Absurdism: Life is Meaningless

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“Most people die at 25, but
Aren’t buried until 75.”

- Ben Franklin


*”Do not fear having no friends. Fear having bad friends”* ~My life taught lesson


Ive always wanted to be a spectator. Like how in games, when you die, you go into spectator mode. You don't exist, but you still get to watch and move around wherever you want. Its also like reading a book, you're a spectator to the characters inside. Just tagging along by their side without having to exist and experience the problems. Anyway, I think that's what turned into a real bad habit of daydreaming too often. And now Im too lost in my head and made my life miserable. I need something to nail me down to reality


The only channel's videos I look forward to nowadays. These videos are always so thought provoking


The most freeing philosophy of all. As a truly great man once put, "I don't want to just peer into the abyss, I want to maintain uncomfortable eye contact with it." Knowing that in the end, nothing really matters, we can stop dwelling on the past or worrying on the future, and just enjoy the moment we are in. Whatever that moment may be.


Life is like a video game. The ending is fixed and it can't be changed no matter what you do. You can either enjoy it or rush through levels or just quit whenever you want.


I'm of the opinion that a lot of people know that life is meaningless, but never actually admit to believing this. Trust me, I was at a house party back in 2009 and I made the colossal blunder of telling all these drunk people that life is meaningless and that nothing they did mattered. Needless to say, this started a huge argument and I was called every name in the book.


"One must imagine Sisyphus happy" gave me serious chills really astounding video essay 🔥...


“Life has no meaning. Each of us has meaning and we bring it to life. It is a waste to be asking the question when you are the answer.”
― Joseph Campbell


It's crazy that we get to watch these videos for free. Thank you for all the hard work you do into producing these wonderful, well edited and well written art ❤


"The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion." - Albert Camus

I love this line. It resonated with me very well, especially I consider myself a "rebel" of society and life.


The emotive language used to discuss these mind boggling topics is amazing. Thank you for creating these detailed videos for those who wish to expand their knowledge and increase their optimism.


It's comforting to stumble across a video that legitimises the feelings I've been having for several years now. Knowing I'm not alone in feeling this way does ease my anxious thoughts. All my conclusions to the absurdities of life point towards living more consciously and presently, but I do struggle with that. There's so many distractions, possibilities, and options in the modern world that it's hard to find the correct path. I end up not choosing at all which of course is a choice in itself and it has made me miserable. This passage especially strikes a chord with me - "...the only problem of existence wasn't its lack of meaning, but rather it's absolutely terrifying level of freedom."


Absurdism is a silly name for the smartest way to think about life.


I started thinking like this since I became 25 and it's all I think about now when I talk to ppl about it they feel uncomfortable and think I'm crazy


I wrote a paper on this in college. I came to the same conclusion he did. Life doesn’t have to have meaning to be enjoyable it is enjoyable simply because you exist. Despite having no meaning you make your own meaning and therefore it becomes more enjoyable. You are the creator of your own universe.


Considerd myself a nihilist but after watching I feel absurdism fits way better


Life is meaningless, that is why you find your own meaning in the meaningless, it doesn't matter if others see it as pointless, because you make it your point to do what you want. We are all biofuel for the universe, and that is magical indeed!


"I have come to believe that the whole world is an engima, a harmless enigma that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had an underlying truth."

-Umberto Eco, Foucault's Pendulum
