Gravitas Plus: 3 in 4 people in India’s jails are under-trials

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44 million pending cases, 300,000+ undertrials, endless dates, elusive justice. At this rate, it will take 300+ years to resolve all cases. In the age of insta, why are India’s courts moving at a snail’s pace? Who’s responsible? How can this be fixed? Listen in to Palki Sharma Upadhyay.

#GravitasPlus #India #Jails

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Please present more and more such cases. Our judges are not ashamed of dismal performance of the judiciary.


Very good topic Palaki.

This is something which is even more dangerous and more important than corruption


Justice is the luxury only rich can buy.
And therefore there is no justice. Just depends who has more money, reach or laws they can misuse.


This is quality journalism. great thing that you are highlighting this. Please do a report on our Police System also which is still trapped in British era mentality.


Great topic. Sadly currently, a lot of Central and State budget is allotted for freebies to win elections (amounting more than 30 billion USD annually). Hopefully in future when people would demand better judicial system than freebies, these funds can be better utilized to fix such issues.


Its the faliure of our judiciary which is why Indians dont follow law with small offenses


My father filed a case on our property dispute when I was 10 or 11 years old.
He passed away and now I m fighting the case. I m 39 now.
Indian judiciary is a JOKE.


Now This is unbiased media.Positives as well as negatives.Great going ahead


Advocates are not allow to close the cases that is the huge problem for long jam. Money money money.


Indian courts do a great service to Indian economy. No judge is tried for àny crime. A nice system. Judges are corrupt by their own admission. Nepotism is rampant. By delaying justice, they ensure income to courts and court officials. Economy improves due to litigants travelling from Kanya Kumari to Delhi. Sedition cases are never tried. Criminals get all facilities. They are not accountable to anyone. No one can take any action against them for any crime. No country has seen such a clean court where no one was punished even for crimes. List is endless.


It's seriously tragic that 70% of prisoners are under trials. Which means they are still innocent as per law and still undergoing jail term .
Judicial reforms are a must for our country. This should be undertaken on priority basis.


This is a very serious problem which needs to be resolved very soon.


Interesting story. Curious to know if India's Constitution includes the right to a speedy trial. In the US, the Constitution's VI Amendment guarantees us this, but we, too, have thousands of people languishing in jail without a trial. Inmates are involuntary slaves, forced to do all sorts of corporate manufacturing and public jobs, such as firefighting, for pennies not he dollar. I wonder if India does the same with its prison population. It's not in the interest of politicians, whose corporate donors get free labor, to fix the system, except for the "elite." Look at how fast Trump's cases are moving through the courts. America also has private prisons, contractors who make fortunes and don't provide any basic civil needs. The more prisons the better. A tragic, recent example is a Black woman from Texas, convicted to six years in prison after recent release, because she'd been told that she could vote in 2020 and did. It's not a grave crime to make a mistake. Sad to say, but if she were white, a slap on the wrist wold've been more than sufficient to please the state. Truth is, prison means profit.


Judges should be made accountable for not delivering the judgment.


Judges must be held accountable and punished for deliberate denial of justice. They're ruining the lives of millions.


A profound presentation. I have been hearing about this for decades and am deeply saddened that millions have their lives destroyed by the delay in the years they would be honing skills and establishing careers as well as starting families.


Such a great topic to discuss. One of the core issues to be addressed in our country is the police and judiciary reforms - no Govt. wants it as the existing system works in its favor. I wish more and more discussion on this topic is needed to force the Govts. (both central and states) to do something about it.

A similar analysis is surely due for the police reforms as well - 1861 penal code for police even today, designed to favour the govt. in power designed after the first independence struggle. A lot of problems will automatically get resolved once we have a very functional police and judiciary system that works for the public in a true sense!


One of the major factor you ignored - incompetence. Judges efficiency in India is much less than developed nations.


For some reason it seems that all the cases which are taken up by celebrity and famous lawyers get their hearing dates very easily while common man doesn’t even get a date of hearing..On top of that there is a cabal of lawyers and law firms who keeps filing PILs on virtually every matter and eats up the precious time of judiciary..Also Mi lords of supreme courts gets a nice 1.5 months of summer vacation, 3 days on holi, 6 days of vacation on Dussera and Diwali, around 12 days of year end holidays .All these holidays are on top of 20 odd Govt holidays..I am sure lower courts are not exception to these holidays..And then each CJI will lament on the backlogs..


It's shameful that the backlog will take 324 years. If other countries can move cases faster so why can't we? Just because it is summer or winter holiday for courts the crimes don't stop so separate shift of judges and court workers should be appointed to keep the Courts running so more cases can be solved, appointment of more judges and court workers can be beneficial for this.
