2014 Isaac Asimov Memorial Debate: Selling Space

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Space exploration is entering a new era. Dozens of aerospace companies have emerged in recent years, all with the goal of commercializing space as never before. From serving NASA's cargo needs to sending tourists on space vacations to mining asteroids for profit, this next generation of entrepreneurs, and not NASA, may be the ones who transform space into our backyard, possibly creating the first-ever trillionaires.

Host and moderator Neil deGrasse Tyson, who is the Frederick P. Rose Director of the Hayden Planetarium, lead the 2014 Isaac Asimov Memorial Debate, Selling Space, with a panel of entrepreneurs and space historians on March .

#AsimovDebate #space #commercialization #spaceexploration #sellingspace

Panelists Include:

Wanda M. Austin, President and CEO of The Aerospace Corporation. Austin served on President Obama's Review of Human Spaceflight Plans Committee in 2009, and in 2010 she was appointed to the Defense Science Board.

Michael Gold, Director of DC Operations and Business Growth, Bigelow Aerospace. Gold is also chairman of Commercial Space Transportation Advisory Committee, Federal Aviation Administration.

John Logsdon, Professor Emeritus, Space Policy & International Affairs, George Washington University. Logsdon in a space policy analyst and historian.

Elliot Pulham, Chief Executive Officer, Space Foundation. The Space Foundation advocates for commercial, military, and government space interests.

Tom Shelley, President, Space Adventures, Ltd. Space Adventures provides opportunities for private spaceflight and space tourism.

Robert Walker, Executive Chairman, Wexler & Walker Public Policy Associates. Walker served as chairman of the House Committee on Science and Technology from 1977 to 1997.

The late Dr. Isaac Asimov, one of the most prolific and influential authors of our time, was a dear friend and supporter of the American Museum of Natural History. In his memory, the Hayden Planetarium is honored to host the annual Isaac Asimov Memorial Debate—generously endowed by relatives, friends, and admirers of Isaac Asimov and his work—bringing the finest minds in the world to the Museum each year to debate pressing questions on the frontier of scientific discovery. Proceeds from ticket sales of the Isaac Asimov Memorial Debates benefit the scientific and educational programs of the Hayden Planetarium.

2017 Isaac Asimov Memorial Debate: De-Extinction

2016 Isaac Asimov Memorial Debate: Is the Universe a Simulation?

2015 Isaac Asimov Memorial Debate: Water, Water

2014 Isaac Asimov Memorial Debate: Selling Space

2013 Isaac Asimov Memorial Debate: The Existence of Nothing

2012 Isaac Asimov Memorial Debate: Faster Than the Speed of Light

2011 Isaac Asimov Memorial Debate: The Theory of Everything

Rose Center Anniversary Isaac Asimov Debate: Is Earth Unique?

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For those who missed the Isaac Asimov Memorial Debate hosted by Neil deGrasse Tyson, watch the full recording online:


I LOVE these debates. I look forward to them every March.

It's one of my favorite things like waiting for new episodes of a show.

If only there were 2 or even 3 per year.

...or 5 or 6....


As a non scientist, I appreciate Dr. Tyson's clarifications.  As an educator, he wants to include everyone.  So I guess I am not so annoyed at the "interruptions."  At any rate, everyone interjects.


Did you hear about the entrepreneur who wants to be the first businessman to set up a restaurant on the Moon?

It's supposed to have great food...but no atmosphere!


one of those videos what you click like before it starts. 


I'm ashamed to even ponder the thought of someone owning space like this is our universe! It's sickening!


"When deep space exploration ramps up, it'll be the corporations that name everything, the IBM Stellar Sphere, the Microsoft Galaxy, Planet Starbucks."
- Fight Club


This was basically 2 hours worth of practiced sales pitches with NDT asking a bunch of softball questions. Thanks for the effort but maybe loading down your panel with 5:1 ratio of CEOs to government employees introduced just a teensy bit of bias.


yyeaah, a new debate.Thanks for providing us a friday night plan. :D


government run space programs like the mission to mars takes me, the voter, on a journey, whereas some business entity seems to claim ownership over the whole venture. i dont know, maybe im just a romantic in this regard, but i'd really like to get the governments of earth come together for a noble goal of exploration. profit motive just seems cheap to me when it comes to science and research.


I prefer the previous years talks, they were much more intellectual and interesing. This feels like more of a marketing debate.


Didn't like this one, it didn't seem to be much of a debate to me, just a bunch of big corporate guys giving each other shoulder rubs. I mean seriously complaining that they can't sell property on the moon? That's just ridiculous. In addition it wasn't very scientific either, the other debates have always opened served to broaden my appreciation of the world and different perspectives of it but this? Not at all.,


Government should regulate space, but not limit innovation.


Of the Isaac Asimov Memorial Debate Series this is amongst the best of the best. THANK YOU!


Yay! Its finally here! Couldn't catch it live, but it is surely worth the wait!


I'm astonished at the preoccupation with cost ... 
52 million dollars is not that much ...
Consider the cost of a commercial during the SuperBowl, 4 million for 30 seconds !
that means that 7 minutes of commercials will pay for 1 seat !
The money is not important but the incentive !
The national lottery reaches 400 million dollars, couldn't we simply raffle a ticket ? 


It's interesting to see people talk about corporations using space for profit being a horrible thing. In the end, whether you're a corporate owner or a waiter, in the end, it is based on one simple principle: I have this thing of value, and I will trade it for your thing of value. The "thing" can be time, ideas, energy, materials, and anything else that has value in the eyes of the parties involved. Without this fundamental transaction, most of society would simply stop functioning. It's not particularly surprising that it is being used in our continued exploration and settling of our environment.


I enjoy these a lot!. I appreciate that Dr. Tyson is really aware of when he needs to clarify some of the specialized information that not everybody would know. He also makes the panelists opinions and differences more apparent. Overall, I find these discussions very accessible and informative.


Min.46: now we're talking about the elephant in the room: SpaceX.


Not to invite Elan Musk to the discussion and instead inviting woman from the Aerospace Corporation who did not contribute anything other than some platitudes about risk is
