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Let's explore what a Regi of each type would look like!
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Outro Song:
Pokémon Diamond and Pearl- Twinleaf Town (Lofi Remix) - GlitchxCity

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8:40: When I was taking astronomy, we were talking about how water has a particular property that it shares with alcohol that makes it possible for it to sustain life. I jokingly asked "Does that mean there may be a species out there that relies on alcohol to survive?"
The professor replied "Actually, there's one that exists right here on Earth, they live right over there, in the dorms." Funniest guy I've ever learned science from.


Here are my ideas on how to keep the theme:
Regirock - Stone Age
Regice - Ice Age
Registeel - Iron Age
Regidrago - Middle Ages
Regieleki - Information/Digital Age
Regifire - Bronze Age (since fire is necessary to forge bronze)
Regiwater - Cambrian Explosion (when most life was underwater) or Age of Exploration (they had to travel by sea)
Regipoison - Industrial Age (factories cause a lot of pollution, especially when it first started)
Regiground - Mesozoic Era (really the only thing I can think of. Maybe because most of all life from that era are fossils?)
Regidark - WWI or WWII (due to the amount of death and despair going on during those times)
Regifairy - Classical Antiquity (hard to differentiate this with Regidrago)
Regifighting - Miocene epoch (our early ancestors had to *fight* to survive)
Regiflying - Jet Age (I saw a flying regi form that looked like a big jet turbine)
Regipsychic - Space Age (a lot of psychic-types are themed after space)
Regibug - Carboniferous Age (big insects)
Regighost - Victorian Era (the time period most ghosts are represented as having been from. Also when books like Dracula were written)
Regigrass - Agricultural Age (humans made plants our playthings)

This was a bit harder than I anticipated. Some of these aren't exactly "Ages", but it was hard to think of an era representative of things like "fighting".

Edit: For Christ sakes, here's why Regidark doesn't represent the Dark Ages: Regidrago already does! The Dark Ages are just the first part of the medieval era or medieval age, which Regidrago represents. I wanted to choose different periods for each one and try my hardest to not split broad time periods (like the middle ages) into their different parts


Honestly, I think the dark type should have been called 'Regibyss' a bit like Regiternal as they are opposites. Plus the aura of an abyss in battle would just seem so much more dark than a plain dark pokemon


It is my goal now to create a regi of every type that still fits with the “ages” idea. Wish me luck


I think the concept of them representing a historical period could be maintained, but instead of being one for each, being in a groups. Psychic, Dark, Fairy and Ghost could be with Dragon for medieval. Poison, Flying and Eletric for modern. Fighting, Fire and Rock for pre historic. Grass, Ground, Water and Bug for ancient ages/pre human.


regiock: ün ün ün
Regiternal: Be not afraid


Jack’s Regibrute is probably my favorite of his three Regis but the lore connecting all three with regiwood and regiternal I think is what really makes the design as a whole.


Regipsychi is a Beholder! From D&D. Love it. Its signature move could be an eyestalk beam that has a multitude of effects like Tri-Attack


Regiternal is now my favorite fan creation for Pokémon. It’s insanely perfect. Imagine it’s ribbons gently floating and rotating around them while it’s eyes somehow stay perfectly in place.


Personally, I feel that a Water type Regi could represent the Age of Exploration, since many people used ships to navigate the globe, and a Fire type Regi could represent the Industrial Age, since metal refinement in steel mills began around this time


Lore idea for the ones on 9:26:

Regigigas saw a fight between Groudon and Kyogre break out and thought to itself ""Hey, what if I recreate that but with my children?" and proceeded to make Regiydro and Regigneo and convinced them that they hate eachother.
That's what dragging continents with ropes for hundreds of years does to a mf.


I would love to see Regibrute just punching Regiwood over and over and Regiwood just tanking it because they're just basically playing


I like the idea of “regi-prototypes” that could explain the regi’s made of more random materials like a bee hive or a a slab of the ground. Makes it seem like regigigas was experimenting and you could find them in a “regi-scrapyard”


I also think regicomb is the most clever design beyond Subjectively’s three Regis. I love how even the eye shape is evocative of a honey comb hexagon.


Theory: Arceus got mad at regigigas creating his own pokemon so he punished him with the ability "slow start" before he went to a deep slumber. Giratina saw how he punished regigigas like him, so they worked together to create "Regidark". Darkrai noticed this and got angry because they thought they were mocking him. So darkrai took action and left regidark in a weakened state, half the size of the behemoth he was. (cause giratinas power made him stronger than other regis)


Honestly I think that the fairy and dark regis could still fit with the age theme. Namely as representations of golden and dark ages respectively. Appearing to civilization's either at their highest points or as their collapsing


If you needed an "age" event regidark could have come from the dark ages in humanity


1:23 flying type
1:45 block regi
2:18 bug type
3:31 punching bag regi
4:03 full metal alchemist
4:32 biblically accurate angel
5:50 Brain regi
6:34 Dark, darker, yet darker
7:17 Regi Cough
7:43 Victorian regi
8:33 cambrian regi
8:54 arson regi


I would love to see a type swapping of every starter. So Bulbasaur as both Fire and Water, Charmander as both Grass and Water, and Squirtle as both Grass and Fire. But for every generation. Maybe also a Mew for every type


I also had the Regi big type being a bee hive, but mine’s “ eyes “ were the entry points of the hive, dripping out honey. It’s limbs are swarms of bees.
Quick Lore : Some Combee and a Vespiquen joined Regigigas on his travels, they grew close and became great friends. After the bee Pokémon left, Regigigas built a golem to remember them. Then Regihex was born
