Root Solo Playthrough vs Electric Eyrie from Clockwork Expansion Using Latest Rules Updates

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In this video I play the Electric Eyrie again from the new Clockwork Expansion as the Marquise De Cat. This time, I'm using (and explaining) the revised version of the EE rules that can be found here:

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Great video! I was playing all wrong, doing each card in the column as a single action, I couldn't win!

I think at 41:00 it would've moved from 11 to 6 cause it has no roost (and if it destroyed the enemy piece it could build there). "No roost" doesn't mean "with empty building spaces".


29:48 They would have only lost 2 points (2 bird cards including visors). The other cards are bunny and fox. No point lost. Then they gain those points back. 53:41 You would keep one of your cats. The roost doesn't deal damage. The birds only had 2 warriors. 1:05:51 & 1:12:40 Again, they only loose points for bird cards.
I'm sure you tired of me nitpicking and I'm sorry. I do love your content. Thank you for doing this.


Thank you, these are helping me figure out how the bots work and super entertaining!


Thanks for this video!!!! It helped me a lot!


Isn’t there a mistake at 51:10? Shouldn’t it be the other mouse clearing which must be attacked since it doesn’t have a roost?


I had a couple rules questions because I make a lot of mistakes in this game. At the end would the erie have moved from 4 to 9 and given up rule in 4? Also can they remove the final building? I thought that building had to stay on the board.


51:10 shouldn’t it be the other mouse clearing since it doesn’t have a roost?


@27:05, would it not be legal for the eyrie to move up from 6 to 1? There are four birds and three cats, you could move one bird up and leave three at 6 - because of Lord of the Forest, eyrie rules the clearing if it's equal in strength to the cats, so you don't need four there. At that point, birds could have made a roost perhaps and avoided turmoil.

Am I right? Going through my own game now and I worry that I read the rules wrong


@13:02 battle in clearing with highest priority with no roost....wouldn't that have been 12?
