Impatience on Nibiru, the Anunnaki WILL return #enki #anunnaki #sumerianorigins #history

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They hid them, but then went back for them years later to use against Marduk at Babylon. I guess they didn't want Alalu to have any way to blast his way back through the hammered bracelet on his way back. Turns out, he didn't go back anyway, was banished from returning to Nibiru until Anu lifted the ban (didn't happen). Instead, Anu got his balls bitten off and swallowed during their second naked duel. Alalu was then escorted to Lahmu (Mars) to live out his remaining days in agony and die there. The pilot, being of Alalu's bloodline, volunteered in an act of heroism, bravery, and loyalty, offering to fly Alalu to Mars, and wait out his death, overseeing him. Then he and his crew built a monument memorializing Alalu (face on Mars), and a 5 sided pyramid pentagon. Abgal, best pilot in the fleet said he would stay there until he died, but when more of them came back to Lahmu, a couple of key players revived him as he lay nearly dead on the ground. Alalu was a nefarious character, but he did reign the 9 previous shars on Nibiru, and bravely made it to Earth, finding the gold, all on his own. Alalu - he did more good than bad, may he rest in peace.
By the way, the poisonous ball eating/semen swallowing story carried over to the Horus and Set story, where one of them eats the semen of the other during a fight, or sometimes the story is he was tricked into eating it after one of them ejaculated on some lettuce. Rewritten/rebranded story? I don't remember anything like that in the Old Testament, but who knows what's in all those apocryphal books..? I've not read them all, and they're not the easiest reading in the world either.


Sky Chamber? Like a flying saucer? #ufo