Worst Bug Infested Houses

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There was a hoarder house in my town that got infested with bedbugs, roaches, and probably a multitude of other bugs so badly that the city and fire department actually did do a controlled burn to get rid of it.


I have been a pest control tech for over 20 years. First, the “German” cockroach infestation at the beginning of this video CAN be avoided. This type of infestation is due solely to uncleanliness and filth in someone’s home. German cockroaches are mainly looking for a food source, whereas other outdoor roaches such as, American, Smokey Brown and Brown Banded cockroaches are generally looking for a water source. This is why you see these big roaches outside under moist areas like straw beds and moist soil. Ants, no mater how large the infestation, can be controlled and eliminated, you just need to terminate the source which is the colony and that can take time and several applications of insecticide. Termites are generally silent destroyers until noticed due to home damage. Bed Bugs can be extremely difficult to eradicate fully and they are probably one of the main insects that I hate the most. Stink bugs can be guided elsewhere and should be handled gently to avoid the secretion. One thing that isn’t pointed out in this video is the fact that lady bugs are a protected species and if caught killing them it can result in major fines. We don’t kill lady bugs at all. It’s the same as bats, it is a $10, 000 fine PER bat if you harm them. Law was passed in 1972 to protect them. You can relocate them from someone’s home, but never kill them. Yellow jackets are very annoying and their stings are very painful. Thankfully, I’ve never seen a nest like this one. Honey bees can cause a serious sting as well and it swells pretty bad if not treated. Carpenter bees don’t generally sting, they just eat wood but they can be controlled rather easily. Mosquitos are everywhere here in the south, just use repellent. Most of these insects can be controlled rather easily, you just have to know what chemical is best for what pest and then find the source, eliminate it, and continue preventative maintenance.


As a pest control technician I've run into both roach and bedbug infestations worse then the first two on this list.
The worst bedbug one I've ever seen had bedbug carcases 2 inches deep along the baseboards and carpet of the home. The mattresses and linens were soaked in bedbug frass and blood. It was.... Unpleasant. Lol


I have dealt with 3 bedbug infections. 2 in my mom's house. My bf at the time and I were gonna move in together. So we threw our clothes in the washer and dryer on high heat and place them in bags that you can use a vacuum to shrink them. As an extra precaution we left those bags in the car for 4 days when we got to our new place since it was summer. By some miracle the bed bugs didn't come with us. When we found out the place we moved to was in foreclosure we had to move again. When we moved into the new apartment we found out the whole apartment complex had bedbugs. When my bf and I broke up I stayed in the apartment. When I met someone and it got serious I moved again and did the same wash and drying clothes with the bags vacuuming down and leaving them in the car for a week in the heat before bringing the clothes in to the new apartment and again by some miracle the bed bugs didn't come with me into the new place and thankfully this place had no bedbug infestation prior too moving in and is still bedbug free. Sadly I lost over 95% of my things cause of these bugs. I had to get new clothes and new things it was frustrating and expensive but it was worth it


I don’t have to worry about any infestation, my dad is extremely experienced in infestations, mainly termites. He used to be an inspector at Terminix but is now a sales man. Gotta be grateful for him he studied for YEARS! My dads awesome.


Can we agree his voice is always so soothing lol!


Bedbugs aren't a matter of cleanliness. You can have the cleanest house and still end up with bedbugs. There are decently cleaned hotels that you wouldn't think would have bedbugs. Bedbugs actually are infestations is er infestations from people who would bring in things that they feel are useful. There's a reason why you have to cut into mattresses before you throw them out. Cut into old couches. Make them unusable.


When I was a child growing up in So CA, cockroaches seemed to be a common thing. One time my mom decided to get the house fumigated before we moved so we didn’t “take them with us”. When we came home afterwards, we had to sweep up dead roaches by the dustpan full. It was so gross.


Unfortunately, that ant infestation happened to my room at my lowest point of depression. Very very humiliating, glad I no longer have that issue!


This is why lizards and spiders are your best friends


Anyone else suddenly feel some bugs crawling around on their back


I once had a bedbug infestation after coming back from a beautiful vacation in Florida. Me and my family were greeted with hundreds of bedbugs. Trust me, that sucked. The house is and has been bedbug free ever since the bedbugs were exterminated. There was one that even crawled Inside my moms ear and bit her there as well. Luckily we got an exterminator to get rid of the bedbugs. I also had to sleep on the couch because my bedroom was not safe for me to sleep in during the infestation. I really hope that they don't EVER come back again.


This is why I love winter and snow. It means no bugs! Well... for the most part. I've never even heard of snow-fleas before.


We had a bad bug infestation for months. It took forever to get rid of them and we still get freaked out whenever someone wakes up with a bite on their leg


I once had a marmot get into the crawl space and get trapped in the ducts. About a week after we removed it, hundreds and hundreds of flies started coming out of the crawl space and into the house. It was like a miniature plague of flies. It was hard to even prepare food without flies getting into it.
Take it from me, if you suspect some animal has taken a dump in your crawl space, clean it out immediately or you may find yourself in a similar situation.


In rural areas ladybugs are actually bred and dropped by planes because they get rid of bugs that will eat trees and crops and farmland. I lived in southern Virginia for a year and about once a week in the summer planes (crop dusters) would fly overhead and you could see them dropping baskets of lady bugs, it was like rain.


The one and only time my house had bedbugs, apparently the exterminator was extremely impressed. The moment one was found, we put EVERYTHING that we possibly could, into garbage bags (we had 87 garbage bags of clothes, stuffed animals, pillows, etc.; anything that would fit) and the item that we found the one on, was my daughter's wicker laundry basket, which we promptly put into a garbage bag and took outside. In the chilly rain, we saw a bunch emerge... we just tied that bag up and said bye to that laundry basket.

I called the exterminator that afternoon told them all of the things we did and they sent someone out a few days later. The exterminator checked and treated every room, every bed, couch, chair, baseboard, and closet. However, he stated that he only found evidence in ONE room, which was my daughter's bedroom... where we found the one in her laundry basket. He also commented that there was very little evidence of them, even in her room... which means, we found them VERY quickly. Any time any of my kids go somewhere to stay the night [with a few exceptions], they know that they're required to come home, go to the bathroom, strip and put their clothes in a bag, take a shower, and do their laundry immediately... we have a basement bathroom next to our laundry room.

That might be paranoid, but I never want to deal with that ever again! I was lucky the first time. It only cost me $350 and I have a [including the basement, because he treated that too] 1900+ square foot home. Spray AND HEAT TREAT is necessary. Heat will kill them every time.


Raid? Try giving corn meal to ants. It will swell up in their little bellies and it kills them. They'll also take grains of the corn meal to their nests where others will also eat it.


The first story is a rare example where arson would be legally considered a public service.


coming from someone who once lived in a home infested with bed bugs, they are notoriously hard to get rid of because of how resilient they are. It took 7 treatments over the course of 9 months to finally be free of them. Always be wary of bringing in any second hand furniture into your home and inspect thoroughly if you don't have the option to buy it brand new.
