GREEN HYDROGEN electrolysers - tell me what you want to know!

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Ok I am trying something new today: YouTube #shorts (portrait format video is pretty strange if you ask me, but I am keeping an open mind) AND I want to get you guys involved in my upcoming video where I will be visiting an electrolyser manufacturer, Green Hydrogen Systems and speaking with an expert there to ask all my questions about electrolysers, green hydrogen and the challenges and opportunities we'll face if we try to massively scale up the amount of green hydrogen produced.

There is so much talk about green hydrogen these days – using the process of electrolysis to make hydrogen out of renewable energy. But currently only 4% of the world's hydrogen is made from electrolysis. In the future we expect to increase the range of applications for hydrogen far beyond what it's currently used for, so electrolysers are going to need to not only increase their share of today's hydrogen production pie, but to grow rapidly to be a larger slice of the much bigger pie we expect in the future.

So we will need a lot of growth in the electrolyser industry and costs will need to come way down. Can we make enough electrolysers and can they make hydrogen cheap enough for green hydrogen to play a major part in our energy future?

Electrolysis as a process has been around for hundreds of years. Is it feasible that there's enough scope left to make the improvements needed? On the other hand, I have been around long enough to see the wind and solar industries continue to beat even the most optimistic growth and cost projections, year after year after year. So I don't think we can rule out the possibility.

So what do you want me to ask Green Hydrogen Systems? Are there aspects of electrolyser technology you want to know more about? I want to make sure I cover all the important questions while I'm there so I need your input!
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Hi Rosie,
À few questions :
Would it make sense to power these electrolysers intermittently to help stabilize the network with increasing renewable sources ?
How does the cost of such electrolysers split between input ?
What are the materials used at the electrodes ? Would their supply become a problem in the long term ?
Thank you for the good work, keep going !


I'd be interested to know how much of the cost of a system is the electrolyser, and how much is the ancillaries for storage/compression?

What is the size of the market for green hydrogen where it is currently cost competitive, if any? Are we waiting for equipment to get cheaper or for there to be more use cases where it is the only option?

What are some of the most unusual potential uses of green hydrogen in the future?

Just a few thoughts, looking forward to the video!


What are the economics really like? Buy over sized electrolizers to use peek solar and wind power, but run them intermittently and mostly below rated out put. What are the options for medium term H2 storage? What is the energy efficiency of production, storage and retrieval???


Questions you say? What is their maximum capacity output? What are they doing with the Oxygen by product? What catalyst are they using in the electrolysis process? What percent of catalysts concentration are they using? How are they storing the created hydrogen? Do they convert the hydrogen down to liquid form? Do they currently use any of the produced hydrogen for their own power needs? What percent effiency do they estimate their catalysts is achieving? Do they used distilled water in their process before they start? Do they have any future ideas or technologies that can improve their process over time that they are researching? Are they sharing any surplus hydrogen production to the international market? What do they estimate their costs to be for production, how cheap would a single liter of hydrogen be to the retail consumer? What metals are they using for their anode and cathode?


Scalability and storage, plus efficiency of conversion to ammonia.
Major wind farms are being planned near me, and are relying on hydrogen/ammonia production.


I'm curious about Japan and green hydrogen. They currently import well over 90% of their energy, and they seem to be planning to decarbonize by importing green hydrogen instead of fossil fuels. They're apparently already developing their hydrogen supply lines from Australia, and I imagine this must have an effect on the business case for generating and using hydrogen globally. Maybe hydrogen cars will make sense in energy importers like Japan, but not in (potential) exporters the US and Australia?


Howzit! VERY curious about three ideas- 1) have they tried structured water? If so, what method(s) were used to structure it, & what degree of improvement, if any, was achieved; 2) was any light used to energize the water before electrolyzing, and if so, which wavelengths? 3) was any resonant HF/VHF used?
Thanks a bunch! ';-Dave


I would be very interested in making green hydrogen after I finish my ms accounting. Any pricing info you can get would be MOST appreciated!


My concern is safety as there have been some explosions recently according to one source (The Electric Viking Channel).

Otherwise I think Green Hydrogen is a great idea . . . (given improvements in cost relative to other storage systems).


How flexible is their plant in being able to use mostly excess power from wind and solar that would otherwise be curtailed ?


Great topic. First question... does the electrolysis tech "care" if the energy coming in is green or not? Can this tech work if the energy supply is not stable? Are there advancements in this field in terms of efficacy? Super!!


How about coastal based BIG nuclear plants doing both electrolysis and desalinization. I'm involved with aviation; I hope we can move to hydrogen for transportation so that we can keep mobility for everyone along with taking care of the environment.


There was talk some time ago about metal hydrides to store hydrogen safely, what are the options currently for storage even seasonal storage?.

Hydrogen production is directly proportional to current, and power = volts x amps, so the aim is to keep the voltages as low as possible but above the threshold voltage, any improvements to reduce voltage and keep production feasible


Because the wobbe factor of hydrogen is reversed, how much additional energy is required to chill it down to fuel vehicles?
Theoretically 39Kwhrs is required to electrolyse 1 Kg of Hyrdrogen. @100% efficiency. What is the real world efficiency, without "we will be able to improve efficiency in 10 years time"?
What do they intend to do with the excess Oxygen waste produced? How do they intend to transport the produced Hydrogen, given the embrittlement and cracking of medium to high tensile steel by both hydrogen and aqueous ammonia?
What capacity are the electrolysers?
Given the propensity of sneaky hydrogen to escape from its containment, how close to residential areas should the storage be?
In the residential setting, what sulphur free stenching agents will be used, given that existing stenching agents poison fuel cells?
Thanks Rosie


What will be done with all the oxygen produced?


how do they avoid poisoning the catalyst with non-water components of the input?


Made hydrogen by electrolysis and you got lot of heat. Use it to warm you town or city and this is more green.


How do the electrolysers keep their containers from contaminants even introducing sodium particles to improve the reaction?


Is it possible to store hydrogen as amonia, and if so how does that work?
It's probably outside the scope of the video, but I am curious about hydrogenstorage. Heard about it in the context of tankerships, but I dont remember where.


I have a question if possible please answer. About how much does it cost to hydrogen productions company?
