Doctor Reacts: What Patients Say Under Anesthesia

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We play Vegas rules during surgery: what's said in the OR stays in the OR. What have we heard?

Loads of questions about what's said under anesthesia from my TikTok:

We talk about what embarrassing things are said under the influence of anesthesia. Spoiler alert: there are a lot!

Proposals, "I love you," anger management issues, you name it! I've seen it all in the operating room, especially before patients fall asleep.

Keep asking questions to learn more about your body! Remember, you have more control over your health than they want you to know!

This video/speech/channel DOES NOT CONSTITUTE MEDICAL ADVICE. Patients with medical concerns should contact their physician. If your concern is an emergency, immediately call 911. This information is not a recommendation for ANY THERAPY. Some substances referenced in this content may be illegal, and this content is not a recommendation for, or endorsement of, their use in any way.
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When I was getting a breast tumor removed and chemo port placed, coming out of anesthesia, I asked my nurse to sing "Soft Kitty." She didn't know the song, but the entire staff of my chemo staff, including the doctor, sung it to me on my last day of chemo! It was AWESOME!


If a puppy falls asleep in a Doctors lap, you can trust him.


That precious baby kept sleeping! You must be an awesome pet owner. So adorable!❤❤


Okay, I have had German Shepherd puppies before. Only an anesthesiologist could get a 5 month old German Shepherd to be that mellow for a 9 min video.


I'm a retired sign language interpreter. When I had my mastectomy, I was asking for my husband in sign language. I could hear someone asking if I was deaf and should they get an interpreter. I couldn't stop signing. I don't know why I did it. Then I got the giggles.


After getting an epidural during an extremely painful, rapid labor, I told my doctor that he was my new favorite person. He said "I get that a lot". I felt he was a miracle worker I went from passing out and throwing up from the pain to being pain free in 90 seconds. I am so thankful for the wonderful work anesthesiologists do.


I was feeling the effects of pre-op drugs for hernia surgery at an Army hospital (I was in the Army), but most of the staff were Navy...the last thing I remember was belting out "Anchors Aweigh" while being wheeled to the O.R. 😅


I was telling a story about my cat and then the meds kicked in and I was out. Soon as I woke up I continued the story lol the nurse said she'd never see anyone pick up where they left off


I was in recovery from my tubal ligation and I remember waking up feeling the most peaceful and Zen I'd ever felt in my life, and I LOVED it! I was thoroughly enjoying the peace and quiet In my mind (which never happens otherwise, even during meditation), so I decided to run with it and maximize my Zen while I was recovering, and since I was already in a state of calm, started meditating.

Now, when I meditate, my breathing slows way down, and I don't need to breathe as deeply or as frequently. This is normal for me, and I thought nothing of it - I was just blissfully enjoying the inner peace.

The poor recovery nurse, on the other hand, was bringing over the crash cart. She kept asking me to wake up and breathe for her, and at one point I recall replying, "Nah, not yet."

She's bringing in rapid response and I'm just chillin' and not feeling like coming back down into the loudness and brightness of reality 😂


I'm an RN. Immediately upon being wheeled into the OR and groggy from the pre-op IV med, I got up on one elbow, made a T with my hands and called my own Time Out.
"TimeOut" is the important procedure done before an operation. Each member of the room's OR team must stop to focus on the same one thing: The identification of the patient. The circulating nurse(s), the scrub nurse(s), OR Tech(s), the surgeon(s) and the anesthesiologist/nurse anesthetist must all be in agreement as to the identification of their patient.


I had rotator cuff surgery. My ortho surgeon wanted to send me home at 8 PM that night. Apparently the anesthesiologist wanted me to stay in the hospital. Fortunately, for me, my oxygen level was not coming up so they kept me overnight. It was a great thing that they did because the nerve block wore off and I was bowled up crying like a baby I hurt so badly. If I had not been in the hospital, I would’ve been taken to the emergency room and had nothing done. I enjoy your videos.


