The LAST Jubilee 2027-2028 -- Prophetic Mystery for the Return of Jesus

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We are approaching the 120th Year of Jubilee since the Creation of the world. Six Thousand Years of man living on the Earth and we are about to enter into a one thousand year reign of Jesus Christ on the Earth when He returns.

What are the three prophetic mysteries hidden in the Year of Jubilee?

Why is this the LAST Jubilee?

What is the oldest teaching of the early church about the return of Christ?

How could we be over halfway through the Tribulation and fire and brimstone haven't fallen from the sky and world is not in total chaos?

Do you know for sure that this is it?

For all of that and more, I hope you check out the whole video. :)

Intro [ 0:00 - 2:15 ]

What is the Year of Jubilee? [ 2:15 - 4:05 ]

Some Say the Jubilee is 49 years not 50 [ 4:05 - 5:52 ]

The Jubilees Were Not Kept [ 5:52 - 7:03 ]

Three End Times Mysteries in the Jubilee [ 7:03 - 10:59 ]

The Final Jubilee [ 10:59 - 14:57 ]

Two Jubilee Years Hidden in Scripture [ 14:57 - 17:43 ]

All the Jubilees Line Up! [ 17:43 - 20:03 ]

6000 Years for Man's Rule [ 20:03 - 26:17 ]

After Two Days and Two Thousand Years [ 26:17 - 27:50 ]

What About Messiah 2030? [ 27:50 - 29:12 ]

Charting Confirming Timelines [ 29:12 - 29:12 ]

More on the Abomination of Desolation [ 29:12 - 34:56 ]

When Does the Millennium Start? [ 34:56 - 40:00]

Tribulation Timeline [ 40:00 - 41:06 ]

The Next Shemitah Year [ 41:06 - 41:57 ]

Remaining Questions [ 41:57 - 45:32 ]
-- When will the deaths from the 4 horsemen be complete?
-- When will the Rapture happen?
-- Where are the Two Witnesses?

The Day and the Hour are Unknown [ 45:32 - 47:50 ]
-- So how can we be certain?

Wrap Up & Final Thoughts [ 47:50 - 48:23 ]

May we be found ready when He comes (Luke 12:38).

You can learn more about all of this and a lot more by reading my book:

Witnessing the End: Daniel's Seventy Sevens and the Final Decree Everyone Missed.

AND DON'T FORGET TO CHECK OUT THE OTHER VIDEOS ON MY CHANNEL, like "The Decree Everyone Missed," and, "Did We Miss the Abomination of Desolation?"

Blessings in Jesus name!
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Blessings to you Christian, from a sister in Christ living in Italy. I am 76 now and when I was 21 my grandmother said to me in church one morning at a Bible study that she wouldn't live to see Christ return but there was a good chance that I would. I never forgot that. Over the decades I have tried to understand the Book of Revelation but was given the insight that it was still sealed from understanding until the end times. Also when I was in my 40s I was given a spiritual gift from the Holy Spirit of healing and discernment of spirits. I was in ministry for a few years, but since then, the Lord has only used me with certain people He had selected for healing or deliverance. About 20 years ago, I asked God to tell me if He was ever going to use me again in ministry and He clearly revealed to me these words, " Now is not your time, it will be during the end times tribulation". So dear brother, I have to say that your work in discerning these times based on scripture has been nothing short of a miracle for me. Your books and videos are enlightening in the truest sense of the word. I have more hope now that I will be used of God in the difficult months and years ahead, and I'm excited beyond measure that I may actually live to see Christ return. May we all be ready for His glorious appearing. Titus 2:13


I just love your delight in sharing your Bible searching! Your face lights up as you put the breadcrumbs in good order that you've seen! Thank you for your encouragement - to look up AND to keep searching out His Word. 👊🏻


With so many telling much about the times we're in, there are very, very few who are speaking the truth !!! Thankful you are one of the very, very few !!! God bless you even more !


