How to play audio through your mic (VB-Cable)

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A video showing people how to play audio through their microphones so they could share it with others. Allowing them to share sound clips in their remote learning class, Zoom / Skype / Google Hangout Conferences, or during live streaming events.

Step 2 extract do not leave files in download they may get deleted
Step 3 left click VBCABLE_Setup_x64 and run as administrator
Step 4 restart computer
Step 5 left click speaker icon on the taskbar and click sounds
Step 6 click Playback tab find the device you would normally use for your sounds left click then click Set as Default Communication Device
Step 7 click Recording tab find CABLE Output left click then click Properties
Step 8 click Listen tab click check box to Listen to this device click dropdown and set to your device you would normally listen with click apply then click ok
Step 9 Find your microphone you use and left click then click Properties
Step 10 click Listen tab click check box to Listen to this device click dropdown and set to CABLE Input (VB-Audio Virtual Cable) click Apply then click ok

0:00 Intro
0:32 Download VB-Cable
0:58 Extract Files
1:18 Run as Administrator
1:38 Warning
2:15 Set Headset as Default Communication Device
3:02 Recording tab Listen to Device x2
3:41 Get Mic to come through
4:31 Troubleshooting Echo/loop
5:55 Change app sound in windows
7:53 Others can't hear your sounds
8:40 Problem with browser applications
9:55 Sound adjust on its own
13:09 Share, Like, Subscribe

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SOLUTION TO YOUR ECHO : was Fing around with it for 2 hours. Go to playback devices, your main output device, porperties, levels, on "sidetone" click on sound icon to mute it. DONE !
Thumbs up to help others.


You're amazing! Thank you for this. I was confused for over a year. I had almost given up. 🙌🏿💜

I have my mic hooked up set to listen to the cable input and everything my mic hears loops back to my headset?? I can hear every tiny sound from me clicking to typing at least on the desktop? Could I just unplug my mic and people would still be able to listen to the audio? Or is that to be expected?


For those who can still hear yourself, you can mute the headset as it is show as an app in the 'volume mixer' setttings


When I do all the steps my mic always echoes no matter what i do, can anyone please help me??


You are a genius, you solved my problem, thank you


My issue: When I use OBS to stream my Virtual Camera (This is for movie nights in the discord) it doesnt pick up ANY sound from OBS. I was told (after googling) to use VB-Cable and change my microphone output to VB-Cable. I was like "Oh, okay cool i've done this before" however when doing so, the movie's audio is distorted or only picking up one track of the audio such as dialogue but no music. This is extremely frustrating. Every video I watch just assumes everything is going to work fine. Can you please make a very detailed video on streaming to discord via OBS and getting the full Audio to work?


I use my laptop speaker but when i set it as communication device and the VB Input as default device, i cannot hear anything. Does anyone know how to fix this?


is there anyway to do this if im using a DAC? i cant set it to default communications device


for some reason i can hear myself. its very annoying and i dont like it


Does anyone know if this works on roblox voice chat? I've been trying to find out because some people say it works and others don't.


Wow. Cool! Solve my issue with old soundcard mic and some apps on PC. Thank you!


I'm not sure why, but it seems like the sound gradually drops until it's heavily muffled.

It begins perfectly fine, but then it begins to drop and drop in quality, until it's barely audible.


Thank you for this one actually got it working for me


Thank you good sir! Now I can get my lights to sync to the music 🔥


Great, , thanks for this tuto it saved me !!


so it takes the audio from the virtual speaker and makes it so that the microphone is outputting the sound from the virtual speaker?


okay, so i did the step in 3:41 where you make your microphone listen to the input, (i don't have headphones by the way, ) and after i clicked apply it loops my microphone input. can you help?


your echo solutions are completely useless. disliked


How do I fix it to where I can hear myself?