Dr. K, you have a gift for teaching as well as being a caring physician. Your humor is like "sugar helps the medicine go down." Thank you for being approachable to so many. Most of your viewers have a story to tell and you give them such sensible and appropriate feedback. Thanks for being YOU. I had a medical emergency 3 1/2 hours away from home and lost a lot of blood, very suddenly. I was able to share with the medical staff before surgery that I have "idiocentric reactions to medications, " a term I learned from my nursing books. Now I know to also say I am "dose sensitive." I was in ICU for 5 days. I do not remember recovery time or going to ICU, nor the first 2 days that I was there. I do remember thinking I needed to get out of there or they would kill me. Now that I have my mind back, I would like to ask the staff questions, to fill in the blanks of that experience. Your explanations and terminology will help me communicate more effectively. TYVM


Doctors and nurses were blown away by my tolerance to a plethora of drugs. I relayed this information to my dentist and his team. I also have ptsd (being on my back and people over me is a huge trigger) and have trained and competed in combat sports on a national level since elementary school. I brought my dad to sit in to all of my oral surgeries. The first time was quick. I told the doc that I felt the effects for up to a week. I even stopped taking the pain killers to make sure it wasn't them. I was bumping cars at the local Walmart 8 days later.
Side note, I handed out hugs to everyone after the operation.

The second operation I woke up half way through and did my best to escape. The next day I asked my father why I was covered in bruises and a gash on my inner arm. He said that I was in the spirit land lashing out at reality. So the doctor and I subdued you.
After that surgery I bought personalized Benchmark bushcrafting knives for the dentist, my father, and me at about $400 a piece with absolutely no recollection.

fun times


In 1997 I had my tonsils removed. I was 13 or so. When I was under general anesthesia…the nurse was trying to make me less nervous so she told me I went to school with her son. I asked his name and when she told me I proceeded to list all the ways he was mean to me (small school and he was in my class). I guess she went home and had a talk with him. I went back to school a couple weeks later and he looked at the floor whenever he passed me and never said anything to me again. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Love seeing your puppy so in love and relaxed with you. I have found having a cats has really helped me. Thanks so much for your helpful info on anesthesia.


I went in for surgery for ovarian cancer, which, luckily I didn’t have I had Honeycone scar tissue filled with fluids. The anesthesiologist came the next morning after surgery and told my kids I was a kick in the pants because I asked him if they got all the alien pod babies out of me. I guess I watched too many X-Files at the time!


I was woken up firmly by my nurse in recovery by being told "You need to wake up ! You are offending other patients in here!" 😮😢😂 Mortified, I started crying.


Before going out during my cholecystectomy I repeated over and over, " I love you guys. Thank ya'll so much for doing this." I also tried to have a conversation with them about the big surgical lights. My sister saw butterflies. One of my great aunts saw elephants with purple polka dots. After my husband came out of surgery he was still out of it. As the nurse was wheeling him out he saw me waiting for him. He said flirtatiously to me, " Hey, Girl, how you doin." The nurse and I laughed. She said, " At least he is saying it to you." He than insisted on eating waffles. When I got them for him he forgot he had asked for them and thought I just spontaneously decided to get him waffles. He said, " Awe, babe, thanks you didn't have to do that." I than told him, " you asked me to get them for you. He insisted to me that he was in his right mind and could even drive. I had to insist with him that he could not in fact drive that I had to.


I’ve had a ruff year of recovery from a full body accident and I haven’t laughed all year. Today is really hard. I burst out laughing at your story’s! When you said that a guy said he was going to run over you with his truck and asked you what car you drive so he could find you. Seriously, that still has me 😂very confused about that guy’s synapses but thanks doc! Are you wearing 4 go-pros? Coming out of anesthesia I asked the doctor to tell my daughter to buy me a sports car not flowers! 😂 he did! I’m so happy to have found you! Keep up the good fight! Blessings to you and your wife.


Aww, I love seeing your puppy having a great nap on your lap. 🐶💖
