The Great Debate: ORIGINS OF THE FUTURE (OFFICIAL) - (Part 2/2)

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Celebrate five years of Wonder with the Origins Project at our Great Debate: Transcending Our Origins: Violence, Humanity, and the Future.

The evening was moderated by Lawrence Krauss.

The first panel, The Origins of Violence, features Steven Pinker, Richard Wrangham, Erica Chenoweth, Adrian Raine, John Mueller and Sarah Mathew discussing the development of violence from the brain to world war, followed by a Q&A.

The second panel, the Origins of the Future: From Medicine and Synthetic Biology to Machine Intelligence, featuresRichard Dawkins, Craig Venter, Kim Stanley Robinson, Esther Dyson, Eric Horvitz, George Poste and Randolph Nesse discussing the origins of the future, followed by Q&A.

Video by Black Chalk Productions.
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Thank you, ShirleyFilms (and YouTube!)  for posting these videos!  They are restoring my faith in humanity! 


i cannot wait for more debates in the origins project.
the closure speech was also very touching and optimistic about our future ahead of us. KEEP THEM COMING!


I find these workshops totally fascinating and most interesting notwithstanding my relative ignorance of science of which I hold in the deepest respect and regard. I'm delighted by the fact that my grand daughter is completing her first science degree and is living the dream I once had which circumstances did not allow. On the other hand I'm surprised if not saddened that workshops of this excellence is only able to attract 10000 + hits on youtube....0h well!


Thank you for sharing this interesting, inspiring and educational talk. You are tackling ignorance.


*Charles Darwin has only been replaced on the £10 note because it's what happens to every single historic figure on these notes after a certain period of time.* It happened to William Shakespeare, Florence Nightingale and Isaac Newton when they were on the banknotes too. The removal of Darwin doesn't imply a denigration of evolutionary theory any more than the substitution of the aforementioned figures meant a repudiation of poetry, modern healthcare and classical mechanics. Just putting that out there, in case someone throws a fit in the comments...


In lightening-I’m perplexed why there are only 30, comments


i love these 'debates', but wonder why they are called debates.


I don't like the format of this "debate". Wouldn't it be more fruitful and interesting if they actually discussed things among eachother, rather than having each one take turns to present their points individually?


..fear what we are about to re- seive..


I wish someone would ask if they ever consider non-linear dynamics, complex systems theory, complex adaptive systems, chaos theory and general systems theory. 


any1 else think that microsoft dude was way weird? i could def use some help if im just missing his drift


Kim Stanley Robinson mentioned "permaculture" in his final comment. I hope that permaculture gets more attention it deserves.


Someone needs to tell David Berlisnki the writer to watch these videos... he has some weird things to say and apparently believes about Evolution, as well as other related topics here discussed. He is the on of the last hopes for continuation of the sacred in religious terms... I like the sacred from here on earth.


Humans small mouth big stomach medium brain, We are always in a state of wanting, never satisfied forever GREEDY. WARS  NUKES, Napalm, depleted Uranium cluster bombs drone kills, this is who we are. Future I give Humanity 400 yrs until self inflicted extinction. Yes Mother Nature does not need Humans and nature will only allow abuse for few hundred yrs then nature changes to extremes shaking off the Human RACE, going no where. to no where. Science taken over by MILITARY and wars  death  killing, denial world domination agenda by USA. Future ask Iraq´s their future, ask YEMEN where is their future, Syria, Afghanistan, Sudan, Somalia, Egypt Libya, CHANTING death to AMERICA. Military owns all new technology, the tech. that kills makes the most money.Money talks ...people DIE. That is who we are.SHAME.


Lawrence doesn't talk about the future of physics.


I think it is fascinating how it is all assumptions and no real data, and they talk as if it is actually a fact. It is interesting and entertaining as watching star wars, but that is it, mostly fiction.
