EXACTLY How to Buy a Violin

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Hi everyone,

Thank you for watching this video!

If any of you need help along your musical path, I'd LOVE to work with you! Please connect and reach out if you feel inspired. :)

1. Patreon is a resource for those of you who want more lesson related videos. There are 4 Tiers: Community, The Tea Cups, Virtual Studio Circle Tea Party and Take The Cake Group Classes

2. My Website with ALL the info about connecting for lessons, offerings and studio info

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4. Amazon Store with ALL my fav Violin and Viola stuff and non music stuff (beauty stuff, books, fabulous things)

I'd highly recommend you give David Michie Violins a call. They are located in the heart of Philadelphia next to the Curtis Insitute of Music. I send all of my students here becuase they have always kindly and professionally provided the highest quality instruments and service for everyone at any level.

Set up a Zoom meeting to hear some instruments, it's free! :)

I would be happy to be of assistance if needed!

Warm Regards,
Amber Reed
Рекомендации по теме

I must change my first viola for a better one soon. This is so useful. Thank you.


Very efficient, the top two were responsive, clear and warm, one was darker than the other


Always remember that you should ensure that the instrument fits first; I have been learning for 4 years and new tutor has advised that a full size was too big . Even the two shops that sold me full size did not advise that it was physically impossible for me to use correctly


I was not at all surprised by the first cut down to five instruments. The “American 1920” jumped out at me just like it did to you, and I knew it would make the final cut. The “French 1927” was more subtle; it grew on me by the end, but I don’t know that it would have made my top two. I didn’t pick up on the problem with the sound post, but I definitely heard the difference after it was corrected. It is gratifying to me that my ears are still good at age 52! Thank you for making this video. What a tremendous resource you are to your student in helping him or her choose like that!


😎Well, it took a while
for you to get there, but
I think you picked out a couple of good ones..
I preferred the French violin’s warmth and laid-back sound for my own personal use, but the more aggressive sounding violin was very cool too, especially for soloists.
My “problem” with the whole upgrade process is that the violin family is a side interest, so I couldn’t see myself dropping 7k or 8K (add bow) on a violin, viola, or cello. I have inexpensive student violin and viola, and as much as I’d like to have a higher quality versions of each,
I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to justify that, but it is an interesting and exciting thought. Upgrading strings and bows, combined with the care of a reputable violin shop, has been carrying me thus far; and luckily for me, I don’t find their tone to be all that offensive, but I do know that a significant upgrade would be beneficial in the long term if I keep at it...🥳👨🏻


I enjoyed this so much. I am like you, very sensitive to every nuance, and need lots of time to evaluate between many choices. You could make this video an hour long and I wouldn't mind. Never feel like you're boring us! I personally LOVE instrument shopping with you. Thing is, I'm shopping for a viola! But this was fun. :)


The E-String sounds soooo different...
I like the 2nd violin you tried. It´s so clear, loud and has a warm sound. and the colour is beautiful too.


no need to test higher position notes on each strings??
I think it is more crucial than these


You are like a big kid in a candy store, but hey what a lovely way to spend an afternoon. Hope you found a good one in the end, but it does take a couple or more weeks to get used to a new instrument. Hope you had a lovely Easter xx


… a nice Trip in the beautiful violin and bow world! Smart presentation! Merci!


Very worthwhile to see and hear. I was lucky enough to be working in Shanghai for a few weeks and tried out a number of potential instruments. One was exceptionally responsive and wanted to produce music for me with ease without being at all expensive. I also bought a very unique semi-acoustic electric violin and a very fine sounding viola using a similar procedure. But it was later with the strings I selected and great sounding bows when they really came to life :) Violin and Viola are 5th and 6th instrument types for me. Steve


Amazing video I can see the process how to choose violin live, pick up one by one put again and put the shoulder rest to several candidate and finaly only gold and silver medal who will win😊🎉


For meee? By Wednesday? 😁 aww thank you, you're so sweet 😆


wow!!! ❤❤❤ a very detailed vid on a VERY important aspect!!! thank you!!!!


I liked the 3 or 4th from left. I also liked the one you liked.


I quickly liked the French one from early on in the video. Her 2nd favourite.


the violin number is better but no one is italia violin, , , I think most of them Slovakia and Germany


What were the other instruments & their prices? Also, why pick a bow first? I thought you had to match the bow to the instrument. I've had bows that were great with one instrument but terrible with another.


Lol the intro is so christmasy…and it’s only September!


Fun video. Are these new violins or used? Typically i've always bought a used violin because they've been played in and have an open sound whereas new ones you have to play a lot to get the gist of how it will sound. With a new violin I typically tell the students I work with if they get a brand new violin to wait a few months before buying a new bow so they can see how it opens up.

To answer your question my favorite strings are Vision Titanium Solo and Larsen II Cannone. For my cello I use Thomastik Superflexible for my viola I use pirastro obligato or tonica
