How I SAVED My ALOCASIAS From ROOT ROT | 4 Month Update | Alocasias in Passive Hydro

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G'day, guys! In today's video, I give you a 4 month update on three Alocasias that had gotten root rot and how I brought them back from the dead and now have them thriving. They include my Stingray Alocasia, my Alocasia micholitziana / frydek, and my Alocasia scalprum 'Samar Lance'.

The long and the short of it is that I moved my Alocasias that had suffered root rot into passive hydro (semi hydro) using Leca and they've since grown back all their roots and pushed out a lot of new growth! So, I definitely think passive hydroponics is a great way to grow Alocasias and save them from the brink of death if you're having a hard time with them and the one leaf club.

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I'm so sorry I didn't hear a word you said... It was all about the fluff behind you 😂


I’ve transferred almost all my alocasias to hydro/leca and they are all thriving so much better. I was so nervous at first but it’s looking good. Thank you for showing us how the corms, I was wondering about them too. Look forward to further updates 😁🪴


Had to watch half of this like twice, Peaches totally stole the show! She's freakin adorable 💛 Thanks for all the good content, I binged most of your videos last month, I'm really enjoying them 🥰 Maybe it's time for me to try some semi-hydro soon too, just need to figure out what kind of nutrients and stuff to get, it's a whole jungle out there! No GT to be found here 😂


I actually just repotted two stingray corms into pon (from leca) with a layer of leca on the bottom with no drainage. They were rooted and now theyve both sprouted. Semi hydro is wonderful for alocasia.


Good tip about rooting corms in the prop box.
Awesome cat!


The Alocasia scalprum is in my wishlist


I put all my alocasia in LECA too, most my plants are in a chunky soil free mix. I have props in LECA too, but that’s it. I take any corms out, peel the brown and then pot up in Perlite


I would try to get the leaf upright so it can continue it's growth. They are looking good, love using Leca and Pon mine are all doing great in those substrates. My Jacklyn came in soil but only had one yellow leaf, I keep most of the substrate on it but transferred to a mixture of Leca, Pon and a chunky mix. Now has 1 med size leaf, 1 huge new leaf and working on another. This is my favorite Alocasia, but I am looking to get a Scalprum when east coast weather warms. Love your videos🤗


I just bought a stingray! Excited to watch it grow. Would love to see a video on how you feed in different mediums I think that would be really informative!


I keep all my alocasia in leca .. it’s the one plant that I cannot keep in soil for S … glad you said that about the corms as I have a prop box with about 15 or so in there atm they are just shooting now.. I was worried about removing them as not done them in loss before


My favorite Alocasia is a Scalprum too 🙌🙌

I love propping these in moss and yup, no annoying moss root stickiness. Great tip.

I free babies in LECA by dislodging LECA that’s in their way.

Another great video.


Hi Pete. So nice to see a stingray, no one seems to show them for some reason. I really like the scalprum, but appear to be quite expensive here. The new addition to the family is very distracting when your showing plants, love it! 😂


Love me some jewel alocasia! My honey put an Etsy gift card in my stocking so now my Jacklyn, Cuprea and Azlanii are en route.
I always get starts, so haven’t dug for any corms yet. Working on getting past the 3 and 5 leaf club. Several are throwing pups though, so taking it as a good sign.
Glad to see leca did well for you. I’m happy with my soil mix still, but will try it if I have any struggles.
Have not heard success stories with Pon. Not sure why leca works but not Pon not so much. Like to follow your progress if you try.


Had to watch the video twice. Some parts even trice cause I couldn’t follow it at all! Thanks to Peaches! 😻
I still don’t have any Alocasia! Shocking! 😂 and it might be a slippery slope if I do get one! I prefer growing in semi hydro and this video and all the comments are really convincing me to try Alocasia! Frydek probably would be the first one I would like to have a go at. I think it’s an absolutely stunning plant. To be honest, they all are!
Great video as always! Thanks!


Oh wow! An Alocasia Stingray. Nice! None of my usual plantubers show that one.


LECA does help resist overwatering problems for small, weak plants in lower temps, so it's popular among beginners who are really struggling with these plants, but once you figure out the one key secret to Aloscasia (heat, heat heat!), you'll find that semi hydro will generally keep your plants smaller than pro soils, and you will likely never have the big huge many-leaf display. Get em warm, especially the night low minimums, and they will thrive in any soil and be able to get all the nutrients they want to support lots of leaves at once


Love this idea will try with a couple of my alocasias…can’t take my eyes off your feisty calico. What’s her name? Nice video!


Well - I was watching that cat lol. Not the plants. I am new to Alocasia - not planning to get lots of them but - defently the 3 or 4 that I really like. Right now I have Alocasia Rugosa (Melo). It is doing well right now - but It got some yellow spots . What is the reason for that?


Sorry Pete, could you start again? I was watching your gorgeous cat and didnt notice you there.


Great vid Pete, alocasia are a beautiful pain in the butt but if you can get them to a reasonable size, they’re a breeze.. my baby Melo is causing me grief atm but I’ve just popped 3 corms in the prop box for backup just in case ☠️ … Peaches is so funny, I love watching her
