When to BUY a Stock Exactly in 2021

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Well guys today I thought about making a video that will get as little views as possible, so I decided to do a follow up to a video i posted a few days ago on when to sell a stock exactly. So today I will talk to you about when to buy a stock exactly. I will explain to you when to buy and why its so important to buy at the right time. The stock market is tricky and it's hard to judge when to buy a stock.
So I hope you enjoy this video where I go in-depth on when to buy a stock exactly. I hope you enjoy this value packed video! Smash that like button! And also leave me a comment with your opinion on this video! Also let me know if there is a stock to buy now or a stock to watch now.
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How we grew from $0-$1.39M+ in 3 years in a brand new stock account
*My Instagram is : FinancialEducationJeremy
Financial Education
This is a Jeremy Lefebvre Production
Created by Jeremy Lefebvre
LMK if you know any stocks to buy now or stocks to watch!