Root | Solo Playthrough | With Mike

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A plucky band of forest dwellers take on mighty mechanical feline and avian empires, all while avoiding the predations of a robotic wolf. Oh my!
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0:00 - Introduction
0:59 - Overview
3:11 - Round 1 (with rule basics)
17:06 - Rest of the Playthrough
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0:00 - Introduction
0:59 - Overview
3:11 - Round 1 (with rule basics)
17:06 - Rest of the Playthrough


Awesome, I've been learning the bots these last days and loving this game more and more.


This board game seems cute and friendly but its gameplay is a whole bloody armed conflict...


41:52 Too many chiefs, not enough Indians


I just bought this expansion last night and I'll be honest I was so lost trying to learn it, I know I had to do about 100 things wrong, turns out I was right... I did about 100 things wrong. It was also like the third time I've played the game at all so I even got basic rules wrong! I like the style and such of the game but I struggle massively with reading this game's rulebook, I feel like it's worded in ways that mess with my problematic ADHD brain, so videos like this are sometimes the only way I can actually learn the rules of games so I thank you for that.

I will say the thing that CONSTANTLY trips me up is the fact that the higher priority is the lower number and vice versa, they could have just... not done that. I get it, sort of, 1 is the "Number 1" Priority, but it's just a weird wording that constantly tripped me up. There is also some weird wording in the rule books like 'Such as..." and I don't know why they couldn't be more clear. It's a fun game, but not the easiest to understand the initial rules x.x

My first game last night was me as the Alliance vs. The Birds in a 2 player game and I VASTLY misunderstood how the birds worked haha. I thought for every card in their decree (Like the normal birds) They took that action. So with three Fox cards I thought they moved, 3 times. So by turn 2... they had warriors all over the board and I couldn't do a single thing for most of the game so I suspected something was up. I also thought that killing warriors gained points so the game actually ended on turn 5 which I thought was odd.

ANYWAY. Thank you for this video, I now have a much deeper understanding of how not only the woodland alliance works, but how the Clockwork players work, this will absolutely help with my next playthrough tonight.


Thanks for the playthrough, I only got to play solo so far and this confirms that I have been doing things mostly correct, which is not always clear when nobody else read the rules. Going to try the alliance next.
Minor point: marquise is pronounced /mɑːrˈkiːz/, with an audible 'z' at the end, like in the English 'has'


10:17 You mean right most revealed spot.


Great play through! Are bots supposed to get VP’s when removing enemy pieces? I ask because it seems like both Marquis and Eyrie would have gotten and extra point in the first turn.


hello thanks for your videos. We see you from Puerto Rico. I would like to know if at some point it is possible that the decree to the bird will be broken. We have played many games and we couldn't beat him 🤣🤣😂🤣🤣 🗡️🗡️🗡️🗡️🐦🐦🐦


Thanks Mike
Are you sure you start with you cards in your hand for woodland alliance?
In the setup i see only 3 supporters


You mentionned that the rules were Ehhh... for a few of the factions. Do you know if the currently printed version of the game have the updated rules or do they need to be printed aside?


Great video Mike. How it feels the solo mechanics? It looks very predictible the "AI" movements. It is fun? Very complicated to me.


I believe you play the Electric Eyree incorrectly. The daylight phase is resolved column by column (each recruit, move, battle). The difference is they are re-recruiting units, that are lost during previous battles.
