Shipping Container Delivery. Don't Make These Same Mistakes.

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Our first shipping container was delivered with ease. We positioned some railroad ties, had it set down and the driver pulled straight away. This second one was a different story. They have to pull straight out, and due to that and where we have trees, we knew we would have to reposition it. I don't know if it's because our driver was 4 hours late, or if we just weren't thinking, but we 1000% should have been more strategic and set out boards to use as skis.
It also didn't help that the ground was soft from recent rain, but once we got the container lifted up slightly and on some boards in the front, it was so much easier. We were pressed for time and frustrated so we didn't do a great job of filming, but hear me now. USE SKIS!
We needed these containers 12 ft apart and straight because we are going to build a covering between the 2 so we can store equipment, but more importantly, capture rainwater. We picked up some IBC totes, plan to grab 1 more and will hopefully have that project done within the next month because we plan on planting 10 apple trees.
About us: We're biological brothers who lived a large portion of our lives separate without knowing one another existed. Now we've bought land together!
#rainwaterharvesting #shippingcontainer #ournewland
It also didn't help that the ground was soft from recent rain, but once we got the container lifted up slightly and on some boards in the front, it was so much easier. We were pressed for time and frustrated so we didn't do a great job of filming, but hear me now. USE SKIS!
We needed these containers 12 ft apart and straight because we are going to build a covering between the 2 so we can store equipment, but more importantly, capture rainwater. We picked up some IBC totes, plan to grab 1 more and will hopefully have that project done within the next month because we plan on planting 10 apple trees.
About us: We're biological brothers who lived a large portion of our lives separate without knowing one another existed. Now we've bought land together!
#rainwaterharvesting #shippingcontainer #ournewland