What if the REGIS were DUAL-TYPED?

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What would it look like if the Regis were dual-typed?

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I was a little skeptical about this idea at first, but the way you crafted an entire story around these mons made it all the more convincing. I especially like how Regitheus seems to also take inspiration from Frankenstein, who Mary Shelley herself dubbed "the modern Prometheus"


Regipuff felt like a straight up Greek tragedy. A being that loses its brother, desperately trying to save him from corruption, only for his revenge-hungry father to come down and force him to follow his commands as well, stuck in the role to aid the brother he failed to rescue.


Regidrago’s literally just Regineuron’s hyperactive little sibling who wants their family back


Considering Zygarde is pokemon's ecosystem protector I'm curious how it'd react to the destruction Regitheus is bringing destruction to the eco system with the original three titans. Would be angered by the Humans destroying the eco system but also the one who made it.
Also Rayquaza's home being the ozone layer would certainly cause it to become angered by Regitheus and what were once the original trio of titans.


I can see how each type can also relate to the time period they once represented.
Regihollow showing the stone age with ghost type showing the fear and death that surrounded the first hunters
Regimatter showing the ice age but with the water showing not only the melting of the ice but change around the whole earth
Regiwaste representing the industrial revolution and the destructive poison made due to the invention
Regipuff's dragon fairy makes sense with the middle/dark ages as not only where dragons prominent in myth but fae as well.
Reginueron's electronic age requires smarts to invent the new tech, hence the psychic type
And Regithesis in a sense represents the beginning, the big bang even more with fire type
Really intricate sutff


Imagine if you max out friendship they transform into a new version because you helped them recover


The cool thing about Regipuff is that the old skull resembling Charizard to the new skull resembling Dragonite also shows that Regipuff, while looking soft and gentle, is a legitimate and terrifying threat...just like how Dragonite, despite being cute, had the highest attack of gen 1, and it is, to this day, a pretty potent threat.


Since Regigigas has a signature move, I think Regitheus should get the same. And tying into the whole "punishing of humanity" angle, I've got an idea that will put that into gameplay.

"Last Chance" - A fire-type status move. 1 PP. If Regitheus is attacked during the turn Last Chance is used, Rising Anger's 3 turn time limit is instantly up, causing Regitheus' stats to rise. If it's used after that time limit is up, Regitheus' stats all rise a single stage if attacked, again. However, if Regitheus is not attacked, it's rage is temporarily quelled, either resetting or restarting Rising Anger's three-turn debuff.

Oh, and if the trainer gets cheeky and tries to attack their own Regitheus with a double/triple battle partner, Regitheus will become disobedient and start attacking it's partners.


One thing I would like to change about Regidrago's backstory is instead of just being left alone by humans, I'd like to think that Regidrago actually went on a rampage when it learned of what humanity had done to its siblings, so humans imprisoned it making Regidrago even more upset and mad to the point of losing its sanity, and that's when Regitheus transformed Regidrago into Regipuff to quell its wrath by adding the peaceful fairy-type into it.


My own takes on this were my own takes on the standard "dead regis", which were named after ages that either came about from, ended in, or were marked by massive apocalyptic crises. They are

Regissance: the Renaissance, dark and poison type. It is, in effect, a congealed mountain of human and pokemon skeletons dressed in stereotypical Renaissance clothing, armed with weapons made out of bones. It would be encountered in something that resembles the Sedleč Ossuary.

Regivolution: the crisis of the third century, dark and fighting type, a twisted panoply of Roman and other such contemporary banners and standards warped into a humanoid figure that's flowing banners for skin depicts abominable parodies of all parties involved. Encountered at the point where in the real world, the borders of Poland, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic converge.

Regiraider: migration period, dark and water type. A humanoid amalgamation of various shipwrecks, with devilish wings made of sails and a tail made of ropes. Found sealed away underneath what in the real world would be the Gdansk shipyard.


The idea of making new dual type forms for old Regis based on present day's corruption is just genius


8:20 That moment when your Pissed-off dad and mind-f*cked brother turn you into something straight out of deviantart.


I love the story you came up with for each regi. Each one tying into the other, and the connecting thread to them all is Regitheus. He was the creator of the Regi, so why not use them to teach the masters of lesser Pokemon a lesson by twisting these titans they have manipulated against them? And I love the little jab at how modern media has twisted these powerful, fear-inducing creatures into something not to be feared, but loved and friendly towards.
Hopefully in a story featuring these Regis there IS a group who is against all that is happening, but their voices are too small to break the barrier the corrupted eleci has made. So to do so, they have to defeat each of the Regis from the one you first showed us all the way to the angered Regigigas. 6 bosses, 1 goal!


When you showed Regigigas and Regitheus on the same screen (10:47), I couldn't help but think of the duality between Te Fiti and Te Ka in Moana. (My younger siblings watch too much Disney...)


One of the resons why I prefer your videos over others is because you actually bring in story points that tie different elements of the pokemon together. It always just makes so much sense and as in lore perspective it's good ro


All of the other Regis were based on how the world's dying, like pollution and climate change. That being seen on Regiwaste and Regimatter. Meanwhile Regidraco just got yassified and merchandisable. Poor guy must be suffering so much😞


Request: a Meloetta of every type


All regis: Brutaly Standing.
Regieleki: H A R D B A S S


I'd love if those Regis were twice as big as the regular ones
