is moving, I'm still stressing about how I might have to stop or might have a panic attack. I'm too scared to just let them come. I feel like I'm losing my mind and just want to scream and run all at once. It doesn't make sense but that's the truth.


Does anybody feel lightheaded or get dizzy during there anxiety or panic attacks while driving?


I am actaully most afraid of the fear itself. Its so crippling


Dude you hit the nail on the head. Everyday, the drive home from work is crazy. I've ended up on the side of the highway numerous times.


Wow. You really really are speaking my life. Avoidance has made it 1000 times worse.
But the fear of having the panic attack again scares me to death.


Omg in the first minute you described EXACTLY how I feel. The fear of another panic attack while driving has been so isolating. I feel like I need to jump out of the car and run when it happens. At red light I feel trapped and like I need to run. I wasn’t always like this. I drove from ages 16-28 without any issue, then BAM, panic attacks went from other places and happened in the car, while on the highway, or anywhere that’s a few miles from home. I working so hard to get this turned around


This is exactly it. Ive been driving for years without a problem, and then suddenly 2 years ago I was going over a bridge and then I felt it, Im not scared of driving im scared of being scared while driving its so dumb lol, its affected my social life, school life, making up dumb excuses to not do things and people think im lazy . Its so frustrating i feel like my life was taken from me and I just had no say in it. Knowing that there are other people out there who feel this way and that Im not a complete freak helps lol so thanks for uploading. I read online that there are people who pretty much got over it, (taking 45 minute drives at night in a highway which to me right now sounds fucking insane). I hope to one day be one of these people and I hope you and people reading this comments are too. Never said this out loud to anybody before, typing it to strangers felt goodnlol

EDIT: 2022 its 2 years later lol, this is still an issue but unlike before I can actually see something of a way out lol. I was improving constantly, keepign a written journal of my feelings everytime I went out for a drive and I expanded my "circle of safe" driving lol. (I know it sounds stupid but anybody with this problem knows what im talking about lol) and it was really good! I got to the point where I was driving half an hour away which was amang for me but over the last couple of months I have regressed heavily :( its still nowhere near as bad as it was when I wrote this comment but theres still a long way to go. I guess I just hope that somebody can read this and understand that ts one of the hardest things to go through but there is a solution and its not the enforced life sentence it currently feels like. Don't get over it because you "should" but because you deserve to live free. Theres still so much I cant do but it feels like theres a chance that I can eventually do it one day which is a damn sight better than being locked away. If I can so can any of of you. much love to all of you


You explained exactly how how feel on the highway it’s good to know it’s not just me


I had this exact problem. Taking a vitamin B complex 30 minutes before driving helped me a lot


Wow it’s comforting knowing I’m not the only one. Started having them while driving 30 yrs ago. Driving a big truck towing a trailer from Wyoming to California. Freaked me out, ended up at ER. Been haunting me ever since. It affected everything. Got to where I avoided Surfing and Ski LIfts as well. My 2 favorite things to do. They’re a lot better now but it’s still shows it’s ugly side no and then. I still won’t go stuff myself in traffic in LA though


I've been through this but not now... To avoid panic attacks choose early morning for long drives by that time your brain is so fresh and use a chewing gum always with music blown full blast!!!


Shaan you are the first person i have ever heard who understands what I’ve been going through for nearly 30 years.
The misconception is absolutely bang on
It’s not the driving
It’s the feeling of no control when having a panic attack on a busy motorway.


My only issue is I sometimes have blurred vision and feel dizzy. That’s what I want to get thru.


So watching this and reading how all of you feel/ react exactly as I do, gave me the motivation to get up and jump on my nearest highway. Was only on it for about 15 minutes (felt like hours hehe) but MAJOR improvement. Taking these tips and knowing it's not just a me-thing helped a bunch. Also, try playing 528 hz calming music. That helped a ton as well. I go on vacation next week and plan on doing this until 15 minutes turns into a half hour, to an hour, etc. It's all in our heads guys. We can't let this ruin our lives which I know it has for me for years. I love you all and hope this inspires someone to take the leap as I did!! YOU'VE GOT THIS!


I can’t drive on the highway anymore I used to drive on it all the time. It’s ruining my life now and it’s been eating me up for awhile. When I get on the highway I start breaking & my PTSD kicks in. I don’t drive the highway at all & it’s been messing with me mentally for awhile now I can’t stand it I want to be free again


Thank you for creating this video! You explained exactly how I feel about my driving anxiety. I developed driving anxiety a little over a year ago out of nowhere and it comes and goes. I mainly have driving anxiety on freeways because of the higher speed of vehicles and freeways with no shoulders make me very nervous. I had a panic attack today and I couldn’t calm down. As my scary symptoms progressed, I took an early exit, to get myself together and drove back on the freeway. You explained driving anxiety very well. I don’t think driving anxiety has anything to do with driving itself, but more to do with having scary anxiety symptoms while driving. I’m not scared to drive, I’m just scared of losing control of my vehicle because of my anxious symptoms while driving. My driving anxiety comes and goes, but I get a set back every time I have a panic attack and then it takes me a while to relax again. Driving anxiety is debilitating because I have to travel to school 5 days a week 45 minutes to an hour away. I try not to think about it, but it’s hard to forget about the way I feel when I have panic attacks. I pray before I drive and I keep pushing through. Hopefully, I can get back to being a confident driver on the freeway again.


It's been 3.5 years, but I still afraid to drive the car, I can't able to drive it due to anxiety and panic attacks, I feel like thai I m a looser, everyone drive car easily, but not me, I feel isolated and my self confidence is also decreasing due to this .