Well done once again. Thank you for sharing your insights, wisdom, and perspective with us all. Glory to God, our lord and savior Jesus Christ #Respect #Love #Gratitude 🙏❤️✝️👑


Well, I'm just a simple person with little interlect. I do feel blessed to see these lessons though and I grasp onto it like straws.
I think my role is to carry on watching, , tell people about Jesus and buy extra beans in my quest to get!! Truly mind blowing stuff! 💞✝️


Christian, you went over some points about the abomination of desolation that really made more sense than the first time I heard you say it. Praise God!

Please keep the videos coming.


I like your approach. You really do have the POV of an engineer. I also appreciate your humility... It feels like you truly are just a watchful Christian dude who's reporting some interesting and thoughtful observations, then leaving everything else to The Lord. You seem to earnestly be interested in getting your brethren ready, just in case. That's a good message for all of us at any time.
If your guesses are wrong, I still think Jesus will likely call you a "good and faithful servant." Stay grounded in scripture and humbled in your faith, and I will look forward to more of your thoughts.


Thank you for your good work. Your sister from the Netherlands. We all feel that something incredible is about to happen. We need to stay very close to our Father and our big Brother Christ. Amen🙏🏼


Thank you brother for your work and encouragement. I appreciate how careful and thoughtful you are in reading scripture, especially eschatological prophecy. Too many pastors work off of what other men have said developing doctrine not founded on scripture in context. I also appreciate the humility you presented your studies in. Maranatha!


HE'S COMING BACK, Soon!! The Greatest man in history, had no servants, yet they called him Master. Had no degree, yet they called him Teacher. Had no medicines, yet they called him Healer. He had no army, yet kings feared Him. He won no military battles, yet He conquered the world. He committed no crime, yet they crucified Him. He was buried in a tomb, yet He lives today and Is Alive forever more. His name is Yeshua HaMashiach.
BO Yeshua BO!!

The enemy has been twisting scriptures for too long. It's time to set the captives free from the lies of Mainstream "Christianity"!!
Sherri D.


Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and wisdom with us. I do believe Jesus is calling and preparing His people. My mother died on April 29th, 2001. I have not thought much about her for years. This year, however, I could not stop thinking of her around her birthday on February 22nd. I was awakened in my sleep one night around this time. I felt a presence, and when I opened my eyes, there was a signet, like a king's seal from a ring, in the ceiling above me. My profile picture is what that signet looked like. The Lord made sure that picture crossed my path the very next day, only in color: the lion of Judah with the face of Jesus wearing a crown embedded in His side. I was very happy, but that wasn't the end of it. My mother's birth and death day. I was prompted to count the days between them in 2001: 66 days, and she was 66 when she died. I was also told that the significance was how it was when she died. It was a beautiful spring day when death came, and it will be the same when sudden destruction falls upon us out of the blue. I heard "3.5 years, Sharon, " this is from the time of her birthday in 2024, 2/22, which ends on 8/1/2027. I also thought recently that I will be 63 years old in 2027, and adding 3.5 years to that brings me to 66 years of age. I don't understand it all. I've had many dreams from the Lord over the years, but this was a spiritual vision, not a dream. I've also thought about how the Jews missed the time of their Messiah because they thought they had it all figured out. We need to take care not to do the same. One thing I know, we need to prepare, because that diverse kingdom is here, growing stronger by the day. The revealing of the wheat and tares is happening right before our eyes, and I do believe our King is returning soon.


Shalom from Australia 🇦🇺 Thankyou and may the most high Elohim YHWH continue to bless you & your ministry through our Messiah YESHUA 🤗 ❤️ 🙏🏻 🍷 🍞 🎶


I was born again in March of 1978. If Christian's timeline is accurate it will be my 49th anniversary of being saved. I can identify with Christian's interest in finding the answers because, like him, I have always felt special meaning with numbers and dates (not numerology, just the significance of numbers). For instance, I was born in 1952 and when my dear sister-in-law helped me see that just because I attended church did not make me a Christian. I was in my early 20's at the time. I told her I would live like I wanted until I was about 52 (seemed like an age I would be too old to be wild or adventuresome) and then I'd become a Christian. After reading "Late, Great Plant Earth in March of 1978 I gave my life to Christ and accepted his free gift of salvation. I had just turned 26 the month before. In January of 2005 my husband of 33.3 years died. I was 52! It hit me like a ton of bricks when I realized that and I thanked God for changing my heart 26 years sooner than I had intended.😊


Christian, you put so much work into your videos. Thank you for sharing your insights with us.


