Which Lightsaber Stance is BEST? - Star Wars Jedi Survivor

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Star Wars Jedi Survivor which lightsaber stance should you choose? Today I compare all the lightsaber stances in Jedi Survivor and rank them from worst to best. For more Star Wars and Star Wars Gaming, stay bombastic 🕶️

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For dual wield I highly recommend constantly attacking and parrying. I was able to get a really good flow doing that and honestly it made that style a lot easier to use


Don't forget the jump attacks with the crossguard stance. They are brutal and effectively eliminate the worry of the slower strikes.


Man Jedi survivor is a huge step up from fallen order, which is saying a lot because fallen order is one of my favorite Star wars games in a long while. The combat is incredibly diverse, the story is really well done The characters feel lively, everything is just Fanominal, I'm so excited for the next Jedi game, i can only imagine how much better it's going to get.


For the next game i really hope they have a "stance wheel" similar to a weapon wheel that way we arent restricted to 2 stances at one time. I think it would be cool to be able to go from single blade to double blade to duel all in one boss fight or something


One thing I love is every single stance ranking I seen has been completely different. That’s a sign of balance


We DESPERATELY need a game where you can choose a Lightsaber combat form, as in the 1-7 forms


I’m using duel wield and double bladed. Love the fast paced action the dual wield grants and being able to cancel out of attacks is a huge plus. Then I switch over to double bladed for when dealing with large groups of weaker enemies or if I need that auto deflection. Plus it’s cool just seeing Cal take apart and put together the lightsaber parts seamlessly in combat.


I think double bladed is by far my favourite, when you figure out the proper way to use the hold square attacks makes it feel so much better, and the constant blaster reflection is always useful.its also super useful against horses of smaller enemies being able to just spin randomly killing everything


I've been using Dual Wield and Blaster, which I feel like they've been working really well together. When I'm fighting a lot of enemies I use Dual Wield and the force, and when I'm fighting a small group I use the blaster stance to deal extra damage when I'm not next to the enemies.


I’m a cross guard / dual user. Being able to switch was so helpful against the end boss. And the animations switching between the two looked so nice.


I really like the Crossguard and Blaster stance together, I originally played with Dual wielded and Cross guard but when I really learned how to play the cross guard I felt I didn’t need another main saber stance. The cross guard is slow but when you learn how to really use it it’s really good IMO


Dual Wield is the MOST defensive AND offensive stance in the game. It's the best.

With dual wield, you have a block cancel so you can attack and parry without worry of being locked in an animation. Not only that, but for unblockable attacks you can get REALLY good at blocking and then quickly jumping or dodging out of the way. Block for the animation cancel, jump or dodge for avoiding the attack. I got really good with this and trivialized every fight. I could attack at high speeds, parry everything, and then perfect dodge just in time to avoid every red attack. I rarely got hit.


I am enjoying the cross guard and duel combo. Use duel to build up force, activate slow, cross the largest enemy


I’m actually quite impressed with the stances - usually in games I hate this type of thing, there’s an obvious best stance and the rest are just for fun, but in this there’s actual pros and cons to each.


Fun fact about the way Cal dual-wields: his secondary saber blade is shorter than his primary one, as the secondary blade is what's called a Shoto saber. A lot of dual-wielding saber users have a Shoto saber as their secondary weapon (most notably Ahsoka Tano, and Luke Skywalker in the old post-RotJ comics).


I really like the saber moveset with the blaster stance. It kind of feels like you are a fencer with quick stabs and thrusts. The Blaster itself is abit wonky but it's also quite cool to parry with it and blow enemies back aswell as the quickdraw move.


I really liked blaster stance. It's great to get a quick stab in after a perfect dodge, and the charged shot is really helpful to interrupt attacks, especially for a certain amphibian boss.


I've been using the Crossguard and Dual Wield stance, it's a fantastic combination to get that extra range and defense when dual wield doesn't hold up.


My favorite is the double-bladed haha. It mows down ranged enemies and I love the running attack where he slides on the ground while spinning and the forward spinning lunge.


I actually love the cross guard… I had that and the dual wield the whole time I played the story. It was so powerful I loved it. I’d switch styles depending on the situation, but I found myself wanting to pack more of a punch quite often so the two blades would unite and become the cross guard then I could slam it through the enemies… so cool! Love watching the enemies get cut in half or some limbs flying off. Awesome game!
