DMT Laser Simulation Tutorial: Unlocking the Mysteries with Dan Go Thoughts

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Our website, which includes everything you need to run the experiment -

Special thanks to Stephano Gutierrez Manrique for the demonstration. Check out his website, TikTok, YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram accounts for more fascinating content:

Stephano Gutierrez Manrique

Join us as we dive into the fascinating world of DMT research, unveiling mysteries and exploring the Laser Code. Don't miss out on the latest updates by following the hashtags: #LaserCode #DMTResearch #MysteryRevealed #podcast #dmtodf #ResearchUpdate #lasersimulation #simulationtheory #dangothoughts
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Dan can you make a detailed guide on the steps we can take to reproduce the experience ourselves? Ie, type of laser, dose of the activator, other key points on set and setting, etc.

The is significant and should be shared to others to improve the sample size of testers.


I am currently sharing your overall message to as many ppl as possible. Yes Ive been thru the halls.... but i havent tried this experiment, but we are talking about it and sharing it.


this is a trip.. I do the magic eye technique when my eyes are closed before I go to sleep and if my pineal is active I start seeing crazy "movie" clips of all sorts, in 3D and sometimes color - I need to get my some lasers!!!


-What happens if you widen it more and more? Does the effect disappear?
-What dose are you using?
-Does it work only when you’re seeing the laser light in real life, or have you tried looking at a video of the laser?
If it does work, how about a still frame?
- if it works with recorded imagery, do you see the same things everytime time or is it different with every trip? Note down every major thing you experience and see if it happens exactly the same each playback. If something jumps out as a major change can you immediately rewind it and see it again?


Seen the code every time on mdma.
But only on faces when the person is speaking.
The guy I was looking at knew what I was seeing before I told him.
And he didn't put the idea in my head, he simply said "has it changed? Look again."

I saw the glyphs change to 3*3 boxes with each sub-section containing tracking lines that moved constantly like the old Nokia snake game.

I replied _"it has changed! I see boxes w.."_ I was about to describe what was inside but he cut me off "yes, the snake boxes."

He not only knew what I was seeing without being told, he had wilfully changed what I saw on his face using only his will.

I was completely stunned. I'm the only other one in the room who could see it. The others thought we were lying "ecstasy doesn't make you see stuff."

This discovery doesn't surprise me at all and I wish I still had some spice left.


This needs to be liked, shared, subscribed, commented on because this has the potential to be 'the biggest breakthrough' our species has ever accomplished! And I truly want it to be. Come on people help the man out, lets show everyone the power of the people thru YT!! 👌🏻💯


It might be the same phenomenon as me and my friends consumed some shrooms in front of the waterfall at a fixed time of noon around 1pm to 2pm when one of my friends looked at the waterfall through a glass pitcher with clear water he said he's seeing something and when we check if he was tripping we saw it.. numbers and characters we've never seen before running up the stream.. it was beautiful


Isn’t this just standard physics of lasers and coherent light?
I’m a neuroscientist at a university studying consciousness and interested to chat with you if you’d like.
Thank you


FYI if you take a syringe of water and shine a laser through a drop of water suspended hanging from the tip of the syringe then it acts as a projection microscope.


I saw glowing alien hieroglyphs inside a toilet seat while on DMT. I think toilet seats might be some kind of portal to different dimensions. I just need to figure out how to activate them.


Have you written these down and do other participants see same number sequences?


If you look at something metal or actually anything once you know what to look for, it's almost like you can see the "pixels" of what makes up everything. This is different from visual snow.
What I'm talking about has permanence and stays in vision as you move.


I was on shrooms one time and I could see the air in the room form a grid pattern and the grid had code on its lines but it was blurry and I couldn’t focus on it at all. I literally felt like I was in a video game like Tron. It’s the only time it ever happened and I often wonder if the simulation glitched at that exact moment which is why I could see it. I really have no idea but it was wild. Blessings 🙏🏻

Edit: Also, that grid seemed to be the secret to space and time like I could use it to walk through walls or time travel and move into other dimensions. I can’t put it into words and I know I sound nuts haha but I felt like I was given a secret key to this physical reality. But of course I lost the damn key and have been looking for it ever since! 😂


Programmable material it's going to be the next step that's currently being worked on


this is so interesting. any budget options for the laser?


Seen similar symbols while sun and moon gazing, it may have to do with the nature of light itself, good stuff here, try green lasers, keep it up.


Can participants on DMT still read the laser if it has been filmed or photographed beforehand. Can the effect only be perceived from a live laser?


Once when I mixed acid with some longer lasting nbome ive got - experience a Little bit simillar to this. In the moment of walking thru the door I ve got open look into the void space between the rooms but only when I was looking thru the jamb. The Wierdest was that the all the rooms which from the inside were cubic - in this void space they were spheres. Sphere to sphere touching to each other like room ro room are connected via door. It was one of the most psychedelic experience ever in my life 😊


Do these numbers constantly move? Is it going to be possible to isolate an area and test if the numbers seen are the same for each participant?


How much do you smoke? I assume you don't want to do the 3 toke breakthrough dose?