Fascinating! I really enjoyed your book. Stay encouraged and feeding the sheep!!😊


Some of the Rabbis and sages think that God’s judgment comes in stages.
The Great Flood was preceded by four successive generations of prophets that warned of the coming cataclysmic judgment: Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech, and finally Noach. It is fascinating to understand that Adam himself was alive when Noach’s grandfather Methuselah was born, so the original message of teshuvah (repentance) was an echo that came from Eden itself; moreover, consider that Abraham personally knew of Noah (Abraham was 58 years old when Noah died), and undoubtedly Noach’s son Shem told him of his grandfather Lamech, who had seen and spoken with Adam who was directly created by God himself. Later, Abraham's son Isaac also came to know Shem, Noah's firstborn son, and the legacy of the "gospel of the garden" was thereby passed on.
The first stage was the abandonment of the inherent dignity of others as people created in the image and likeness of God. This negation of the divine characteristics of people led to sexual promiscuity that became rampant upon the earth: “The sons of God saw the daughters of man that they were fair, and they took for themselves wives, whomsoever they chose” (one midrash claims that "dor ha'mabul, " the generation of the flood, would regularly exchange marital partners). God then gave mankind 120 years to repent from his sexual corruption or be faced with apocalyptic destruction (Gen. 6:3). Despite Noah’s 120 year public building project and the preaching of his grandfather Methuselah, God’s patience finally ran out (1 Pet. 3:20). God then “saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually” (Gen. 6:5). Mankind refused to repent and turn to God....
There is a tragic progression at work here. The practice of “casual” acts of lawlessness eventually led to the acceptance and practice of sexual promiscuity. This, in turn, resulted in the loss of mankind’s sanctity (kedushah), since this comes from man’s ability to subordinate his instinctual/emotional desires to his intellectual/spiritual life. Genuine sanctity refuses to exploit others as means to an end. Disregarding this truth cheapens and impairs the sense of self, causing disintegration of the spiritual life. As humanity became more and more fractured and stupefied, God’s “like for like” judgment resulted in “giving them over” (paradidomi) to the lusts of their hearts (Rom. 1:26). (In our culture of unbridled pornographic expression and sexual immorality, we mirror such an antediluvian world view. Indeed, it is a mark of our age to be enamored with “degrading passions, ” with gender confusion and regularly practiced idolatry (i.e., fornication, adultery, homosexual relationships, and so on)). The final verdict of this practiced "chamas" (lawlessness) was the bestowal of a “depraved mind” (αδοκιμον νουν), a condition of being unable to reason properly at all. Since truth is essentially grounded in a sense of value, and value is a function of conscience, a depraved mind is literally insane from a spiritual perspective... People who are devoid of conscience are unable to reason along the lines of ethical truth at all. This promoted a cultural collusion to suppress the truth, to silence the truth-tellers, to kill the prophets, and to gag advocates for justice. Lawlessness suppresses the inward voice of right and wrong within the human heart and therefore it suppresses those who call for justice and righteousness in the surrounded culture as well.


I love these videos. It is diligent research...always watch them immediately 😊


There's a research paper that claims there's a "geological record" of the earthquake just after Christ died. It also says there was another record of an earthquake on the day he rose again. It's a secular record that confirms the Bible.


Wow. So much to take in. I have a small contribution to use as a benchmark of the Lord’s timing. It’s part of a longer story of an interaction I had with Jesus in 2013. He came to me as an energy and told me “you have 1-3 years left with Jim”. Jim was my husband. I knew that He meant death. Jim passed away 3years 2 months later. How the 2 extra months fit in, I don’t know.


Jesus First coming wasn't to seek vengeance on evil doers but to offer everyone forgiveness and salvation by His atoning sacrifice on the cross
